Using WebGPU to accelerate ML workloads in the browser

Matt Angelosanto - Jan 4 - - Dev Community

Written by Muhammed Ali

As a web developer, you may come across a task that requires you to utilize the local GPU to improve application performance. WebGPU is a cutting-edge technology that promises to transform how we process machine learning workloads in the browser.

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the remarkable fusion of WebGPU and machine learning, discovering how this potent combination accelerates ML workloads right within the confines of your browser. We'll delve into the mechanics of WebGPU, understand its implications for GPU computing, and unlock the potential of running machine learning models directly within web applications.

The evolution of web graphics and machine learning

In the past, graphics and machine learning tasks were largely separate domains.

Graphics rendering was primarily handled by the GPU, and machine learning was executed on traditional CPUs. As web applications and user expectations evolved, there emerged a need for more seamless integration of graphics and machine learning to deliver richer and more interactive web experiences.

Users wanted web applications that could not only display visually stunning graphics, but also perform complex tasks, such as real-time image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and recommendation systems. This required a shift towards leveraging the immense parallel processing power of GPUs.

GPU's role in accelerating training and inference operations

The machine learning workflow consists of two main steps:

  1. Training: This is the process of teaching an ML model by feeding it a labeled dataset and adjusting its internal parameters (weights and biases) to minimize the prediction errors
  2. Inference: Once a machine learning model is trained, it can make predictions on new, unseen data

GPUs play a crucial role in accelerating the training and inference operations, particularly neural networks. Here's how GPUs contribute to faster and more efficient machine learning:

  1. Parallelism: GPUs can simultaneously perform matrix multiplications and other mathematical operations involved in training and inference, greatly speeding up these processes
  2. Performance: GPUs enable high-throughput operations, making it suitable for the data-intensive nature of model training
  3. Model deployment: GPUs can be used for on-device inference in mobile and edge devices, allowing for real-time, low-latency predictions

How WebGPU enables efficient GPU utilization

WebGPU is a new standard that addresses the need to harness the capabilities of modern GPUs in web development. It provides an API for utilizing the GPU in a web-friendly manner. WebGPU is designed to work seamlessly with both graphics rendering and machine learning tasks, bridging the gap between these traditionally separate domains.

WebGPU enables efficient GPU utilization for graphics by allowing developers to create and manage graphics pipelines, rendering commands, and shaders directly in JavaScript or other web programming languages. This results in smoother animations, more realistic 3D graphics, and better overall user experiences.

WebGPU is not just limited to graphics tasks; it also enables web developers to utilize the power of GPUs for machine learning. With WebGPU, developers can leverage the GPU's parallel processing capabilities to accelerate neural network computations.

Use cases for WebGPU-accelerated ML

WebGPU opens up exciting possibilities for web-based AI applications. Here are some real-world use cases where the combination of WebGPU and ML can shine:

  • Real-time object detection: Imagine a web app that can perform real-time object detection directly in your browser. WebGPU's performance boost enables smoother and faster object tracking, making it suitable for applications like augmented reality and video conferencing
  • Natural language processing: Web-based chatbots and language translation services can benefit from WebGPU acceleration. Complex NLP models can run more efficiently, enabling quicker responses and improved user interactions
  • Interactive data visualization: Data visualization tools that rely on ML for insights can provide a smoother and more responsive user experience. WebGPU helps render large datasets and complex visualizations with ease
  • Gaming and multimedia: WebGPU is not limited to ML tasks and can be used for graphics-intensive web applications like games and multimedia editors as well. Combining ML and GPU acceleration can lead to more immersive experiences

Implementation walkthrough: Accelerating ML with WebGPU

Before diving into the implementation, it's crucial to ensure that you are using a browser that supports WebGPU. At the time of writing, Google Chrome Dev and Firefox were among the browsers with experimental support for WebGPU.

I have used Google Chrome Dev in this tutorial, so you start it up and enable WebGPU with the following command:

google-chrome-unstable --enable-unsafe-webgpu --enable-features=Vulkan,UseSkiaRenderer
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Building the project

In this section, we will use WebGPU to load an image classification model using TensorFlow.js to predict what a particular image displays. To do this, create an HTML file and paste in the following code:

<canvas id="webgpu-canvas" width="224" height="224"></canvas>
<!-- Load TensorFlow.js. This is required to use MobileNet. -->
<script src=""> </script>
<!-- Load the MobileNet model. -->
<script src=""> </script>
<!-- Replace this with your image. Make sure CORS settings allow reading the image! -->
<img id="img" src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></img>
<div id="result">Predicted:</div>
<!-- HTML -->
<!-- Place your code in the script tag below. You can also use an external .js file -->
  // Define an async function to use await
 async function init() {

    // Check for WebGPU support
    if (navigator.gpu) {
      try {
        const canvas = document.getElementById('webgpu-canvas');
        const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu');
        const device = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
        // const gpu = await device.requestGpu();

        // The rest of your code for model loading and inference
        const img = document.getElementById('img');
        // Load the model.
        const model = await mobilenet.load();
        // Classify the image.
        const predictions = await model.classify(img);
        console.log('Predictions: ');
        // Display the result
        document.getElementById('result').innerText = `Predicted: ${predictions[0].className}`;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('WebGPU initialization error:', error);
    } else {
      console.error('WebGPU is not supported in this environment.');

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The code above demonstrates how to use WebGPU for machine learning inference using a pretrained MobileNet model from TensorFlow.js. It consists of several key components: HTML elements, <script> tags for importing libraries, and JavaScript for initializing WebGPU, loading a model, and making predictions.

The HTML portion begins by defining a canvas element with an id of webgpu-canvas and specific width and height attributes. This canvas will be used for rendering output. The code also includes a placeholder image (with CORS settings allowing image reading) and a div with an id of result to display the prediction outcome.

The <script> tags in the HTML document load the necessary libraries. First, it loads TensorFlow.js using a CDN link; then, it loads the MobileNet model from TensorFlow.js. The model is pretrained for image classification tasks.

The JavaScript code starts by defining an asynchronous function called init. This function is used for initialization and further code execution. It checks for WebGPU support using navigator.gpu. If WebGPU is supported, it proceeds to initialize WebGPU by getting the canvas context, requesting a GPU adapter, and loading the MobileNet model.

After loading the model, it classifies the provided image (referenced by its ID img). The classification result is logged to the console, and the predicted class label is displayed in a div as the result.

When you open the file on the browser, you will see the prediction: An Image of a Tabby Cat, which the Model Correctly Classified


In conclusion, the combination of WebGPU and machine learning represents a powerful advancement in the field of web development. As machine learning continues to evolve, the need for faster and more efficient ways to process ML workloads within web applications becomes essential.

WebGPU addresses some of the limitations of previous web-based GPU technologies by providing developers with low-level control over GPU resources and improved performance through parallel processing, platform independence, and enhanced security. These attributes make WebGPU an ideal candidate for accelerating ML workloads in web applications.

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