Curated Tools For Accessibility Testing Of Websites

Subhamsaxena - Aug 22 '22 - - Dev Community

Accessibility testing means to make sure that your website is user-friendly for the users with disabilities like hearing, color blindness, old age and other disadvantaged groups. It is a subset of usability testing. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) defines and lays out the strategy for preliminary and conformance reviews of websites for accessibility testing. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) consists of a list of software tools. These tools help with conformance evaluations.

A lot of online tools are also available these days to performing streamlined accessibility testing of websites. Here, we have compiled a list of such tools for you –

1. DYNO Mapper

DYNO Mapper is a tool that is used to check the accessibility of various websites and applications. You may test the accessibility of any public website or online application using DYNO Mapper. The platform has a feature called ‘visualize’ that lets its users view the accessibility tests live in a browser. Apart from that, it evaluates HTML content of the website and creates a sitemap for URL. It generates efficient online reports which are saved for easy access by shared sub-users.

2. Bureau Of Internet Accessibility

With the passage of time, it has become essential for all the mobile and desktop applications to be compliant with the accessibility standards. However, it can be difficult to understand the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines and other complex standards. The Bureau of Internet Accessibility (BoIA) has been set up with an aim to make the web as accessible as possible. The platform generates extensive outputs and has been helping the business houses resolve their accessibility testing issues since long. It has an easy to understand interface and makes sure that the web and mobile accessibility efforts are meaningful and successful for the user.

3. Automated Accessibility Testing Tool

No longer do you need to develop, test, and use a separate accessibility test suite for your website. Make use of Automated Accessibility Testing Tool by PayPal to put together accessibility testing into the testing regime that you already have been using and save a lot of time. The tool is renowned for testing web applications regarding conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 with ease and accuracy. You may even configure test server configurations inside the firewall, and test individual pages using this platform.

4. CKEditor 4 Accessibility Checker

Use CKEditor 4 accessibility checker to inspect the accessibility of your created content. The tool helps you resolve any issues at once and ensures compliance with the latest WCAG 2.0 and Section 5.08 requirements. It makes your content accessible in real time and is a real lifesaver. The accessibility checker is a whole new feature launched by CKEditor. The latest version 1.0 was released on May 19, 2016. The tool has an incredibly simple user interface and ensures the accessibility of the content without any complications. This award-winning platform has been getting excellent reviews from users all over the world.

5. Cynthia Says

Cynthia Says is a portal offered through HiSoftware and assists its users in identifying the web accessibility compliance errors in their website or web portal. Using the platform, the users can test their individual pages on their website. The tool will provide them with feedback in an easily understandable format. It was launched with an aim to inform the community on what constitutes accessible web design and accessible content.

6. Tenon

Tenon is yet another renowned web accessibility testing tool. The tool is quite famous for being flexible, rigorous and accurate. The program makes use of API, and will easily get integrated into your already existing toolset. It creates reports of evaluation results. Apart from that, it automatically checks single web pages, groups of web pages or websites. Password protected or restricted pages also fall under its domain. The format of the reports generated can be HTML, XML, CSV, and JSON.

7. SortSite

Federal agencies, Fortune 100 Corporations and a lot of independent consultancies use this one-click website testing tool called SortSite. The tool may be used as a desktop application for Window and Mac environments but is also available as a web application. The tool checks your web page for accessibility, compatibility, privacy, usability and search engine optimization. The tool is offered through PowerMapper and presents reports of evaluation results. It makes use of inside and outside firewalls, including intranets and development sites for functioning.

8. Axe

Axe is a secure and popular tool for accessibility testing of websites. It is rather a well-developed library of open source rules for accessibility testing. It was developed with an aim of allowing the developers to perform automated accessibility testing easily. You may add it as an extension to your browser and get started instantly. It will point out the piece of code that causes the issue and proposes a solution for it as well.

Click here for Safari browser test on Desktop and Mobile Browsers for Cross Browser Compatibility. Test on real Mac machines running real Safari browser online.

9. AInspector Sidebar

AInspector Sidebar is a Firefox extension. It is a well-known tool for performing the accessibility testing of websites. This decent web accessibility evaluation tool makes sure that your website conforms to the accessibility standards based on WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA requirements and other web accessibility standards (e.g. WAI-ARIA 1.0).

Click here for Safari simulators on Desktop and Mobile Browsers for Cross Browser Compatibility. Test on real Mac machines running real Safari browser online.

10. AChecker

AChecker is an open source tool used for the evaluation of the accessibility of various websites. It evaluates single HTML pages for ensuring their conformity with the accessibility standards set and helps you ensure that your content can be accessed by everyone. The tool has been designed by Inclusive Design Research Center and is a popular platform for accessibility testing. Simply enter the URL of the website that you want to test or upload an HTML file to get the results. It will generate an accessibility report for you in a format that you want.

Apart from that, an important point to note here is that accessibility has a deeper meaning. Apart from making sure that your web application is suitable for use by people with disabilities, the factor is an indicator of how accessible your website is for different users. For instance, in case different users accessing your website using different platforms or operating systems can operate it flawlessly, your website stands well on the accessibility front. A lot of online tools like LambdaTest are available today that help you test your website for cross-browser accessibility. Tools like LamdaTest make sure that your website is accessible to each and every section of users.

Click here to test on safari emulator for windows.

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LambdaTest has come up with an index of 100+ free online tools for developers and testers. From HTML, XML, and JSON formatters to robust data generators, and hash calculators. LambdaTest’s free online tools are built to help engineering teams accelerate and be more productive with their daily activities.

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  • XML Prettify

Data Format

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Security Tools

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  • Ripe MD 160 Hash Calculator

  • Ripe MD 256 Hash Calculator

  • Ripe MD 320 Hash Calculator

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  • MD5 Hash Calculator

  • SHA1 Hash Calculator

  • SHA256 Hash Calculator

  • SHA384 Hash Calculator

  • SHA512 Hash Calculator


  • Find and Replace String

  • HTML Escape

  • HTML Unescape

  • Difference Checker

  • Shuffle Letters

  • Shuffle Text Lines

  • Sorting List

  • Split Your String

  • Text Lowercase

  • Text Uppercase

  • Text Repeater

  • Text Rotator

  • Character Count

  • Word Count

  • Lines Count

  • Sentence Count

  • URL Parse

  • JSON Escape

  • JSON Unescape

  • Extract Text from HTML

  • Extract Text from JSON

  • Extract Text from XML

  • Strip HTML

  • JSON Validator

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