ReScript is not there yet

WHAT TO KNOW - Oct 7 - - Dev Community

ReScript: A Powerful Language with Growing Pains

This article explores the complexities of ReScript, a language with immense potential but still facing challenges in its quest for widespread adoption.

1. Introduction:

ReScript is a statically typed functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript. It promises to offer the advantages of a strongly typed language like Java or TypeScript, while retaining the expressiveness and conciseness of languages like JavaScript or Python. ReScript emerged as an alternative to traditional JavaScript development, aiming to address the challenges of complexity, maintainability, and scalability in large-scale web applications.

Historical Context:

ReScript is based on the OCaml programming language, a long-standing, powerful functional language known for its strong type system and efficient memory management. ReScript inherits OCaml's robust features, simplifying them and tailoring them specifically for JavaScript development. Its development began in 2018, and it has rapidly gained a dedicated following among developers seeking a more structured and reliable approach to JavaScript development.

Problem Solved and Opportunities:

ReScript addresses several key issues within the JavaScript ecosystem:

  • JavaScript's Dynamic Nature: ReScript's static type system helps catch errors early in development, reducing debugging time and leading to more robust code.
  • Code Complexity: ReScript's concise syntax and functional style promote clean and maintainable codebases, especially in large projects.
  • Scalability Challenges: The language's focus on functional programming principles allows for building highly modular and scalable applications.
  • Interoperability: ReScript seamlessly integrates with existing JavaScript codebases, allowing for gradual adoption and migration.

2. Key Concepts, Techniques, and Tools:

Key Concepts:

  • Functional Programming: ReScript emphasizes immutable data, pure functions, and recursion, leading to more predictable and testable code.
  • Static Typing: The language uses a type system to infer and enforce data types, preventing runtime errors and improving code clarity.
  • Type Inference: ReScript automatically deduces data types in most cases, reducing boilerplate code and improving developer productivity.
  • Immutability: Data is generally immutable in ReScript, meaning it cannot be changed after creation, promoting safer and more predictable code.


  • ReScript Compiler: Compiles ReScript code to optimized JavaScript.
  • BsB (Bucklescript): The original compiler for ReasonML, ReScript's predecessor.
  • ReScript Package Manager: Manages dependencies and project configurations.
  • Rescript-react: Library for building React components with ReScript.

Current Trends:

  • Growing Adoption: ReScript is gaining popularity, with increasing community engagement and a growing number of libraries and tools.
  • Focus on Performance: Optimization and performance are key areas of focus in ReScript development.
  • Integration with Existing Frameworks: ReScript is being integrated with popular JavaScript frameworks like React and Node.js.

3. Practical Use Cases and Benefits:

Use Cases:

  • Web Applications: ReScript excels in building robust and scalable web applications, especially those with complex state management requirements.
  • Frontend Frameworks: ReScript integrates well with popular frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular.
  • Backend Applications: ReScript can be used to build backend applications with Node.js or other JavaScript runtimes.
  • Data Processing and Analysis: ReScript's strong type system and functional approach make it suitable for data-intensive applications.


  • Improved Code Quality: ReScript's type system and functional programming principles lead to more robust and maintainable code.
  • Enhanced Developer Productivity: Static typing, type inference, and a concise syntax improve developer productivity.
  • Scalability and Maintainability: ReScript promotes modularity and code reusability, making it easier to manage large codebases.
  • Improved Performance: ReScript's compilation process and emphasis on functional programming contribute to efficient and optimized JavaScript code.


ReScript is beneficial across various industries, including:

  • Software Development: Building web applications, mobile apps, and backend systems.
  • FinTech: Developing secure and reliable financial applications.
  • E-commerce: Creating high-performance e-commerce platforms.
  • Data Science: Developing data processing and analysis tools.

4. Step-by-Step Guides, Tutorials, and Examples:

Setting up ReScript Development Environment:

  1. Install Node.js and npm: Download and install the latest version of Node.js from the official website.
  2. Install ReScript CLI: Use npm to install the ReScript command-line interface: npm install -g rescript.
  3. Create a new ReScript project: Use the rescript init command to create a new project: rescript init my-rescript-project.
  4. Start the development server: Navigate to your project directory and run rescript build --watch to start a development server.

Simple ReScript Example:

let add (x: int, y: int) : int = x + y;

let result = add(2, 3);

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  • let add (x: int, y: int) : int = x + y;: This line defines a function named add that takes two integers (x and y) as arguments and returns their sum (x + y). The : int specifies the return type of the function.
  • let result = add(2, 3);: This line calls the add function with the values 2 and 3, storing the result (5) in a variable called result.
  • Js.log(result);: This line uses the Js.log function from the ReScript standard library to print the value of result to the console.


  • Use the rescript command to generate code snippets and learn about built-in functions.
  • Explore the ReScript documentation for in-depth explanations and examples.
  • Use the ReScript compiler's error messages to diagnose and fix issues.
  • Utilize the ReScript community forums and GitHub repository for support and discussions.

5. Challenges and Limitations:


  • Learning Curve: ReScript's functional programming paradigm and static type system can be a challenge for developers accustomed to traditional JavaScript development.
  • Community Size: While the community is growing, it is still smaller compared to JavaScript's vast ecosystem.
  • Tooling Maturity: Some development tools and libraries are still under development, and the ecosystem is constantly evolving.


  • Interoperability with JavaScript: While ReScript integrates with JavaScript, the language's type system can sometimes lead to compatibility issues.
  • Performance Overhead: ReScript's compilation process and type checking can introduce some overhead compared to native JavaScript code.
  • Lack of Universal Support: ReScript is not yet widely adopted by all major browsers and platforms.

6. Comparison with Alternatives:


  • Similarities: Both languages offer static typing and improved code quality.
  • Differences: ReScript focuses on functional programming and uses a more strict type system, while TypeScript is object-oriented and allows for more flexibility.
  • When to Choose: TypeScript is a good choice if you need a language that integrates seamlessly with existing JavaScript codebases and allows for object-oriented programming. ReScript is better suited for building highly performant, structured applications.


  • Similarities: ReScript and ReasonML share the same core syntax and functional programming paradigm.
  • Differences: ReasonML is a more mature language with a larger community and a wider range of tools. However, it is no longer actively developed, and ReScript is considered its successor.
  • When to Choose: ReScript is the recommended choice as it is actively maintained and has a more modern approach to JavaScript development.

7. Conclusion:

ReScript offers a compelling alternative to traditional JavaScript development, providing a structured, typed, and efficient approach to building web applications. It leverages the power of functional programming and a strong type system to create robust, scalable, and maintainable codebases.

Future of ReScript:

ReScript is a rapidly evolving language with a promising future. The community is growing, the tooling is improving, and the language itself is constantly being refined. ReScript's focus on performance, scalability, and developer productivity makes it a valuable option for building modern web applications.

8. Call to Action:

Explore ReScript by creating a simple project using the steps provided in this article. Join the ReScript community to learn more and contribute to its growth. ReScript offers a compelling alternative to traditional JavaScript development, and its future looks bright as it continues to evolve and mature.

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