WHAT TO KNOW - Oct 3 - - Dev Community

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE in PL/SQL: Your Gateway to Database Interaction

1. Introduction

This article delves into the powerful and versatile DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure, a fundamental tool for PL/SQL developers. It allows us to display text and data directly from our PL/SQL code, providing a crucial window into the workings of our database.

Why is DBMS_OUTPUT Relevant?

The ability to print output from PL/SQL code is crucial for a variety of reasons:

  • Debugging: Identifying and rectifying errors in your code is made significantly easier by seeing the values of variables, intermediate results, and the execution flow.
  • Data Exploration: You can dynamically query data, format it for readability, and display the results to analyze trends and patterns.
  • Interactive Reporting: Create simple reports and summaries by manipulating data and displaying it directly to the user.

Historical Context:

The concept of displaying output from procedural code has been a cornerstone of programming for decades. Before the advent of sophisticated IDEs and debuggers, printed output was the primary means of understanding code execution. The DBMS_OUTPUT package in PL/SQL reflects this tradition, providing a simple yet indispensable tool for debugging and data exploration.

2. Key Concepts, Techniques, and Tools


The DBMS_OUTPUT package is a collection of PL/SQL procedures designed to display output to the user. The core procedure we'll focus on is DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(text): This procedure prints the text argument to the output buffer. This buffer is accessible only within the current session. The text argument can be:

  • A string literal: "Hello World!"
  • A variable: my_variable
  • An expression: 'Result: ' || my_variable


To utilize DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, you need to enable the output buffer. This is done using the SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command in SQL*Plus or SQL Developer.

  • SQL Developer: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 (size specifies the buffer size)

Without enabling DBMS_OUTPUT, your PUT_LINE calls will be ignored, and you won't see any output.

Common Techniques:

  • Printing Variables: Use DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to display the values of variables at different stages of your code.
  my_number NUMBER := 10;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Initial value: ' || my_number);
  my_number := my_number + 5;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('New value: ' || my_number);
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  • Formatted Output: Use concatenation (||) to format the output string, aligning data and adding descriptive text.
  customer_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'John Doe';
  order_id NUMBER := 12345;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer: ' || customer_name || ', Order ID: ' || order_id);
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  • Conditional Output: Control the output based on logic using IF statements.
  status VARCHAR2(10) := 'Pending';
  IF status = 'Completed' THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Order has been completed');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Order is still pending');
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  • Looping Through Data: Print rows from a cursor or collection, enabling detailed analysis of your data.
  CURSOR customer_cursor IS
    SELECT customer_name, order_id
    FROM customers;
  customer_record customer_cursor%ROWTYPE;
  OPEN customer_cursor;
    FETCH customer_cursor INTO customer_record;
    EXIT WHEN customer_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer: ' || customer_record.customer_name || ', Order ID: ' || customer_record.order_id);
  CLOSE customer_cursor;
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Tools for Working with DBMS_OUTPUT:

  • SQL*Plus: A command-line interface that provides a basic but effective way to execute PL/SQL code and view DBMS_OUTPUT results.
  • SQL Developer: A graphical IDE that offers a more user-friendly interface for code development, debugging, and viewing DBMS_OUTPUT output.
  • PL/SQL Developer: A specialized IDE specifically designed for PL/SQL development, featuring advanced debugging tools and DBMS_OUTPUT visualization.

Current Trends and Emerging Technologies:

While DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE remains a powerful debugging tool, modern approaches often involve more sophisticated logging mechanisms:

  • Logging to Database Tables: Capture output for analysis and troubleshooting by writing to database tables.
  • File Logging: Store logs in files for more permanent storage and easier analysis.
  • Specialized Logging Frameworks: Use frameworks like Log4j or SLF4j to manage logging configurations and output destinations.

Industry Standards and Best Practices:

  • Keep DBMS_OUTPUT for debugging: Avoid using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE in production code as it can introduce performance overhead.
  • Use appropriate data types: Ensure the data you're printing matches the appropriate data type for DBMS_OUTPUT.
  • Handle large volumes of output: Consider using logging mechanisms like database tables for very large datasets to avoid performance issues.
  • Clean up your output: Remove or comment out debugging statements once you've resolved errors.

3. Practical Use Cases and Benefits

Debugging PL/SQL Code:

  • Identify Incorrect Logic: Print values of variables to see if calculations or conditions are being evaluated as expected.
  • Trace Execution Flow: Use PUT_LINE statements to mark different parts of your code and understand which sections are being executed.
  • Troubleshoot Errors: Identify the exact line of code where an error occurs by strategically placing PUT_LINE statements before and after potential problem areas.

Data Analysis and Exploration:

  • Query and Display Data: Extract specific information from your database using SQL queries and display the results using DBMS_OUTPUT.
  • Format Data for Readability: Use concatenation to create user-friendly output with headers, separators, and formatting.
  • Analyze Data Trends: Print data in a way that allows you to easily identify patterns and trends.

Interactive Reporting:

  • Create Simple Reports: Use DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to generate basic reports with summary information.
  • Provide User Feedback: Display messages to the user to guide them through a process or provide confirmation.
  • Create Interactive Interfaces: While not a full-fledged UI solution, you can create interactive elements using DBMS_OUTPUT to solicit user input.

Industries Benefiting from DBMS_OUTPUT:

  • Software Development: Debugging and troubleshooting PL/SQL code for applications and systems.
  • Data Analysis: Exploring and analyzing data stored in Oracle databases.
  • Business Intelligence: Creating simple reports and summaries for decision-making.

4. Step-by-Step Guides, Tutorials, and Examples

Example: Calculating and Displaying Total Sales:

Scenario: We need to calculate the total sales for a given customer and display the result.


  1. Create a function to calculate total sales:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_total_sales (customer_id IN NUMBER)
  total_sales NUMBER := 0;
  SELECT SUM(order_amount)
  INTO total_sales
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = get_total_sales.customer_id;
  RETURN total_sales;
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  1. Call the function and display the result:
  customer_id NUMBER := 123;
  total_sales NUMBER;
  total_sales := get_total_sales(customer_id);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total sales for customer ' || customer_id || ': ' || total_sales);
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Total sales for customer 123: 1500
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  • We define a function get_total_sales to calculate the total sales based on a customer ID.
  • In our main block, we call the function with a customer ID and store the result in a variable.
  • We use DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to display a formatted message including the customer ID and total sales.

Tips and Best Practices:

  • Use descriptive messages: Make your output clear and informative by including labels and context.
  • Format your output: Align data and use separators to improve readability.
  • Handle errors: Consider handling errors gracefully and providing helpful messages.
  • Clean up your output: Remove or comment out unnecessary PUT_LINE statements after debugging.
  • Use logging: For production code, implement logging mechanisms for more robust error tracking and analysis.

5. Challenges and Limitations

Performance Overhead:

  • Frequent PUT_LINE calls: Excessive use of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE can significantly impact performance, especially in large datasets.
  • Output Buffer Size: The DBMS_OUTPUT buffer has a limited size (default is 2000 bytes). If you exceed this limit, output will be truncated.

Security Concerns:

  • Sensitive Data: Never print sensitive information such as passwords or financial details directly to DBMS_OUTPUT.
  • SQL Injection: Be cautious when using PUT_LINE to display user input to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities.


  • Limited Formatting: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE offers basic formatting capabilities. For more complex reporting, consider using tools like SQL*Plus reports, PL/SQL Web Toolkit, or BI tools.
  • No User Interaction: DBMS_OUTPUT is designed primarily for displaying output. It does not provide interactive features for user input.

Overcoming Challenges:

  • Limit PUT_LINE usage: Use DBMS_OUTPUT sparingly and primarily for debugging.
  • Use logging: Implement database logging or file logging for persistent and structured output.
  • Handle errors gracefully: Catch and handle potential errors to avoid unexpected behavior.
  • Be aware of security risks: Never print sensitive information and be cautious when handling user input.

6. Comparison with Alternatives

Logging to Database Tables:

  • Pros: Provides persistent and structured storage of logs, allowing for analysis and querying.
  • Cons: Can impact database performance if logging is excessive, requires creating and maintaining logging tables.

File Logging:

  • Pros: Provides persistent storage of logs, allowing for analysis and debugging, can be more performant than database logging.
  • Cons: Requires setting up and managing file logging mechanisms, may require specific permissions for file access.

Specialized Logging Frameworks:

  • Pros: Offer advanced features like log level control, custom formatting, and multiple output destinations.
  • Cons: May require additional configurations and dependencies.

Choosing the Right Approach:

  • Debugging: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE is a quick and easy solution for temporary debugging.
  • Production Logging: For production code, logging to database tables or files is more robust and scalable.
  • Complex Logging: Specialized logging frameworks offer greater flexibility and control for advanced logging requirements.

7. Conclusion

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE is a powerful and versatile tool that provides PL/SQL developers with a direct channel to view output from their code. It is invaluable for debugging, data exploration, and creating basic reports.

Key Takeaways:

  • DBMS_OUTPUT provides a simple way to print text and data from PL/SQL code.
  • It is crucial for debugging and understanding code execution.
  • It can be used for data analysis and creating simple reports.
  • It's essential to use it responsibly to avoid performance and security issues.

Suggestions for Further Learning:

  • Explore other procedures in the DBMS_OUTPUT package, such as PUT and NEW_LINE.
  • Learn about logging to database tables and file logging for production code.
  • Investigate specialized logging frameworks like Log4j or SLF4j.

Future of DBMS_OUTPUT:

While more advanced logging mechanisms are gaining popularity, DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE will likely remain a valuable tool for debugging and interactive exploration, especially for quick and easy troubleshooting.

8. Call to Action

Try out the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure in your own PL/SQL code.
Experiment with its formatting capabilities and use it to debug your code and explore your database.
Start using DBMS_OUTPUT today to unlock the full potential of your PL/SQL development!

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