[Part 1/3] Securing APIs using JSON Web Token (JWT) in IBM API-Connect v10 using X.509 RSA key pair

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Securing APIs using JSON Web Token (JWT) in IBM API Connect v10 using X.509 RSA Key Pair: Part 1/3 – Fundamentals and Concepts


In today's digitally connected world, APIs are the backbone of many applications and services. They enable seamless communication between systems, facilitating the exchange of data and functionality. However, this interconnectedness brings inherent security risks. Protecting sensitive data and ensuring the authenticity of API requests is paramount.

This article will explore a robust and widely adopted authentication mechanism – JSON Web Token (JWT) – in the context of securing APIs within IBM API Connect v10 using X.509 RSA key pairs. This combination offers a secure and flexible approach to API authentication, empowering developers to build secure and reliable API ecosystems.

Why This Approach Matters?

Traditional methods like basic authentication often fall short in modern API scenarios. They are susceptible to vulnerabilities like credential theft and lack the flexibility to incorporate various security features. JWT, with its inherent security features and interoperability, provides a powerful alternative that addresses these challenges.

Historical Context

The concept of JWT arose from the need for a standard way to securely transmit information between parties. It leverages established cryptographic standards like JSON and RSA encryption to achieve its goals. The specification for JWT was first published in 2011 and has since gained widespread adoption across various industries.

Problem Solved and Opportunities Created

This approach solves the fundamental problem of secure authentication in API interactions. By implementing JWT with X.509 RSA keys, developers can:

  • Securely authenticate clients: Ensure only authorized clients access sensitive APIs.
  • Authorize actions: Define granular access control based on roles and permissions.
  • Protect data: Encrypt sensitive information within the JWT payload.
  • Streamline authentication: Provide a uniform and efficient authentication mechanism.
  • Enhance interoperability: Implement a standardized approach that works across multiple platforms.

Key Concepts, Techniques, and Tools

JSON Web Token (JWT)

JWT is a compact and self-contained way to securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object. It consists of three parts:

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the token, including the algorithm used for signing and the token type.
  2. Payload: Holds the actual data or claims, including user information, permissions, and other relevant data.
  3. Signature: Ensures the token's integrity and authenticity. It is generated using a secret key or a certificate.

X.509 RSA Key Pair

An X.509 certificate is a digitally signed document containing information about a specific entity (e.g., a user or a server). It uses an RSA key pair – a public key and a private key – to generate the signature. The public key is used for verification, while the private key is kept secret and used for signing.

IBM API Connect v10

IBM API Connect is a comprehensive API management platform that provides tools for designing, deploying, securing, and managing APIs. It seamlessly integrates with JWT authentication, enabling developers to leverage its capabilities for securing API endpoints.

Tools and Frameworks

Several tools and frameworks are available for working with JWT and RSA key pairs:

  • JWT.io: A popular online JWT debugger and validator that helps understand JWT structure and validate token integrity.
  • jose-js: A JavaScript library for working with JOSE (JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption) standards, including JWT.
  • OpenSSL: A powerful command-line tool for managing and generating X.509 certificates and RSA keys.
  • Keycloak: An open-source identity and access management solution that supports JWT authentication.

Industry Standards and Best Practices

  • RFC 7519: The official specification for JSON Web Token (JWT).
  • RFC 5280: The standard for X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
  • OWASP API Security Top 10: A list of the top 10 most common API security vulnerabilities.

Practical Use Cases and Benefits

Use Cases:

  • User Authentication: Authenticating users for accessing protected API resources.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Enabling users to access multiple applications with a single login.
  • Microservices Communication: Securing communication between microservices in a distributed system.
  • API Gateway Security: Enforcing authentication and authorization at the gateway level.


  • Enhanced Security: Protects API endpoints from unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Improved Interoperability: Supports communication between diverse platforms and systems.
  • Simplified Development: Provides a standard and efficient authentication approach.
  • Flexible Access Control: Enables granular permission management based on roles and claims.
  • Scalability: Can handle large volumes of API traffic and user authentication.

Industries and Sectors

The benefits of JWT authentication extend across various industries:

  • Financial Services: Securely managing customer accounts and transactions.
  • Healthcare: Protecting sensitive patient data and ensuring secure access to medical records.
  • E-commerce: Enabling secure online payments and user accounts.
  • Government: Securing access to public services and sensitive information.
  • Manufacturing: Securely controlling access to production systems and data.

Step-by-Step Guide: Securing an API using JWT in IBM API Connect v10

This step-by-step guide walks through securing an API using JWT and an X.509 RSA key pair in IBM API Connect v10. It covers the following steps:

1. Generate an X.509 Certificate and RSA Key Pair

  • Using OpenSSL:

    • Generate a private key:

      openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
    • Generate a certificate signing request (CSR):

      openssl req -new -key private.key -out certificate.csr
    • Generate a self-signed certificate:

      openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in certificate.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.crt

2. Configure API Connect for JWT Authentication

  • Create a new API:
    • API Name: Example: MySecureAPI
    • API Endpoint: Define the API endpoint URL.
  • Create an Authentication Policy:
    • Policy Type: JWT
    • Algorithm: RS256 (recommended for security)
    • Issuer: The issuer of the JWT (e.g., your organization's domain).
    • Public Key: Upload the generated public key (certificate.crt) for verification.
  • Assign Authentication Policy to API: Associate the created authentication policy with the MySecureAPI.

3. Create a Policy for Access Control

  • Policy Type: OAuth
  • Token Issuer: Choose the authentication policy you created earlier.
  • Authorization Rules: Define rules based on roles and permissions.

4. Test Authentication

  • Create a sample JWT: Use a JWT generator tool like JWT.io and generate a token with a valid signature using the private key.
  • Invoke the API: Send a request to the MySecureAPI endpoint with the generated JWT in the Authorization header.

5. Deploy the API

  • Publish the API: Deploy the MySecureAPI to the API Connect environment.

Code Snippets and Examples

JWT Payload Example:

  "iss": "https://example.com",
  "sub": "johndoe",
  "aud": "MySecureAPI",
  "exp": 1684841600,
  "iat": 1684838000,
  "roles": ["administrator"]
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Authorization Header:

Authorization: Bearer
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Challenges and Limitations

  • Key Management: Securely storing and managing X.509 keys is crucial.
  • Token Revocation: Mechanisms for revoking JWTs in case of security breaches or compromised keys are required.
  • Token Expiration: JWTs have an expiration time, and handling token expiration is important.
  • Performance Overhead: JWT authentication can introduce some overhead, especially with large token payloads.

Comparison with Alternatives

OAuth 2.0: Provides a framework for delegated authorization, but requires a separate authorization server.

Basic Authentication: Simple but insecure, vulnerable to credential theft.

API Keys: Less secure than JWTs, as they are static and can be compromised.

Advantages of JWT:

  • Standardized Approach: Follows industry standards like RFC 7519.
  • Self-Contained: Contains all necessary information within the token.
  • Flexibility: Can be customized with various claims and authorization rules.
  • Secure: Uses cryptographic signatures and encryption to ensure authenticity and integrity.


Securing APIs using JWT with X.509 RSA key pairs in IBM API Connect v10 offers a robust and versatile solution for building secure and reliable API ecosystems. By incorporating JWT authentication, developers can protect sensitive data, enforce access control, and improve the overall security of their API endpoints.

Next Steps:

  • Explore JWT Best Practices: Dive deeper into JWT security considerations and best practices for implementing and using JWTs in production environments.
  • Implement Token Revocation: Learn about different strategies for revoking compromised JWTs to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Investigate Key Management Solutions: Explore secure key storage and management solutions to protect your X.509 keys.

Call to Action:

Embrace the power of JWT authentication and elevate the security of your APIs. Implement this approach in your next API development project and enjoy the benefits of secure, robust, and interoperable API communication.

Note: This article is Part 1/3 of a comprehensive series on securing APIs using JWT in IBM API Connect v10. The following parts will delve into advanced topics like token revocation, key management, and building secure API gateways.

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