⌨ 3 IDE Shortcuts I Use Daily

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 19 - - Dev Community

⌨️ 3 IDE Shortcuts I Use Daily: Mastering Your Development Workflow


In the fast-paced world of software development, efficiency is paramount. Every second saved can translate into increased productivity and faster delivery times. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have become indispensable tools for developers, offering a comprehensive suite of features to streamline the coding process. But even with the best IDEs, navigating through menus and multiple clicks can become a bottleneck.

This article explores the power of keyboard shortcuts, specifically highlighting three essential shortcuts that can drastically improve your daily workflow. By mastering these shortcuts, you can significantly reduce the time spent on mundane tasks and dedicate more time to the creative and challenging aspects of software development.

1. The Power of Navigation: "Go to Definition" and "Find All References"

Problem: Jumping between files and searching for specific lines of code can be time-consuming.

Solution: The "Go to Definition" and "Find All References" shortcuts provide instant navigation within your codebase.

"Go to Definition" Shortcut:

  • Purpose: Quickly jump to the declaration of a variable, function, class, or other code element.
  • Benefit: This shortcut eliminates the need to manually search through files and saves you valuable time.


Let's say you encounter a variable named user_data in your code and want to see how it's defined. Instead of manually opening multiple files, you can simply place your cursor on the variable and invoke the "Go to Definition" shortcut (usually Cmd + Click on macOS or Ctrl + Click on Windows/Linux). The IDE will automatically navigate you to the line of code where user_data is declared.

"Find All References" Shortcut:

  • Purpose: Identify all the places where a particular code element is used throughout your project.
  • Benefit: This shortcut is crucial for understanding the scope and impact of code changes.


You are modifying a function named calculate_discount. Before making changes, you want to be sure you understand all the places where this function is used. The "Find All References" shortcut (usually Shift + Cmd + F on macOS or Shift + Ctrl + F on Windows/Linux) will list all the files and lines where the function is called.

Tools and Frameworks: The "Go to Definition" and "Find All References" shortcuts are features offered by almost all modern IDEs, including:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • PyCharm
  • Eclipse
  • Atom
  • Sublime Text

Best Practices:

  • Learn the specific shortcuts for your IDE. They can vary depending on the platform.
  • Use these shortcuts consistently in your daily workflow to maximize efficiency.

2. The Code Magician: "Auto-Complete" and "Code Generation"

Problem: Typing out repetitive code can be tedious and error-prone.

Solution: Leverage the power of auto-completion and code generation features to accelerate your coding speed and improve code accuracy.

"Auto-Complete" Shortcut:

  • Purpose: Intelligently suggest code snippets based on context.
  • Benefit: Reduce typing effort and improve code consistency.


You start typing for followed by a parenthesis. The IDE's auto-complete feature will instantly suggest a complete for loop structure, including the loop variable, condition, and body. Simply press Tab to accept the suggestion.

"Code Generation" Shortcut:

  • Purpose: Automatically generate boilerplate code for common tasks.
  • Benefit: Save time on repetitive coding tasks and focus on logic.


You need to create a new class named User. Instead of manually writing the class declaration, constructors, and methods, the IDE's code generation shortcut (usually Alt + Insert on Windows/Linux or Cmd + N on macOS) will generate a basic class template that you can then customize.

Tools and Frameworks:

Most modern IDEs offer advanced auto-completion and code generation capabilities:

  • Visual Studio Code: Utilizes extensions for language-specific support.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: Offers powerful code generation and refactoring tools.
  • PyCharm: Features advanced Python-specific auto-completion and code completion.

Best Practices:

  • Explore the auto-complete and code generation features specific to your IDE and programming language.
  • Use these features consistently to save time and improve code quality.

3. The Debugging Dynamo: "Breakpoint" and "Step Over"

Problem: Debugging code can be a time-consuming and frustrating process.

Solution: Use breakpoints and stepping through your code to pinpoint and resolve errors efficiently.

"Breakpoint" Shortcut:

  • Purpose: Pause program execution at a specific line of code.
  • Benefit: Allows you to inspect the state of variables and program flow at a specific point.


You suspect an error in a specific line of code within a function. To investigate, you set a breakpoint on that line (usually by clicking on the line number or using a shortcut like F9). When the program runs, it will pause at that breakpoint, allowing you to examine the values of variables and understand the program's execution path.

"Step Over" Shortcut:

  • Purpose: Execute the current line of code and then pause execution at the next line.
  • Benefit: Allows you to step through your code line by line and observe the changes in variables.


After setting a breakpoint, you can use the "Step Over" shortcut (usually F10) to execute each line of code one by one. This allows you to track the flow of your program and observe how variables change as the program progresses.

Tools and Frameworks:

All modern IDEs provide debugging features, including:

  • Visual Studio Code: Offers a powerful debugger with support for various languages.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: Provides a comprehensive debugger with advanced features.
  • PyCharm: Offers a dedicated debugger specifically for Python code.

Best Practices:

  • Learn the specific shortcuts for setting breakpoints, stepping through code, and inspecting variables within your IDE.
  • Use these shortcuts effectively to debug code efficiently and pinpoint errors.

Practical Use Cases and Benefits

1. Faster Development Cycles: By reducing the time spent on mundane tasks like navigation, typing, and debugging, these shortcuts allow you to focus more on the core logic and design of your code. This leads to faster development cycles and quicker delivery of projects.

2. Enhanced Code Quality: Auto-completion and code generation features help reduce the number of errors in your code, leading to more reliable and stable applications. The "Find All References" shortcut is particularly helpful for understanding the impact of code changes before deploying them.

3. Increased Productivity: By eliminating distractions and improving your workflow, these shortcuts free up your time and mental energy for more complex and rewarding tasks.

4. Adaptability Across Projects: These shortcuts are widely applicable across different programming languages and IDEs, ensuring you can seamlessly transition between projects without having to relearn new keyboard shortcuts.

Step-by-Step Guide: Mastering the Shortcuts

This guide assumes you are using Visual Studio Code, a popular and versatile IDE.

1. "Go to Definition" and "Find All References":

  • Go to Definition: Place your cursor on a code element (variable, function, etc.) and press Cmd + Click (macOS) or Ctrl + Click (Windows/Linux).
  • Find All References: Place your cursor on a code element and press Shift + Cmd + F (macOS) or Shift + Ctrl + F (Windows/Linux).

2. "Auto-Complete" and "Code Generation":

  • Auto-Complete: Start typing a code element, and Visual Studio Code will suggest possible completions. Press Tab to accept the suggestion.
  • Code Generation: Press Alt + Insert (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + N (macOS) to access the code generation menu.

3. "Breakpoint" and "Step Over":

  • Breakpoint: Click on the line number to set a breakpoint. Alternatively, press F9 while your cursor is on the desired line.
  • Step Over: Press F10 to execute the current line and pause at the next line.

Tip: Refer to the Visual Studio Code documentation or online resources for a comprehensive list of shortcuts and keyboard bindings.

Challenges and Limitations

  • Learning Curve: While the benefits of keyboard shortcuts are undeniable, it can take time to learn and remember them.
  • IDE Variations: Shortcuts can vary slightly across different IDEs and operating systems, requiring some adjustment when switching platforms.
  • Limited Customization: Some IDEs may have limited options for customizing shortcut bindings.
  • Ergonomics: Excessive use of keyboard shortcuts can lead to strain on your wrists and fingers.

Comparison with Alternatives

While keyboard shortcuts are incredibly efficient, there are alternative approaches to navigating and manipulating code:

  • Mouse-Based Navigation: Using the mouse to click on menus and icons. This is generally slower and can disrupt your flow.
  • Code Navigation Tools: Some IDEs offer dedicated tools for code navigation, but they often require more clicks and less intuitive than keyboard shortcuts.
  • Search and Replace Functions: While helpful, these functions often require more steps and don't provide the level of precision and speed of keyboard shortcuts.

Why Choose Keyboard Shortcuts?

  • Speed: Keyboard shortcuts are the fastest way to navigate and manipulate code.
  • Efficiency: They streamline your workflow and minimize distractions.
  • Ergonomics: By reducing mouse movements, keyboard shortcuts can promote better hand and wrist posture.


Mastering essential keyboard shortcuts in your IDE can transform your development experience. By reducing repetitive actions and streamlining your workflow, you can unlock greater productivity and efficiency, allowing you to focus on the creative and challenging aspects of software development.

Next Steps:

  • Begin by exploring the essential shortcuts in your chosen IDE.
  • Practice using these shortcuts regularly to build muscle memory.
  • Gradually expand your knowledge of other shortcuts as you become more comfortable.

Final Thought:

The future of software development is increasingly reliant on efficient workflows and effective tooling. By mastering keyboard shortcuts, you can gain a significant advantage and unlock your full potential as a developer.

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