60% of maintainers are (still) not paid for their work

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 20 - - Dev Community

The Unpaid Labor of Open Source: Why 60% of Maintainers Are Still Not Compensated for Their Work


The open-source software ecosystem is a vibrant and essential part of the modern technological landscape. It powers everything from the websites we browse to the operating systems on our computers. However, a critical issue persists within this ecosystem: the lack of compensation for many of the individuals who maintain and develop these crucial software projects. Despite contributing significantly to the advancement of technology and benefiting countless users, 60% of maintainers are still not paid for their work.

This article delves into the complex world of open-source maintenance, examining the challenges, benefits, and potential solutions surrounding this issue. By understanding the current state of affairs, we can strive towards a more equitable and sustainable future for open-source software development.

Historical Context: From Passion to Profession

The open-source movement has a long and rich history, tracing its roots back to the early days of computing. The idea of sharing code and collaborating openly was driven by a sense of community and a desire to advance the field of computer science. Initially, open-source development was largely driven by passionate individuals working in their free time.

However, as open-source software began to play a more prominent role in our lives, the need for professional maintenance and development became increasingly apparent. Organizations started adopting open-source solutions, relying on them for critical business functions. This shift led to a growing demand for specialized expertise, with many developers and maintainers transitioning from hobbyists to professionals.

Despite this professionalization, the issue of compensation remained a persistent challenge. While some individuals found ways to monetize their open-source work, many others continued to contribute their time and expertise without any financial reward.

Key Concepts, Techniques, and Tools

1. Open Source Licensing:

The foundation of the open-source ecosystem lies in open-source licenses. These legal frameworks grant users the rights to use, modify, and distribute software, under specific conditions. Some popular open-source licenses include:

  • MIT License: A permissive license that allows for commercial use, modification, and distribution without specific attribution requirements.
  • GPL (GNU General Public License): A copyleft license that requires any derivative works to also be distributed under the GPL. This promotes free and open collaboration.
  • Apache 2.0 License: A permissive license that allows for both commercial and non-commercial use with minimal restrictions.

2. Open Source Communities:

Open-source software is developed and maintained by communities of individuals and organizations who collaborate and share their expertise. These communities are crucial for:

  • Bug fixing and feature development: Identifying and resolving software issues, as well as implementing new features based on user feedback.
  • Documentation and support: Providing detailed documentation and assistance to users facing technical difficulties.
  • Code review and collaboration: Ensuring code quality, consistency, and adherence to best practices through peer review and collaborative development.

3. Software Development Tools:

Various tools are used in open-source development, including:

  • Version control systems (VCS): Tools like Git and Mercurial facilitate collaborative coding by tracking changes and allowing for branching and merging.
  • Issue tracking systems: Tools such as GitHub Issues, GitLab Issues, and Jira help manage bug reports, feature requests, and other tasks.
  • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools: Tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI automate the build, test, and deployment process.

4. Open Source Infrastructure:

Open-source projects rely on a robust infrastructure, including:

  • Code hosting platforms: Platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket provide repositories for storing code and facilitating collaboration.
  • Package managers: Tools like npm (Node Package Manager), PyPI (Python Package Index), and Maven centralize and manage dependencies between software packages.
  • Cloud infrastructure: Cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure offer resources for hosting open-source projects and supporting their development.

Practical Use Cases and Benefits

The benefits of open-source software are numerous, making it an essential part of various industries and sectors. Some key benefits include:

1. Innovation and Collaboration:

Open-source fosters rapid innovation by allowing developers worldwide to collaborate and contribute to projects. This collaborative approach accelerates development cycles and leads to the creation of cutting-edge software.

2. Cost-effectiveness:

Open-source software is often free to use and modify, significantly reducing development costs. This makes it an attractive option for organizations with limited budgets.

3. Transparency and Security:

Open-source code is publicly available for inspection, allowing for more rigorous security audits and faster identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities.

4. Community Support:

Open-source communities provide a valuable resource for users, offering support, documentation, and ongoing maintenance.

5. Customization and Flexibility:

Open-source software allows for customization and adaptation to specific needs, offering greater flexibility than proprietary solutions.

Examples of Open Source Software Used in Various Industries:

  • Web Development: Libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js power dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • Data Science: Frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn enable machine learning and data analysis.
  • Operating Systems: Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora provide powerful and customizable operating systems.
  • Database Management: Databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB are widely used for storing and managing data.
  • Cloud Computing: Platforms like Kubernetes, Docker, and OpenStack facilitate the management and deployment of cloud-based applications.

Step-by-Step Guide: Contributing to Open Source Projects

Contributing to open-source projects can be a rewarding experience. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Find a Project:

  • Identify open-source projects that align with your interests and expertise.
  • Explore popular platforms like GitHub to discover projects.
  • Consider looking for projects tagged with "beginner friendly" or "good first issue."

2. Read the Documentation:

  • Familiarize yourself with the project's documentation, including its purpose, architecture, and contributing guidelines.
  • Understand the project's coding style and preferred tools.

3. Choose an Issue:

  • Browse the project's issue tracker for issues that you can tackle.
  • Look for issues labeled as "good first issue" or those with clear descriptions.

4. Create a Fork:

  • Fork the project's repository into your own GitHub account.
  • This allows you to make changes without affecting the original project.

5. Create a Branch:

  • Create a new branch in your forked repository for your contribution.
  • This isolates your changes and allows for easy merging later.

6. Make Your Changes:

  • Work on the assigned issue, following the project's coding style and guidelines.
  • Test your code thoroughly to ensure it functions as expected.

7. Submit a Pull Request:

  • Once your changes are complete, create a pull request from your branch to the original repository.
  • This submits your work for review by the project maintainers.

8. Respond to Feedback:

  • Be prepared to respond to feedback from reviewers and address any suggested changes.
  • Work collaboratively with the maintainers to ensure your contribution meets the project's standards.

9. Merge Your Pull Request:

  • Once your changes are approved, the project maintainers will merge your pull request, incorporating your contribution into the main codebase.

10. Celebrate Your Contribution:

  • Take pride in your contribution and acknowledge the positive impact it has on the project.
  • Continue to engage with the project's community and explore new ways to contribute.

Challenges and Limitations

While open-source software offers significant benefits, it also presents challenges and limitations, particularly regarding the compensation of maintainers:

1. Lack of Financial Incentives:

  • Many maintainers contribute to open-source projects without any financial compensation.
  • This lack of incentives can lead to burnout and discourage individuals from continuing their contributions.

2. Time Commitment:

  • Maintaining open-source projects requires significant time and effort, often extending beyond regular working hours.
  • This can be a significant burden, especially for individuals with other commitments.

3. Lack of Recognition:

  • Maintainers often receive limited recognition for their contributions, which can be demotivating.
  • This can lead to a feeling of underappreciation and a lack of incentive to continue contributing.

4. Security and Legal Concerns:

  • The open-source model raises concerns about security vulnerabilities and legal liabilities.
  • Maintainers may face challenges in addressing security issues and managing potential legal risks.

5. Sustainability Challenges:

  • Maintaining open-source projects can be challenging, particularly for projects with limited funding or community engagement.
  • The lack of sustainable funding models can threaten the longevity of some open-source projects.

Comparison with Alternatives

Open-source software can be compared to proprietary software, which is developed and owned by a specific company or organization:

Proprietary Software:

  • Pros:
    • Stronger commercial support and maintenance.
    • More controlled development and updates.
    • Potentially higher security due to closed source code.
  • Cons:
    • Higher costs and limited customization options.
    • Lack of transparency and community involvement.
    • Limited access to source code for debugging and customization.

Open Source Software:

  • Pros:
    • Free and open access to source code.
    • Strong community support and collaboration.
    • High level of customization and flexibility.
    • Transparency and security audits.
  • Cons:
    • Limited commercial support and maintenance in some cases.
    • Potentially slower development cycles.
    • Lack of compensation for many maintainers.


The ongoing issue of unpaid labor in the open-source ecosystem is a complex one that requires careful consideration and action. While the benefits of open-source software are undeniable, the lack of adequate compensation for maintainers threatens its long-term sustainability.

Moving forward, it is crucial to explore and implement solutions that address the challenges faced by maintainers. This includes:

  • Developing sustainable funding models: Explore alternative funding models, such as grants, sponsorships, and crowdfunding, to support open-source projects.
  • Encouraging corporate support: Encourage organizations to contribute financially and actively participate in open-source communities.
  • Promoting recognition and appreciation: Acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of maintainers through awards, conferences, and other platforms.
  • Creating educational resources: Provide resources and training programs to help individuals develop the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to open-source projects.

By addressing these challenges and promoting a more equitable and sustainable open-source ecosystem, we can ensure that the countless benefits of this innovative approach to software development continue to benefit society for years to come.

Call to Action

This article has only scratched the surface of the complex issues surrounding open-source maintenance. To truly understand the challenges and opportunities, we encourage you to:

  • Explore open-source projects: Dig deeper into the world of open-source software by participating in projects, contributing code, and engaging with communities.
  • Learn about open-source licensing: Familiarize yourself with different open-source licenses and their implications.
  • Support open-source developers: Consider donating to open-source projects or sponsoring maintainers.

By actively engaging with the open-source ecosystem and advocating for change, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

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