PowerAutomate – Flow to use Open Trivia Database questions in a Microsoft Teams bot 🤖 Series
- Intro to Open Trivia Database API
- How to process the API Response and send a question to Teams
- How to validate the user response in teams with the Trivia Question correct answer
Hi !
In previous posts we request a Trivia quesion using the Open Trivia Database API, and sent a mesage to teams so an user can read the question and pick an answer. In today’s post, les process the user’ answer.
The flow is simple:
- Create a new variable [strQuizResponse] to store the response for the user.
- Validate the user answer vs the correct answer and complete the string [strQuizResponse] with CORRECT or INCORRECT.
- Display the response to the user.
![Create a new variable [strQuizResponse] to store the response for the user.
Validate the user answer vs the correct answer and complete the string [strQuizResponse] with CORRECT or INCORRECT.
Display the response to the user.](https://brunocapuano.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/image-12.png?w=1024)
Once the flow is running, we can see in the history how the variables, conditions and responses are processed.
In example, in this question in the bot, with an incorrect answer.
This is the flow history.
We are almost there ! However, we can improve still this flow a lot 😀
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Starting on Dec 05
Happy coding!
El Bruno
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