#59 - Split IP Addresses And Then Group Rows

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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Split IP Addresses and Group Rows

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Split IP Addresses and Group Rows


In data analysis, we often encounter data containing IP addresses, which are numerical representations of devices connected to a network. IP addresses are usually presented in a dotted-quad notation (e.g.,, and we may need to extract specific information from them, such as the network portion or the host portion. Additionally, we might want to group rows based on certain parts of the IP addresses, for instance, grouping rows by the same subnet. This article will explore techniques for splitting IP addresses and grouping rows based on the extracted information.

The ability to split and analyze IP addresses is crucial for tasks such as:

  • Network analysis: Identifying network traffic patterns, detecting anomalies, and understanding network usage.
  • Security analysis: Tracking user activity, identifying potential security breaches, and enforcing access control.
  • Data aggregation: Grouping data based on geographical location, network segments, or other relevant criteria.

Splitting IP Addresses

There are various ways to split IP addresses, depending on the programming language or tool being used. We'll focus on three common approaches:

  1. String Manipulation

One simple approach is to use string manipulation techniques. This involves splitting the IP address string by the dot (.) character and extracting the desired parts. Here's an example using Python:

ip_address = ""
parts = ip_address.split(".")

network_portion = ".".join(parts[:3])
host_portion = parts[3]

print("Network portion:", network_portion)
print("Host portion:", host_portion)

This code snippet splits the IP address string into a list of individual numbers. Then, it reconstructs the network portion using the first three numbers and isolates the host portion as the fourth number.

  1. Regular Expressions

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to match and extract patterns from text. We can use regular expressions to extract specific parts of an IP address. Here's an example in Python:

import re

ip_address = ""
match = re.match(r"^(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})$", ip_address)

if match:
network_portion = ".".join(match.groups()[:3])
host_portion = match.group(4)
print("Network portion:", network_portion)
print("Host portion:", host_portion)
print("Invalid IP address")

This code defines a regular expression pattern that matches the dotted-quad notation of an IP address. The captured groups represent the individual numbers, allowing us to extract the network and host portions.

  1. Dedicated Libraries

Several libraries are specifically designed for IP address manipulation. These libraries offer features like validation, conversion, and subnet calculation, simplifying the process of working with IP addresses. Here's an example using the ipaddress library in Python:

import ipaddress

ip_address = ipaddress.ip_address("")

network_portion = ip_address.network_address
host_portion = ip_address.host

print("Network portion:", network_portion)
print("Host portion:", host_portion)

The ipaddress library provides an object-oriented approach for handling IP addresses. It offers methods for accessing the network and host portions directly, making the code more concise and readable.

Grouping Rows Based on IP Address Information

Once we've extracted the desired information from IP addresses, we can group rows based on these extracted values. This is often done for data aggregation and analysis.

  1. Using Grouping Functions

Many data manipulation tools provide grouping functions to aggregate data based on certain criteria. Here's an example using the groupby function in Python's pandas library:

import pandas as pd

data = {
'IP Address': ['', '', '', ''],
'Value': [10, 20, 30, 40]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

df['Network Portion'] = df['IP Address'].apply(lambda x: '.'.join(x.split('.')[:3]))

grouped_df = df.groupby('Network Portion').sum()


This code first creates a pandas DataFrame from the given data. It then splits the IP addresses, extracts the network portion, and adds it as a new column. Finally, it groups the DataFrame by the 'Network Portion' column and sums the 'Value' column for each group.

  1. Conditional Aggregation

Another approach is to use conditional aggregation, where we filter the data based on certain conditions and aggregate the results. Here's an example in SQL:

WHEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(ip_address, '.', 3) = '192.168.1' THEN 'Subnet 1'
WHEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(ip_address, '.', 3) = '10.0.0' THEN 'Subnet 2'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS subnet,
SUM(value) AS total_value

This SQL query extracts the first three parts of the IP address using SUBSTRING_INDEX and assigns them to different subnets. It then groups the rows by the assigned subnet and sums the 'value' column for each group.

  • Custom Functions

    For more complex grouping logic, you can define custom functions to handle the splitting and grouping operations. This provides flexibility and allows you to tailor the grouping behavior to your specific requirements.

    Example: Analyzing Network Traffic

    Imagine we have a dataset containing network traffic data with columns for IP address, timestamp, and data size. We want to analyze the traffic patterns by grouping the data based on the network portion of the IP addresses.

    Here's how we can achieve this using Python and the pandas library:

    import pandas as pd
  • data = {
    'IP Address': ['', '', '', '', '', ''],
    'Timestamp': ['2023-04-01 10:00:00', '2023-04-01 10:05:00', '2023-04-01 10:10:00', '2023-04-01 10:15:00', '2023-04-01 10:20:00', '2023-04-01 10:25:00'],
    'Data Size (KB)': [100, 50, 200, 150, 75, 125]

    df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    df['Network Portion'] = df['IP Address'].apply(lambda x: '.'.join(x.split('.')[:3]))

    grouped_df = df.groupby('Network Portion')['Data Size (KB)'].sum().reset_index()


    This code first creates a DataFrame representing the network traffic data. It then extracts the network portion of the IP addresses and groups the DataFrame by this portion. Finally, it sums the 'Data Size (KB)' column for each group, providing a summary of the total data size transferred for each network segment.

    Example Dataframe

    This analysis helps us understand the network traffic distribution among different network segments. We can further analyze the data by plotting the traffic trends for each subnet over time or by investigating the individual IP addresses within each segment to identify specific users or devices with high traffic usage.


    Splitting IP addresses and grouping rows based on extracted information are essential techniques for data analysis, particularly when dealing with network data. By using string manipulation, regular expressions, or dedicated libraries, we can easily extract relevant information from IP addresses. Grouping functions, conditional aggregation, and custom functions provide flexible methods for aggregating data based on the extracted IP address information. These techniques are widely applicable across various data analysis tasks, enabling us to gain valuable insights from network traffic data and other datasets containing IP addresses.

    Remember to choose the most appropriate method based on the specific requirements of your analysis. Consider factors like the size and complexity of the data, the desired level of detail, and the tools and libraries available to you.

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