ACID Transactions

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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ACID Transactions: Ensuring Data Integrity

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ACID Transactions: Ensuring Data Integrity

In the world of databases, ensuring data integrity is paramount. Imagine a scenario where you transfer money from your bank account to a friend's. You expect the transaction to be atomic (all or nothing), consistent (reflecting the actual change), isolated from other operations, and durable (permanent). This is where the concept of ACID transactions comes into play.

ACID stands for:

  • Atomicity

    : A transaction is treated as an indivisible unit. Either all operations within the transaction succeed, or none of them do. This prevents partial updates and ensures data consistency.

  • Consistency

    : A transaction maintains the database's integrity rules. It starts in a valid state and ends in another valid state. This ensures data accuracy and prevents inconsistencies.

  • Isolation

    : Concurrently running transactions are isolated from each other. Changes made by one transaction are not visible to other transactions until it is completed. This prevents data corruption and ensures reliable results.

  • Durability

    : Once a transaction is completed, its changes are permanently stored. This ensures that the data is not lost due to system crashes or failures.

ACID Properties Diagram

Understanding ACID Properties


Atomicity is like a magic trick where either the entire trick succeeds or nothing happens. Imagine you're transferring money between two accounts: your checking account and your savings account. The transaction involves:

  1. Deducting the amount from your checking account.
  2. Adding the same amount to your savings account.

With atomicity, if the first step succeeds but the second fails (due to technical issues, for example), the transaction is rolled back, and your money remains untouched. No partial changes are allowed, ensuring data consistency.


Consistency is about ensuring data adheres to defined rules. Imagine you have a database table storing employee information. One rule might be that the "salary" field must always be a positive number. If a transaction tries to update an employee's salary to a negative value, the transaction would fail, maintaining the database's consistency.


Isolation is like having separate rooms for different transactions. Let's say two users are simultaneously updating the same product's price in a shopping website. Transaction A updates the price to $10, while transaction B updates it to $12. With isolation, transaction A sees the initial price, while transaction B sees the price after A's update. This prevents data conflicts and ensures that each transaction operates independently.


Durability is like having a permanent record. Once a transaction commits, the changes are permanently stored in the database. Even if the system crashes or experiences power outages, the data remains intact. This ensures data persistence and reliability.

Implementing ACID Transactions

Database management systems (DBMS) provide mechanisms to ensure ACID properties. Here are some common techniques:

Transaction Logs

Transaction logs record every change made to the database during a transaction. If a failure occurs, the DBMS can use the log to roll back the changes and restore the database to a consistent state.

Two-Phase Commit

This protocol ensures atomicity across multiple systems. It involves two phases:

  1. Prepare Phase

    : The DBMS sends a "prepare" message to all involved systems. If all systems agree to commit, they move to the next phase.

  2. Commit Phase

    : Once all systems are prepared, the DBMS sends a "commit" message to all systems. They then permanently write the changes to their respective databases.

If any system fails during the prepare phase, the entire transaction is aborted. This ensures atomicity and prevents inconsistencies.

Locking Mechanisms

Locking mechanisms are used to control access to data and ensure isolation. Different types of locks exist, including:

  • Shared Locks

    : Allow multiple transactions to read data concurrently.

  • Exclusive Locks

    : Prevent other transactions from accessing or modifying data while a transaction is in progress.

Locking mechanisms are crucial for maintaining data integrity and preventing conflicts in multi-user environments.

Example: Banking System

Let's consider a simple banking system where a user wants to transfer $100 from their checking account to their savings account. Here's how ACID properties are applied:

  1. Atomicity

    : Both actions (debiting the checking account and crediting the savings account) must be completed successfully for the transaction to be considered successful. If one fails, both actions are rolled back.

  2. Consistency

    : The total balance in both accounts must remain the same after the transaction. The database ensures that the debit and credit amounts are equal, maintaining data consistency.

  3. Isolation

    : If another user is performing a simultaneous transaction on either of the accounts, their transaction will not see the intermediate state where only one account has been updated. They will only see the final state after both operations are complete.

  4. Durability

    : Once the transaction is complete, the changes are permanently stored in the database. Even if the system crashes, the money will be transferred correctly.

Consequences of Violating ACID

Failing to adhere to ACID principles can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Data Inconsistency

    : Transactions might result in incomplete or incorrect data, leading to inaccurate information and business decisions.

  • Data Corruption

    : Concurrent transactions might overwrite each other's changes, leading to data loss and system instability.

  • Transaction Failures

    : Transactions might fail unexpectedly due to incomplete or inconsistent data, causing downtime and frustration for users.

  • Security Risks

    : Data inconsistencies can create vulnerabilities that attackers might exploit to compromise the system.


ACID transactions are a cornerstone of database integrity, ensuring data consistency, reliability, and security. By adhering to these principles, database systems can maintain data accuracy, prevent corruption, and provide a robust platform for various applications. Understanding the concepts and techniques behind ACID allows developers to build reliable and efficient database-driven systems.

Remember, the ACID properties are essential for any application that involves sensitive data, especially financial transactions, critical business data, and user-facing applications. By embracing ACID, you can build systems that are trustworthy, resilient, and reliable.

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