AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right for You?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right for You?


In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, optimizing costs is a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a wide range of pricing models, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Among these, AWS Compute Savings Plans stand out as a potent tool for achieving significant cost reductions, particularly for predictable workloads. This article delves into the intricacies of AWS Compute Savings Plans, exploring their functionalities, benefits, and how they can be leveraged to unlock substantial cost savings.

What are AWS Compute Savings Plans?

AWS Compute Savings Plans are a pricing model that provides discounted pricing for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. By committing to a consistent level of usage for a specific instance type and region for a specified period, you can secure significant savings compared to On-Demand pricing.

Key Features of AWS Compute Savings Plans:

  1. Commitment-Based Pricing: Unlike On-Demand pricing, which charges you for every hour of usage, Compute Savings Plans require a commitment to a specific level of usage for a chosen instance type and region. This commitment can be either "hourly" or "partial upfront" based on your needs and budget.

  2. Flexibility: You have the option to choose from various durations for your commitment, ranging from 1 year to 3 years. The longer the commitment, the greater the discount you can secure.

  3. Regional Specificity: Savings Plans are region-specific, meaning you need to commit to a specific AWS region for your desired instance type.

  4. Instance Family Coverage: Compute Savings Plans cover a broad range of EC2 instance families, including general-purpose, compute-optimized, memory-optimized, and accelerated computing instances.

  5. Savings Opportunity: You can achieve substantial cost reductions compared to On-Demand pricing, with discounts potentially reaching up to 72%.

    Types of AWS Compute Savings Plans:

There are two primary types of Compute Savings Plans:

  1. EC2 Instance Savings Plans: These plans offer discounts on the usage of specific EC2 instance types. They can be further categorized into "hourly" and "partial upfront" plans.
* **Hourly EC2 Instance Savings Plans:** You commit to a specific number of hours per month for a given instance type and region. You pay a discounted price per hour for usage within your committed limit.

* **Partial Upfront EC2 Instance Savings Plans:** You make a partial upfront payment in exchange for a higher discount on your usage. This option can be advantageous for long-term workloads with consistent usage patterns.
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  1. Compute Savings Plans for AWS Lambda: These plans offer discounts on the usage of AWS Lambda functions. Similar to EC2 Instance Savings Plans, they come in "hourly" and "partial upfront" options. How to Choose the Right Compute Savings Plan:

Selecting the right Compute Savings Plan requires a thorough understanding of your workload's characteristics and usage patterns. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the most informed decision:

  1. Identify Your Workloads: Analyze your current EC2 usage patterns. Identify the instance types you use most frequently and their average utilization.
  2. Estimate Usage: Based on your workload analysis, project your future EC2 usage for the next 1, 2, or 3 years. Consider factors like seasonality, growth projections, and planned infrastructure changes.
  3. Analyze Cost Savings: Explore different savings plan options, including hourly and partial upfront plans, with different commitment durations. Compare the potential discounts and costs associated with each option.
  4. Factor in Flexibility: Consider the flexibility you need in terms of scaling up or down your infrastructure. Choose a plan that aligns with your anticipated growth.
  5. Evaluate Risk: Recognize that if you don't reach your committed usage, you may not realize the full benefit of the savings plan. Example: Choosing a Compute Savings Plan

Let's imagine you run a website with a predictable traffic pattern. You currently utilize 10 m4.large EC2 instances in the US-East-1 region. Your average monthly usage is 720 hours per instance.

Based on your historical usage data, you project that your workload will grow by 10% in the next year.

To choose a suitable savings plan, you can follow these steps:

  1. Workload Analysis: Your primary instance type is m4.large in the US-East-1 region.

  2. Usage Estimation: Your current usage is 720 hours per instance per month. Projecting a 10% growth, your projected usage for the next year is 792 hours per instance per month.

  3. Cost Savings Comparison: Research various savings plan options for m4.large in US-East-1. Compare the discounts offered for hourly and partial upfront plans with different commitment durations.

  4. Flexibility and Risk: Assess if you're comfortable with a 1-year commitment, considering your projected workload growth. Evaluate the risk of not reaching your committed usage.

    Benefits of AWS Compute Savings Plans:

  5. Significant Cost Savings: Compute Savings Plans offer substantial discounts compared to On-Demand pricing, allowing you to significantly reduce your EC2 costs.

  6. Predictable Pricing: By committing to a specific usage level, you gain predictable pricing, making budgeting and financial planning more straightforward.

  7. Improved ROI: The cost savings achieved through Compute Savings Plans can boost your ROI by lowering your operational expenses.

  8. Enhanced Business Agility: The flexibility offered by Compute Savings Plans allows you to adjust your commitment levels as your business needs evolve.

    Best Practices for Using AWS Compute Savings Plans:

  9. Accurate Usage Forecasting: Precisely estimate your future usage to avoid over-commitment and underutilization.

  10. Rightsizing Your Instances: Optimize your instance types to ensure you're using the appropriate resources for your workloads.

  11. Monitoring and Optimization: Regularly monitor your usage and make adjustments to your savings plan commitments as needed.

  12. Consider Regional Impact: Allocate resources to the regions with the most favorable pricing.

  13. Leverage AWS Tools: Utilize AWS tools like AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Trusted Advisor to gain insights into your cost savings and identify areas for optimization.

    Example: Implementing AWS Compute Savings Plans

  14. Login to the AWS Console: Navigate to the AWS Management Console and sign in with your credentials.

  15. Navigate to Savings Plans: Go to the "Savings Plans" section in the AWS console.

  16. Create a Savings Plan: Click on the "Create Savings Plan" button.

  17. Choose Savings Plan Type: Select either "EC2 Instance Savings Plan" or "Compute Savings Plan for AWS Lambda."

  18. Specify Commitment Details: Enter the required details, including instance type, region, commitment duration, and payment option.

  19. Review and Create: Review your configuration and click on "Create" to activate your savings plan.


AWS Compute Savings Plans are a powerful tool for optimizing your cloud computing costs. By leveraging commitment-based pricing, organizations can achieve significant discounts and enhance their financial efficiency. Carefully evaluating your workload patterns, estimating future usage, and selecting the appropriate savings plan options are crucial steps to maximize your cost savings. By embracing best practices and leveraging AWS tools, you can effectively harness the potential of Compute Savings Plans to optimize your AWS infrastructure and drive down your cloud costs.

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