AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right for You?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right for You?

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AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right for You?

In the dynamic world of cloud computing, cost optimization is paramount. As your AWS workloads grow and evolve, it becomes increasingly critical to find ways to maximize efficiency and minimize expenses. Enter AWS Compute Savings Plans, a compelling option for organizations seeking predictable pricing and potential cost savings on their Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) usage.

This article delves into the intricacies of AWS Compute Savings Plans, exploring their benefits, limitations, and suitability for different use cases. We'll guide you through the process of evaluating their potential for your specific needs, offering practical insights and examples to empower you in making informed decisions.

Understanding AWS Compute Savings Plans

AWS Compute Savings Plans are a commitment-based pricing model that offers discounts on EC2 instances in exchange for a sustained usage commitment. These plans provide a predictable pricing structure, potentially leading to significant cost reductions compared to On-Demand pricing.

Key Features

  • Commitment-based: You commit to a specific amount of EC2 instance usage (measured in instance hours) for a designated period (1 or 3 years).
    • Discount Structure: Savings Plans offer discounts on EC2 instance usage, with the exact percentage varying based on the plan type and commitment level.
    • Flexibility: You can choose from various plan types to suit your specific needs:
    • Instance Savings Plan: Provides discounts on a specific instance family and size (e.g., M5, c5).
    • Compute Savings Plan: Offers discounts on all EC2 instances within a region, regardless of instance family or size.
    • Utilization Tracking: AWS monitors your EC2 usage and automatically applies discounts whenever your committed usage is met.

      Benefits of AWS Compute Savings Plans

    • Cost Optimization
  • Predictable Pricing: Offers a fixed price for your committed EC2 usage, reducing cost volatility.
    • Significant Discounts: Can lead to substantial cost savings compared to On-Demand pricing, particularly for workloads with consistent usage patterns.

    • Enhanced Flexibility
  • Plan Flexibility: Choice between Instance Savings Plans and Compute Savings Plans for tailored cost control.
    • Commitment Customization: Various commitment terms (1 or 3 years) and usage levels allow you to tailor the plan to your specific needs.

    • Improved Planning
  • Budgeting Accuracy: Provides a clearer view of your EC2 costs, facilitating more accurate budgeting and financial forecasting.
    • Long-Term Cost Reduction: Enables you to make strategic decisions about your AWS infrastructure, securing cost savings for the duration of your commitment.

      Considerations When Choosing Compute Savings Plans

    • Workload Characteristics
  • Consistency of Usage: Savings Plans are most beneficial for workloads with predictable and consistent EC2 usage. If your usage fluctuates significantly, you may not realize the full potential of the discounts.
    • Long-Term Commitment: The commitment nature of Savings Plans requires careful planning. Ensure that you can sustain your committed usage level for the duration of the plan.

    • Plan Type Selection
  • Instance vs. Compute Savings Plan: Carefully evaluate the trade-offs between the flexibility of Compute Savings Plans and the targeted discounts of Instance Savings Plans.
    • Commitment Level: Determine the appropriate usage commitment level that balances cost savings with potential over-commitment risk.

    • Management and Monitoring
  • Usage Tracking: Regularly monitor your EC2 usage to ensure you are meeting your committed levels.
    • Plan Optimization: As your workload evolves, consider adjusting your plan or exploring alternative options to optimize your cost structure.

      Step-by-Step Guide: Using AWS Compute Savings Plans

    • Determine Your Workload Needs
  • Identify EC2 Usage: Analyze your current and projected EC2 usage patterns.
    • Evaluate Consistency: Assess the consistency of your workload and its suitability for a commitment-based pricing model.
    • Assess Long-Term Plans: Consider your future infrastructure needs and whether a 1 or 3-year commitment aligns with your plans.

    • Choose the Right Plan Type
  • Instance Savings Plan: Choose if you need targeted discounts on specific instance families and sizes.
    • Compute Savings Plan: Select if you require flexibility across all EC2 instances within a region.
    • Commitment Level: Determine the appropriate usage commitment level based on your workload needs.

    • Purchase and Activate the Savings Plan
  • Navigate to Savings Plans in the AWS Console: You can find it under the "Cost Management" section.
    • Create a Savings Plan: Select the desired plan type, commitment level, and instance specifications.
    • Activate the Savings Plan: Once purchased, the Savings Plan automatically applies to your eligible EC2 instances.

    • Monitor and Optimize
  • Track EC2 Usage: Regularly monitor your EC2 usage to ensure you are meeting your committed levels.
    • Review Savings: Analyze the savings generated by your Savings Plan and adjust your plan or commitment level as needed.
    • Consider Plan Adjustments: Evaluate your plan regularly to ensure it aligns with your evolving workload requirements.

      Example: Optimizing a Web Server Deployment with Compute Savings Plans

      Let's imagine you have a web server application that consumes 500 EC2 instance hours per month on average. You anticipate steady growth in traffic, resulting in consistent usage for the next 3 years. In this scenario, an AWS Compute Savings Plan could be a compelling choice:

1. Workload Analysis:

  • Consistent usage pattern over the next 3 years makes it suitable for a Savings Plan commitment.

2. Plan Selection:

  • You choose a Compute Savings Plan for flexibility across all EC2 instances.
  • You opt for a 3-year commitment with a usage level of 6,000 EC2 instance hours per month to ensure adequate coverage.

3. Purchase and Activation:

  • You purchase the Savings Plan through the AWS Console and activate it.

4. Monitoring and Optimization:

  • You regularly monitor your EC2 usage and ensure you meet your committed levels.
  • You analyze the savings generated by the Savings Plan and make adjustments as needed.


    AWS Compute Savings Plans offer a powerful tool for cost optimization and predictable pricing of EC2 instances. By leveraging their commitment-based pricing model and customizable plan options, organizations can potentially achieve significant cost savings while enjoying flexibility and long-term stability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Evaluate your workload characteristics and long-term infrastructure plans before committing to a Savings Plan.
  • Choose the appropriate plan type and commitment level that aligns with your needs.
  • Regularly monitor and optimize your Savings Plans to ensure you maximize their benefits and adapt to evolving workload requirements.

Remember, AWS Compute Savings Plans are a powerful tool for managing your cloud costs, but careful consideration and planning are essential for unlocking their full potential.

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