AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right for You?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

AWS Compute Savings Plans: Are They Right For You?


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of cloud computing, cost optimization is a key concern for businesses of all sizes. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a plethora of cost-saving mechanisms, and among them, Compute Savings Plans stand out as a powerful tool to reduce your cloud infrastructure expenses.

Compute Savings Plans provide a cost-effective way to purchase compute capacity in advance, offering discounts on your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) usage. However, understanding the nuances of these plans and determining if they are right for your specific needs requires careful analysis and consideration.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the depths of AWS Compute Savings Plans, exploring their benefits, potential drawbacks, and helping you determine if they are the right fit for your organization.

Understanding Compute Savings Plans

Compute Savings Plans are a commitment-based pricing model that provides discounts on your Amazon EC2 usage. By committing to a specific amount of EC2 instance usage for a defined period, you receive discounted rates on those instances, potentially saving you a significant amount of money.

Key Features of Compute Savings Plans:

  • Commitment-based: You commit to a specific amount of EC2 usage for a defined period, typically 1 or 3 years.
  • Discounts: Receive significant discounts on your EC2 usage, with discounts ranging from 40% to 72% compared to On-Demand pricing.
  • Flexibility: Choose from different plan types, including "Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance" and "Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance Family."
  • Regional: Plans are specific to a particular AWS Region, allowing for focused cost optimization.
  • Coverage: Cover both On-Demand and Reserved Instance usage.

Types of Compute Savings Plans:

1. Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance:

  • These plans offer discounts on specific EC2 instances you choose.
  • Provide maximum flexibility, allowing you to select specific instance types and sizes.
  • Offer the highest potential discounts.

2. Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance Family:

  • Provide discounts across an entire EC2 Instance family, such as "m5" or "c5."
  • Offer more flexibility than Reserved Instances, allowing for instance type and size changes within the chosen family.
  • Provide a balance of flexibility and cost savings.

Benefits of Compute Savings Plans:

  • Cost Reduction: Achieve substantial cost savings on your EC2 usage by leveraging significant discounts compared to On-Demand pricing.
  • Predictability: Committing to a defined period of usage allows for predictable budgeting and financial planning.
  • Flexibility: Choose the plan type and commitment period that best fits your needs and usage patterns.
  • Coverage: Cover both On-Demand and Reserved Instance usage, providing a comprehensive cost-optimization solution.
  • Easy Management: Manage your Savings Plans through the AWS Management Console or the AWS API.

Potential Drawbacks of Compute Savings Plans:

  • Commitment: Committing to a certain amount of usage for a set period requires careful planning and consideration of your future needs.
  • Limited Flexibility: Once you commit to a specific plan type, switching to a different plan may involve penalties.
  • Unused Capacity: If your actual usage falls short of your commitment, you may lose some potential cost savings.
  • Not for Every Use Case: Savings Plans may not be suitable for all applications, especially those with highly variable or unpredictable usage patterns.

Are Compute Savings Plans Right for You?

To determine if Compute Savings Plans are a good fit for your organization, consider the following factors:

  • Usage Patterns: Analyze your EC2 usage history and identify workloads with predictable and consistent usage patterns.
  • Commitment Duration: Evaluate your ability to commit to a specific period of usage, considering your future workload projections.
  • Cost Sensitivity: Determine your level of cost sensitivity and your need to optimize cloud infrastructure expenses.
  • Application Requirements: Assess the flexibility required by your applications and their compatibility with the chosen Savings Plans.

Example: A Case Study

Imagine a company with a website that experiences peak traffic during specific hours of the day and weekends. Their EC2 usage exhibits predictable patterns, and they are looking to optimize their cloud costs. In this scenario, Compute Savings Plans can be a valuable solution.

  • Identify Workload: Analyze the website's traffic patterns and identify the predictable usage patterns during peak hours and weekends.
  • Choose Savings Plan: Select a "Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance" based on the instance type used for the website's infrastructure.
  • Commit to Usage: Commit to a specific amount of EC2 usage for a 1 or 3-year period based on historical data and future projections.
  • Cost Savings: Receive significant discounts on EC2 usage during peak hours and weekends, resulting in substantial cost savings.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Compute Savings Plans:

  1. Analyze Your Usage: Review your historical EC2 usage data and identify workloads with predictable and consistent usage patterns.
  2. Choose Plan Type: Determine the most suitable plan type based on your needs. If your usage is highly consistent with specific EC2 instance types, choose "Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance." If your workload requires more flexibility across an instance family, consider "Compute Savings Plans - EC2 Instance Family."
  3. Select Commitment Period: Decide on the commitment period (1 or 3 years) based on your future workload projections and budgeting needs.
  4. Estimate Usage: Estimate your future EC2 usage based on historical data and any anticipated growth or changes.
  5. Create the Savings Plan: Use the AWS Management Console or the AWS API to create the Compute Savings Plans based on your chosen plan type, commitment period, and estimated usage.
  6. Monitor and Optimize: Monitor your EC2 usage and Savings Plan utilization to ensure you are maximizing cost savings and making necessary adjustments as needed.


AWS Compute Savings Plans offer a compelling opportunity to significantly reduce your EC2 costs by committing to a defined amount of usage. However, choosing the right plan and commitment period requires careful planning and consideration of your usage patterns, workload requirements, and cost sensitivity. By understanding the benefits and potential drawbacks of Savings Plans and following the outlined steps, you can make informed decisions and leverage this powerful cost optimization tool to drive substantial cost savings for your AWS infrastructure.


  • Image 1: A screenshot of the AWS Management Console displaying the various options available for creating Compute Savings Plans.
  • Image 2: A chart showcasing the potential cost savings offered by Compute Savings Plans compared to On-Demand pricing for different instance types and commitment periods.
  • Image 3: A flow chart illustrating the step-by-step guide for implementing Compute Savings Plans.

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