Build A Transcription App with Strapi, ChatGPT, & Whisper: Part 3

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Build A Transcription App with Strapi, ChatGPT, and Whisper: Part 3 - Fine-Tuning Whisper for Accuracy and Customization


This is the third installment of our series on building a powerful transcription app using Strapi, ChatGPT, and Whisper. In the previous parts, we laid the foundation by setting up a Strapi backend to manage audio files and integrate with OpenAI's API for initial transcription. Now, we'll delve deeper into Whisper, exploring its capabilities for fine-tuning and customization to achieve superior accuracy and tailor the app to specific use cases.

Why Fine-Tuning Matters

Whisper, while remarkably versatile, is trained on a massive dataset that may not perfectly align with your specific transcription needs. Fine-tuning allows you to adapt Whisper's model to your specific domain, accent, or language variations, significantly enhancing its accuracy and relevance.

The Power of Fine-Tuning Whisper

Imagine a transcription app specifically designed for medical conversations, legal proceedings, or technical presentations. Fine-tuning allows you to train Whisper on a dataset of relevant audio recordings, enabling it to:

  • Recognize domain-specific vocabulary: Medical terms, legal jargon, or industry-specific phrases will be transcribed more accurately.
  • Adapt to accents and dialects: Whisper can be trained to understand specific accents or dialects, improving accuracy in diverse settings.
  • Enhance transcription for different languages: Fine-tuning can expand Whisper's capabilities to transcribe languages not fully covered in its original training data.

Fine-Tuning with Hugging Face and the transformers Library

We'll use Hugging Face's Transformers library, a powerful toolkit for working with various pre-trained models, including Whisper. The transformers library provides an easy-to-use interface for fine-tuning Whisper, allowing you to customize the model based on your unique requirements.

Step-by-Step Guide: Fine-Tuning Whisper

  1. Dataset Preparation:
  • Gather relevant audio files: Collect a corpus of audio recordings representing your specific domain, accent, or language.
  • Transcribe the data: Manually transcribe the audio files. Ensure accuracy and consistency in your transcripts.
  • Format the data: Organize the transcripts into a format compatible with Whisper fine-tuning. Hugging Face provides clear documentation on required formats.
  1. Set up Your Environment:
  • Install necessary libraries:

     pip install transformers datasets
  • Import the required libraries:

     from transformers import WhisperForConditionalGeneration, WhisperTokenizer
     from datasets import load_dataset, load_from_disk
  1. Load the Whisper Model and Tokenizer:
  • Download the pre-trained Whisper model:

     model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-base")
     tokenizer = WhisperTokenizer.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-base")
  1. Prepare the Dataset:
  • Load or create your dataset:

     dataset = load_dataset("your_dataset_name", split="train")
  • Process the data:

     def prepare_data(example):
         audio = example["audio"]
         text = example["text"]
         input_features = tokenizer(audio["array"], return_tensors="pt")
         labels = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
         return {"input_features": input_features, "labels": labels}
     dataset =, batched=True)
  1. Fine-Tune the Model:
  • Define the training arguments:

     from transformers import TrainingArguments
     training_args = TrainingArguments(
         output_dir="./whisper-fine-tuned",  # Specify output directory
         per_device_train_batch_size=8,  # Adjust batch size as needed
         num_train_epochs=3,  # Set number of training epochs
         learning_rate=1e-5,  # Set learning rate
         save_strategy="epoch",  # Save model checkpoints every epoch
         logging_steps=10,  # Log training progress every 10 steps
  • Create the Trainer object and start fine-tuning:

     from transformers import Trainer
     trainer = Trainer(
  1. Save the Fine-Tuned Model:
  • Save the model and tokenizer:


Integrating Fine-Tuned Whisper into your Strapi App

Now that you have a fine-tuned Whisper model, integrate it into your Strapi application.

  1. Create a dedicated API endpoint: Build a new Strapi API endpoint that accepts audio files and uses your fine-tuned Whisper model for transcription.

  2. Load the fine-tuned model: Load the saved model and tokenizer within your API endpoint.

  3. Perform transcription: Use the loaded model to transcribe the uploaded audio file.

  4. Return the results: Return the transcribed text to the frontend application.

Example Code Snippet

from transformers import WhisperForConditionalGeneration, WhisperTokenizer

# ... Strapi API endpoint code ...

# Load the fine-tuned model and tokenizer
model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("./whisper-fine-tuned")
tokenizer = WhisperTokenizer.from_pretrained("./whisper-fine-tuned")

def transcribe(audio_file):
    # ... Preprocess audio file ...

    # Generate transcription
    inputs = tokenizer(audio_file, return_tensors="pt")
    output = model.generate(**inputs)
    text = tokenizer.batch_decode(output, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]

    return text

# ... Strapi API endpoint code ...
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Fine-tuning Whisper allows you to unlock its full potential by tailoring the model to your specific transcription needs. With Hugging Face's transformers library, this process is remarkably streamlined. By integrating a fine-tuned Whisper model into your Strapi application, you can deliver highly accurate and relevant transcriptions, enhancing the user experience and opening up new possibilities for your transcription app.

Best Practices

  • Use a diverse and representative dataset: Ensure your fine-tuning data accurately reflects the domain, accents, and languages you wish to support.
  • Experiment with different training parameters: Adjust batch size, learning rate, and the number of training epochs to optimize performance.
  • Monitor the results: Continuously evaluate the model's performance on a separate validation set and make adjustments as needed.
  • Document your fine-tuning process: Keep detailed records of the dataset used, training parameters, and model performance to facilitate future improvements.

By following these best practices, you can achieve impressive transcription accuracy and build a robust and customizable transcription app that meets the unique demands of your target audience.

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