Clearing GitHub Notifications with a Shell Script: An Introduction to Underutilized GitHub API Endpoints

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Clearing GitHub Notifications with a Shell Script: An Introduction to Underutilized GitHub API Endpoints

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Clearing GitHub Notifications with a Shell Script: An Introduction to Underutilized GitHub API Endpoints


In the bustling world of software development, GitHub has become an indispensable platform for collaboration, version control, and open-source contributions. With its vast array of features, GitHub offers a rich ecosystem of tools and services. However, its notification system, while essential for staying informed about project updates and activities, can quickly become overwhelming, particularly for developers working on multiple projects or those contributing to large open-source repositories.

This article delves into an often overlooked aspect of GitHub's API - the ability to programmatically manage notifications. By harnessing this power, we can automate the process of clearing notifications, allowing developers to focus on what matters most - building exceptional software. We will explore the key concepts, techniques, and tools involved in building a shell script to clear GitHub notifications efficiently.

Understanding GitHub Notifications and the API

GitHub notifications are triggered by various events, including:

  • New issues or pull requests on repositories you follow or contribute to.
  • Mentions or replies to comments you've made.
  • New releases or updates to projects you're watching.
  • Team invitations or requests.

While these notifications are essential for staying updated, they can quickly pile up, leading to information overload. GitHub provides a REST API that allows developers to interact with the platform's resources programmatically. This API provides endpoints for manipulating notifications, including clearing them, marking them as read, and filtering them by type.

Key Concepts:

  • GitHub API:
    A set of endpoints that allows developers to interact with GitHub resources programmatically.

  • Authentication:
    Accessing the API requires authentication using an API token, ensuring secure communication and authorization.

  • API Endpoints:
    Specific URLs that correspond to different actions or resources within the API, such as clearing notifications or fetching user information.

  • HTTP Requests:
    Communication with the API is done through HTTP requests, typically using methods like GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.

Building a Shell Script to Clear Notifications

Let's craft a shell script that effectively clears our GitHub notifications. The script will utilize the GitHub API, authenticate using a personal access token, and perform the necessary HTTP requests to clear the notifications.

1. Obtaining a Personal Access Token

  1. Log in to your GitHub account.
  2. Navigate to .
  3. Give your token a descriptive name and select the "repo" scope for notification management.
  4. Click "Generate token" to create your personal access token.
  5. Store this token securely as you will need it for authentication.

2. Choosing a Programming Language

While we can use any language with HTTP capabilities (Python, JavaScript, Ruby), we'll demonstrate using Bash scripting for its simplicity and common availability.

3. Scripting with curl

The curl command is a versatile tool for making HTTP requests from the command line. We will use it to interact with the GitHub API.

Here's a basic shell script to clear all notifications:

    # Your GitHub personal access token

    # The GitHub API endpoint for clearing notifications

    # Authenticate using the token
    curl -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X DELETE $API_URL


  • #!/bin/bash

    : Specifies the interpreter to use for the script.


    : Sets the environment variable TOKEN to your generated personal access token.

  • API_URL=''

    : Defines the API endpoint for clearing all notifications.

  • curl -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X DELETE $API_URL

    : Uses curl to send a DELETE request to the API endpoint, authenticated with the provided token.

4. Error Handling and Logging

To make your script robust, implement error handling and logging to capture any potential issues during execution.

    # Your GitHub personal access token

    # The GitHub API endpoint for clearing notifications

    # Set the output format for curl
    curl_opts="-s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null"

    # Perform the DELETE request
    response_code=$(curl $curl_opts -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X DELETE $API_URL)

    # Check the response code
    if [ "$response_code" -eq 204 ]; then
        echo "Notifications cleared successfully!"
        echo "Error: Could not clear notifications. Response code: $response_code"


  • curl_opts="-s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null"

    : Sets options for curl to suppress output, capture the HTTP response code, and discard the response body.

  • response_code=$(curl $curl_opts -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X DELETE $API_URL)

    : Executes the DELETE request and stores the response code in the response_code variable.

  • if [ "$response_code" -eq 204 ]; then ... else ... fi

    : Checks if the response code is 204 (successful deletion), displaying appropriate messages based on the outcome.

Advanced Features: Filtering and Granular Control

While the basic script clears all notifications, we can enhance its functionality by implementing filtering and granular control over notification management. Let's explore some of the underutilized GitHub API endpoints that empower us with more refined control.

1. Filtering Notifications by Type

The GitHub API allows you to filter notifications based on the type of event that triggered them. The following table outlines some common notification types and their corresponding API parameters:

Notification Type

API Parameter



Pull Requests




Team Invitations


Repository Watches


Example: Clearing notifications related to pull requests only:


    curl_opts="-s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null"
    response_code=$(curl $curl_opts -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X DELETE $API_URL)

    if [ "$response_code" -eq 204 ]; then
        echo "Pull request notifications cleared successfully!"
        echo "Error: Could not clear notifications. Response code: $response_code"

2. Marking Notifications as Read

Instead of deleting notifications, you can mark them as read to keep them in your notification feed but indicate that you've acknowledged them. The API endpoint for this action is with a POST request.


    curl_opts="-s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null"
    response_code=$(curl $curl_opts -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X POST $API_URL)

    if [ "$response_code" -eq 204 ]; then
        echo "Notifications marked as read successfully!"
        echo "Error: Could not mark notifications as read. Response code: $response_code"

3. Accessing Specific Notifications

The GitHub API allows you to access specific notifications using their unique identifiers. You can retrieve details about a notification, mark it as read, or delete it individually. This approach provides the most granular control over notification management.


    # Mark a notification as read

    curl_opts="-s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null"
    response_code=$(curl $curl_opts -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X PATCH $API_URL -d '{"reason": "read"}')

    if [ "$response_code" -eq 204 ]; then
        echo "Notification $NOTIFICATION_ID marked as read successfully!"
        echo "Error: Could not mark notification as read. Response code: $response_code"

    # Delete a specific notification

    curl_opts="-s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null"
    response_code=$(curl $curl_opts -H "Authorization: token $TOKEN" -X DELETE $API_URL)

    if [ "$response_code" -eq 204 ]; then
        echo "Notification $NOTIFICATION_ID deleted successfully!"
        echo "Error: Could not delete notification. Response code: $response_code"


This article has showcased the power and flexibility of the GitHub API for managing notifications. By leveraging these underutilized API endpoints, we can automate the process of clearing notifications, saving time and improving workflow efficiency. We've explored how to build a basic shell script using curl and how to implement error handling and logging for robust execution. Furthermore, we've examined advanced features like filtering notifications by type, marking them as read, and accessing specific notifications for granular control.

As you continue to delve deeper into the GitHub API, remember these best practices:

  • Store your personal access token securely, preferably using environment variables or secrets management tools.
  • Implement error handling and logging to identify and troubleshoot issues effectively.
  • Explore the GitHub API documentation to discover additional endpoints and functionalities that can further enhance your workflow.
  • Use the API responsibly, respecting rate limits and avoiding unnecessary requests.

By harnessing the power of the GitHub API, you can unlock a new level of automation and efficiency in your development workflow, freeing up time and energy for more creative and strategic tasks. Happy coding!

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