Complete Redux toolkit (Part-1)

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

Complete Redux Toolkit: Part 1 - Getting Started with State Management

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Redux, a popular state management library for JavaScript applications, has become a cornerstone for building robust and maintainable user interfaces. While powerful, its traditional setup could be verbose and prone to errors, especially for beginners. Enter Redux Toolkit - a collection of official tools and best practices designed to simplify the Redux development experience. This series dives deep into Redux Toolkit, empowering you to build complex applications with ease.

This first part focuses on the core concepts and essential techniques for getting started with Redux Toolkit. We'll explore how it streamlines state management and provides a clear path for building predictable, scalable applications.

What is Redux Toolkit?

Redux Toolkit is an official, opinionated, and pragmatic approach to using Redux. It simplifies the process of working with Redux by providing:

  • Preconfigured store: No need to manually write boilerplate code for setting up your Redux store.
  • ** createSlice:** Easily define reducers, actions, and initial state in a concise, organized manner.
  • Immer: Avoids the need for manual Object.assign or spread syntax to update state immutably.
  • Built-in middleware: Comes with essential middleware for common use cases like logging, error handling, and API requests.

In essence, Redux Toolkit focuses on what you want to do with your state, freeing you from the boilerplate that often hinders development.

Why Use Redux Toolkit?

  • Simplifies Redux: No more tedious configuration or manual boilerplate.
  • Reduces boilerplate: Reduces the amount of code you write, making your code more concise and readable.
  • Promotes best practices: Encourages the use of Redux's recommended patterns and techniques.
  • Easy to learn: Provides a more accessible entry point for new users.
  • Improved maintainability: Your code becomes more organized, easier to understand, and easier to modify.

Installation and Setup

Let's start by setting up a basic React application and installing the necessary packages.

npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
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Now, let's create a basic Redux store using Redux Toolkit:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState = {
  counter: 0,

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  reducers: {
    increment: (state) => {
      state.counter += 1;
    decrement: (state) => {
      state.counter -= 1;

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    counter: counterSlice.reducer,

export default store;
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  1. Import: We import configureStore from @reduxjs/toolkit to create our Redux store.
  2. initialState: Define the initial state of our counter.
  3. createSlice: This function allows us to define our slice, containing the reducer, actions, and initial state.
    • name: The name of the slice, which helps to organize our state.
    • initialState: The initial state for this slice.
    • reducers: An object containing reducer functions. These functions handle how state changes based on actions.
  4. configureStore: We use configureStore to create the Redux store. We provide our reducer object, which is generated by the counterSlice.reducer property.

Connecting the Store to Your Application

To utilize our Redux store within our React application, we'll use the Provider component from react-redux:

import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

function App() {
  return (
<provider store="{store}">
 {/* Your app components */}
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This wraps our application's root component in the Provider, making the Redux store accessible to all child components.

Accessing State and Dispatching Actions

Let's create a simple counter component to interact with our Redux store:

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

function Counter() {
  const count = useSelector((state) =&gt; state.counter.counter);
  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  return (
  Count: {count}
 <button =="" onclick="{()">
 <button =="" onclick="{()">
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  1. useSelector: We use useSelector to access the state from the store. It receives a function that selects the desired state from the store's state object.
  2. useDispatch: We use useDispatch to access the dispatch function, which allows us to send actions to the store.
  3. dispatching actions: When a button is clicked, we dispatch the corresponding action (increment or decrement) from counterSlice.actions.

This simple example demonstrates how easy it is to interact with the Redux store using Redux Toolkit.

Key Concepts Explained

  • State: The single source of truth for your application's data. It represents the current state of the application.
  • Reducers: Pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. They are responsible for updating the state based on user actions.
  • Actions: Plain JavaScript objects that describe what happened. They are sent to the store to trigger state updates.
  • Store: The single, central location where the application's state is stored. It holds the state and provides methods for accessing and updating it.


This article covered the foundational concepts and essential setup steps involved in using Redux Toolkit for state management. By leveraging Redux Toolkit, we can efficiently create, manage, and interact with application state, leading to more organized, predictable, and maintainable applications.

In the next part of this series, we will explore more advanced features and techniques of Redux Toolkit, such as:

  • Asynchronous actions: Handling data fetching and other asynchronous operations.
  • Middleware: Adding custom logic to the Redux data flow.
  • Selectors: Creating reusable functions to derive data from the store.
  • Testing Redux Toolkit: Writing unit and integration tests for your Redux logic.

By building upon this foundational understanding, you can effectively utilize Redux Toolkit to tackle complex state management challenges in your React applications.

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