Creating a File Copy Program in C

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

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Creating a File Copy Program in C

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Creating a File Copy Program in C


File copying is a fundamental task in computing, allowing us to duplicate files for backup, sharing, or other purposes. While operating systems provide utilities for this purpose, understanding the underlying principles and implementing it ourselves can provide valuable insights into file handling and system interactions.

This article delves into creating a file copy program in C, exploring the essential concepts, techniques, and best practices involved. By the end, you'll have a grasp of the steps necessary to build your own file copier.

Key Concepts

Before diving into the code, let's establish some core concepts:
  • File I/O (Input/Output): C provides functions for interacting with files, allowing us to read data from and write data to files.
  • File Pointers: These are variables that point to the location of a file in memory, enabling us to access and manipulate the file's contents.
  • File Modes: These specify how a file is opened (e.g., read-only, write-only, read/write) and how the file is created if it doesn't exist.
  • Buffering: Data is often processed in chunks (buffers) for efficiency, rather than byte-by-byte.

    Creating the File Copy Program

    Let's break down the process into distinct steps:

1. Include Necessary Headers:

{% endraw %}

* **stdio.h:** Provides standard input/output functions like {% raw %}`fopen`{% endraw %}, {% raw %}`fclose`{% endraw %}, {% raw %}`fread`{% endraw %}, and {% raw %}`fwrite`{% endraw %}.
* **stdlib.h:** Offers functions for memory allocation (e.g., {% raw %}`malloc`{% endraw %}) and error handling.
* **string.h:** Contains string manipulation functions.

**2. Handle Command Line Arguments:**
{% raw %}

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s
       \n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  char *source_file = argv[1];
  char *destination_file = argv[2];

  // ... rest of the code ...
  • argc: The number of arguments passed to the program (including the program name).
  • argv: An array of strings containing the arguments.
  • argv[0]: The name of the program itself.
  • argv[1]: The source file path.
  • argv[2]: The destination file path.

3. Open Files:

FILE *source_fp = fopen(source_file, "rb");
if (source_fp == NULL) {
  perror("Error opening source file");
  return 1;

FILE *destination_fp = fopen(destination_file, "wb");
if (destination_fp == NULL) {
  perror("Error opening destination file");
  return 1;
  • fopen: Opens a file in the specified mode.
  • "rb": Opens the source file in binary mode for reading.
  • "wb": Opens the destination file in binary mode for writing.
  • perror: Prints the error message associated with the last system error.

4. Copy Data in Chunks:

size_t bytes_read;
char buffer[1024];

while ((bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), source_fp)) &gt; 0) {
  if (fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes_read, destination_fp) != bytes_read) {
    perror("Error writing to destination file");
    return 1;
  • fread: Reads data from the source file into the buffer.
  • fwrite: Writes data from the buffer to the destination file.
  • bytes_read: Stores the number of bytes successfully read from the source file.

5. Handle Errors and Close Files:

if (ferror(source_fp) || ferror(destination_fp)) {
  perror("Error during file operations");
  return 1;


printf("File copied successfully!\n");
return 0;
  • ferror: Checks if an error occurred during file operations.
  • fclose: Closes the source and destination file pointers, releasing resources.

6. Complete Program:

          int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s
            \n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  char *source_file = argv[1];
  char *destination_file = argv[2];

  FILE *source_fp = fopen(source_file, "rb");
  if (source_fp == NULL) {
    perror("Error opening source file");
    return 1;

  FILE *destination_fp = fopen(destination_file, "wb");
  if (destination_fp == NULL) {
    perror("Error opening destination file");
    return 1;

  size_t bytes_read;
  char buffer[1024];

  while ((bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), source_fp)) &gt; 0) {
    if (fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes_read, destination_fp) != bytes_read) {
      perror("Error writing to destination file");
      return 1;

  if (ferror(source_fp) || ferror(destination_fp)) {
    perror("Error during file operations");
    return 1;


  printf("File copied successfully!\n");
  return 0;
        * The program starts by checking for the correct number of command-line arguments (source and destination file paths).
  • It opens the source file in read-binary mode and the destination file in write-binary mode, ensuring that data is treated as raw bytes.
  • The while loop reads data from the source file into a buffer and then writes the data to the destination file.
  • Error handling is crucial throughout the process, ensuring that potential issues (e.g., file opening, reading, writing) are addressed appropriately.
  • After successfully copying the data, the files are closed, and a success message is displayed.

    Best Practices

    * Error Handling: Robust error handling is essential to prevent unexpected behavior and ensure the integrity of the copied file.
  • Buffer Size: Choosing an appropriate buffer size can significantly impact performance. A larger buffer might improve speed but consume more memory.
  • Memory Management: Ensure that dynamically allocated memory is freed properly to avoid memory leaks.
  • File Modes: Use appropriate file modes to prevent unintended data corruption or file overwriting.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Consider using platform-specific libraries or functions if needed to ensure compatibility across different operating systems.

    Example Usage

    To use the program, compile it using a C compiler and then run it from the command line with the source and destination file paths:
gcc file_copy.c -o file_copy
./file_copy source.txt destination.txt
        Creating a file copy program in C provides a hands-on understanding of file handling, error management, and system interaction. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can develop your own file copier, customizing it with additional features or optimizations as needed.

Remember to prioritize error handling and best practices to ensure the reliability and efficiency of your program. With a solid foundation in file I/O and C programming, you can confidently tackle various file manipulation tasks in your projects.

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