Cucumber: Bridging the Gap Between Tech and Non-Tech in Testing

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

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Cucumber: Bridging the Gap Between Tech and Non-Tech in Testing

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Cucumber: Bridging the Gap Between Tech and Non-Tech in Testing


In the world of software development, testing is a crucial process that ensures quality and functionality. However, traditional testing methodologies often face challenges in bridging the gap between technical teams and non-technical stakeholders. This gap can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and a lack of transparency in the testing process.

Cucumber, a powerful behavior-driven development (BDD) tool, emerges as a solution to this problem. By using a simple, human-readable language, Cucumber empowers everyone involved in the project, regardless of their technical expertise, to collaborate effectively on defining and executing tests.

Why Cucumber?

Cucumber's primary advantage lies in its ability to express test scenarios in plain English (or any other natural language). This feature facilitates collaboration and understanding between technical and non-technical stakeholders. With Cucumber, business analysts, product owners, and even clients can easily understand and contribute to the testing process.

Here are some key benefits of using Cucumber:

  • Improved Communication

    : Cucumber's natural language format bridges the communication gap between technical and non-technical teams, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

  • Enhanced Collaboration

    : By allowing non-technical stakeholders to participate in test definition, Cucumber promotes collaboration and shared understanding.

  • Early Bug Detection

    : Cucumber tests can be written early in the development cycle, enabling early bug detection and prevention.

  • Living Documentation

    : Cucumber features provide a living documentation of the system's behavior, ensuring clarity and consistency.

  • Automated Testing

    : Cucumber seamlessly integrates with popular automation frameworks, enabling automated test execution and reducing manual effort.

Cucumber Fundamentals

At the heart of Cucumber lies the concept of "features," "scenarios," and "steps." Let's explore each element in detail:


A feature represents a high-level user story or requirement. It describes the overall functionality that a particular part of the software is expected to deliver. Each feature file is written in a plain text file with a ".feature" extension.

Example: A feature file for an e-commerce website:

Feature: Shopping Cart Functionality

As a customer,

I want to add items to my shopping cart,

So that I can purchase them later.


Scenarios represent specific test cases within a feature. They outline the steps a user would take to interact with the system and the expected outcomes. Each scenario is written within a "Scenario" block.

Example: A scenario within the "Shopping Cart Functionality" feature:

Scenario: Add an item to the shopping cart

Given I am on the product page

When I click the "Add to Cart" button

Then the item should be added to my shopping cart


Steps are the smallest units of action within a scenario. They represent individual interactions with the system. Cucumber steps are written in a specific format using "Given," "When," and "Then" keywords.

Example: Steps within the "Add an item to the shopping cart" scenario:

Given I am on the product page

When I click the "Add to Cart" button

Then the item should be added to my shopping cart

Cucumber in Action

Let's delve into a practical example to see Cucumber in action. Consider a simple e-commerce website with a shopping cart functionality. We'll write a Cucumber feature file to test this feature:

Cucumber Feature File

The feature file defines a feature named "Shopping Cart Functionality" and includes two scenarios: "Add an item to the shopping cart" and "Remove an item from the shopping cart." Each scenario describes the steps involved and the expected outcomes.

Step Definition

The next step is to define the actual code that will execute the steps in the feature file. This is done using step definitions, which are written in programming languages like Java, Ruby, or Python. Step definitions map the steps from the feature file to specific code implementations.

Example: Step definition for the "Given I am on the product page" step:

@Given("I am on the product page")

public void onProductPage() {



Running Cucumber Tests

Once the feature file and step definitions are ready, you can run Cucumber tests using a command-line interface. Cucumber will execute the scenarios defined in the feature file and report the results, indicating whether the steps passed or failed.

Cucumber Test Results

Advantages of Using Cucumber

The use of Cucumber offers several significant advantages:

  • Improved Communication and Collaboration

    : By using a plain language format, Cucumber promotes clear and concise communication between technical and non-technical teams. This fosters collaboration and shared understanding of the system's requirements.

  • Early Bug Detection and Prevention

    : Cucumber tests can be written early in the development cycle, allowing for early bug detection and prevention. This helps reduce the cost and effort required to fix bugs later in the development process.

  • Living Documentation

    : Cucumber feature files act as living documentation of the system's behavior. This documentation is automatically updated as the codebase changes, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

  • Automated Testing

    : Cucumber integrates seamlessly with various automation frameworks, enabling automated test execution. This reduces manual effort and improves the efficiency of the testing process.

  • Increased Test Coverage

    : Cucumber encourages writing tests for all aspects of the software, ensuring comprehensive test coverage.

  • Reduced Time to Market

    : By accelerating the testing process and identifying bugs early on, Cucumber helps reduce the time required to deliver software to market.

Best Practices for Using Cucumber

To maximize the benefits of using Cucumber, it's essential to follow some best practices:

  • Keep Scenarios Concise and Focused

    : Each scenario should focus on a single aspect of functionality. Avoid overcrowding scenarios with too many steps.

  • Use Descriptive Step Definitions

    : Write step definitions that clearly describe the action being performed. This makes the tests easier to understand and maintain.

  • Follow the "Given, When, Then" Structure

    : Adhering to the "Given, When, Then" structure helps organize steps logically and improve readability.

  • Use Tags for Organizing Tests

    : Tags allow you to group tests based on specific features or scenarios, making it easier to run specific subsets of tests.

  • Integrate Cucumber with CI/CD Pipelines

    : Automate the execution of Cucumber tests as part of your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

  • Regularly Review and Update Tests

    : As the system evolves, ensure that the Cucumber feature files and step definitions are kept up-to-date to reflect the latest changes.


Cucumber stands as a valuable tool for bridging the gap between technical and non-technical teams in testing. By leveraging its simple, human-readable language and its ability to automate tests, Cucumber fosters collaboration, improves communication, and enhances the overall quality of software development. Its ability to create living documentation and streamline the testing process makes it an indispensable asset for modern software development teams.

By embracing Cucumber's best practices and integrating it into your testing workflows, you can unlock its full potential and achieve a more efficient, collaborative, and successful software development process.

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