Custom useKeyboardAvoiding Hook: Adjusting View Translation Based on Keyboard Height in Expo/React Native

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

Mastering Keyboard Avoidance in Expo/React Native: A Custom Hook Approach


In the realm of mobile app development, particularly with frameworks like Expo and React Native, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience is paramount. One common challenge developers encounter is the issue of keyboard overlap, where the virtual keyboard obscures crucial input fields or components. This can lead to frustration for users, making it difficult to interact with the app effectively.

To address this, React Native provides the KeyboardAvoidingView component, which automatically adjusts the layout to accommodate the keyboard's appearance. However, in some scenarios, the default behavior of KeyboardAvoidingView might not be sufficient, requiring more granular control over the view's translation and animation. This is where custom hooks shine, allowing developers to implement bespoke solutions tailored to specific app requirements.

This article will delve into the intricacies of crafting a custom useKeyboardAvoiding hook, empowering you to manage keyboard behavior with precision and elegance in your Expo/React Native projects.

The Problem: Keyboard Overlap

Imagine a user filling out a form in your React Native app. As they start typing in the last field, the virtual keyboard pops up, obscuring the very field they're interacting with. The user has to awkwardly stretch their fingers or scroll the view to reach the obscured input. This scenario highlights the critical need for effective keyboard avoidance.

Keyboard Overlap Problem

React Native's KeyboardAvoidingView

React Native's KeyboardAvoidingView component offers a built-in solution to keyboard overlap. It automatically adjusts the layout of its children, pushing them upwards to avoid the keyboard. However, this approach comes with its limitations:

  • Generic behavior: KeyboardAvoidingView relies on pre-defined behaviors like padding or scroll to adjust the view. It might not always perfectly adapt to specific scenarios, especially those requiring customized animations or precise positioning.
  • Limited control: While KeyboardAvoidingView provides some basic customization options like behavior and contentContainerStyle, it lacks the flexibility to handle complex keyboard interactions with fine-grained control.

The Solution: A Custom useKeyboardAvoiding Hook

To overcome the limitations of KeyboardAvoidingView, we can leverage the power of custom hooks in React Native. This approach allows us to:

  • Control view translation: Define how and where to move the view based on the keyboard's height and position.
  • Implement custom animations: Animate the view translation to create smoother and more visually appealing transitions.
  • Handle multiple keyboard events: Respond to keyboard events like keyboardWillShow, keyboardDidShow, keyboardWillHide, and keyboardDidHide to orchestrate dynamic layout adjustments.

Building the Custom Hook

Let's break down the process of creating a custom useKeyboardAvoiding hook:

  1. Import Necessary Modules:
   import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
   import { Keyboard, Dimensions } from 'react-native';
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  1. State Management:
    • We use useState to track the keyboard's height and visibility.
    • keyboardHeight stores the height of the keyboard in pixels.
    • isKeyboardVisible indicates whether the keyboard is currently visible.
   const [keyboardHeight, setKeyboardHeight] = useState(0);
   const [isKeyboardVisible, setIsKeyboardVisible] = useState(false);
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  1. Keyboard Event Handlers:
    • We define functions to handle the various keyboard events.
    • handleKeyboardShow: Triggered when the keyboard begins to appear. We update keyboardHeight and isKeyboardVisible accordingly.
    • handleKeyboardHide: Triggered when the keyboard starts to disappear. We reset keyboardHeight to 0 and update isKeyboardVisible.
   const handleKeyboardShow = (event) => {

   const handleKeyboardHide = () => {
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  1. Subscription and Cleanup:
    • We use useEffect to subscribe to the keyboard event listeners when the component mounts and unsubscribe when it unmounts to avoid memory leaks.
   useEffect(() => {
     Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', handleKeyboardShow);
     Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', handleKeyboardHide);

     return () => {
       Keyboard.removeListener('keyboardDidShow', handleKeyboardShow);
       Keyboard.removeListener('keyboardDidHide', handleKeyboardHide);
   }, []);
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  1. View Translation Logic:
    • The core of our hook lies in determining the view's translation based on the keyboard's height and position. We define a getTranslation function that calculates the vertical displacement needed to avoid the keyboard.
   const getTranslation = () => {
     if (!isKeyboardVisible) {
       return 0;
     // Calculate the translation based on your specific requirements
     // Example: Translate the view upwards by the keyboard height
     return keyboardHeight;
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  1. Returning Values:
    • Finally, we return the keyboardHeight and getTranslation function, making them accessible to the component using the hook.
   return { keyboardHeight, getTranslation };
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Complete useKeyboardAvoiding Hook Code:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Keyboard, Dimensions } from 'react-native';

const useKeyboardAvoiding = () => {
  const [keyboardHeight, setKeyboardHeight] = useState(0);
  const [isKeyboardVisible, setIsKeyboardVisible] = useState(false);

  const handleKeyboardShow = (event) => {

  const handleKeyboardHide = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
    Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', handleKeyboardShow);
    Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', handleKeyboardHide);

    return () => {
      Keyboard.removeListener('keyboardDidShow', handleKeyboardShow);
      Keyboard.removeListener('keyboardDidHide', handleKeyboardHide);
  }, []);

  const getTranslation = () => {
    if (!isKeyboardVisible) {
      return 0;
    // Calculate the translation based on your specific requirements
    // Example: Translate the view upwards by the keyboard height
    return keyboardHeight;

  return { keyboardHeight, getTranslation };

export default useKeyboardAvoiding;
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Using the Hook in Your Component:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet, Animated } from 'react-native';
import useKeyboardAvoiding from './useKeyboardAvoiding';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [input, setInput] = useState('');
  const { keyboardHeight, getTranslation } = useKeyboardAvoiding();

  const animatedValue = new Animated.Value(0);

  const handleInput = (text) => {

  const handleFocus = () => {
    Animated.timing(animatedValue, {
      toValue: getTranslation(),
      duration: 200,
      useNativeDriver: false,

  const handleBlur = () => {
    Animated.timing(animatedValue, {
      toValue: 0,
      duration: 200,
      useNativeDriver: false,

  return (
<view style="{styles.container}">
 <animated.view animatedvalue="" style="{[styles.content," translatey:="" {="" }]}="">
  <text style="{styles.title}">
   Input Field
  <textinput onblur="{handleBlur}" onchangetext="{handleInput}" onfocus="{handleFocus}" style="{styles.input}" value="{input}">
 <text style="{styles.keyboardHeight}">
  Keyboard Height: {keyboardHeight}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
  content: {
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    padding: 20,
  title: {
    fontSize: 20,
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    marginBottom: 10,
  input: {
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderColor: '#ccc',
    padding: 10,
    marginBottom: 20,
  keyboardHeight: {
    position: 'absolute',
    bottom: 20,
    left: 20,

export default MyComponent;
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In this example, we use the custom hook to:

  • Track the keyboard height.
  • Animate the translation of the input field based on the keyboard's visibility.
  • Display the keyboard height for debugging purposes.


By leveraging the power of custom hooks, you can effectively address the challenges of keyboard overlap in Expo/React Native applications. The useKeyboardAvoiding hook provides a flexible and customizable solution, allowing you to fine-tune the layout adjustments to perfectly suit your app's unique requirements.

Remember, effective keyboard avoidance is about providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. Utilize this custom hook to elevate your mobile app's usability and create a delightful experience for your users.

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