Debug Mode: Django Docker Pycharm

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Debug Mode: Django Docker PyCharm

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Debug Mode: Django Docker PyCharm


Debugging Django applications within a Docker container environment using PyCharm can significantly enhance your development workflow. This powerful combination allows you to leverage the benefits of Docker's containerization, while enjoying the convenience of PyCharm's debugging features. This article provides a comprehensive guide to setting up and effectively using debug mode within this integrated environment.

Why Debug Mode Matters

Debugging is an essential part of software development. It allows you to identify and fix errors in your code, which can be a time-consuming and frustrating process without the right tools. Debug mode in Django provides valuable features like:

  • Breakpoints:
    Pause code execution at specific points to inspect variables and flow.

  • Stepping through code:
    Execute code line by line to understand its behavior.

  • Variable inspection:
    View the values of variables at any given point in time.

  • Call stack analysis:
    Understand the sequence of function calls that led to an error.

By utilizing debug mode effectively, you can significantly reduce the time spent on debugging and improve the quality of your code.

Setting up the Environment

  1. Install Docker

Ensure that Docker is installed on your system. Refer to the official Docker documentation for instructions:

  • Create a Dockerfile

    Create a Dockerfile within your Django project directory. This file defines the instructions for building your Docker image. Below is a basic example:

  • # Use an official Python image as the base
    FROM python:3.9
    # Set the working directory in the container
    WORKDIR /app
    # Copy the requirements file to the container
    COPY requirements.txt .
    # Install dependencies
    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
    # Copy the project code into the container
    COPY . .
    # Define the command to run the Django server
    CMD ["python", "", "runserver", ""]

    1. Build the Docker Image

    Open a terminal in your project directory and build the Docker image using the following command:

    docker build -t my-django-app .

    This command creates an image named "my-django-app". Replace "my-django-app" with your desired image name.

    1. Run the Docker Container

    Start the container with the following command, exposing port 8000 to access your Django server:

    docker run -d -p 8000:8000 my-django-app

    This command runs the container in detached mode (-d), maps port 8000 of your host machine to the container's port 8000, and uses the "my-django-app" image.

    Configuring PyCharm

    1. Install the Docker Extension

    In PyCharm, go to "File -> Settings -> Plugins" and search for "Docker". Install the Docker plugin.

    Docker Plugin Installation

  • Configure Docker

    Go to "File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Docker" and configure the Docker settings. Select your Docker installation and verify that it's working.

    Docker Configuration in PyCharm

  • Configure the Django Server

    Go to "Run -> Edit Configurations" and create a new Django server configuration. Configure the following settings:

    • Name: A descriptive name for your configuration.
    • Environment: Docker.
    • Dockerfile path: The path to your Dockerfile.
    • Container name: The name you want to give your container (optional).
    • Command: "python runserver".
    • Port: 8000 (the port you exposed in the Docker run command).
    Django Server Configuration in PyCharm

  • Enable Debug Mode in Django

    In your Django settings file, set the following settings to enable debug mode:

  • DEBUG = True
    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']

    1. Enable Debug Mode in Dockerfile

    In your Dockerfile, add the following line to the CMD instruction to activate debug mode:

    CMD ["python", "", "runserver", "", "--noreload"]

    1. Run the Django Server

    Click the green "Run" button in PyCharm to start the Django server in the Docker container. This will launch the Django server within the container and make it accessible through your browser.

    Debugging Your Django Application

  • Set Breakpoints

    Place breakpoints in your code by clicking in the left gutter of the editor next to the line number. A red dot will appear, indicating the breakpoint.

    Setting Breakpoints in PyCharm

  • Start Debugging

    To start debugging, right-click in the editor and select "Debug". Alternatively, use the "Run -> Debug" menu or the debug button (green bug icon) in PyCharm.

    Starting Debugging Session in PyCharm

  • Use Debugging Tools

    PyCharm's debugger provides several tools for inspecting your code and variables:

    • Stepping through code: Use the "Step Over" (F8), "Step Into" (F7), and "Step Out" (Shift+F8) buttons to move through your code line by line.
    • Variable inspection: View the values of variables in the "Variables" pane.
    • Watch expressions: Add expressions to the "Watches" pane to monitor their values during debugging.
    • Call stack analysis: Examine the sequence of function calls in the "Frames" pane.
    • Conditional breakpoints: Set breakpoints that only trigger when a specific condition is met.

    Debugging Tools in PyCharm

    Best Practices

    • Use descriptive variable names: This makes your code easier to understand and debug.
    • Add comments to your code: This helps to explain your logic and intent to others and to yourself later on.
    • Follow a consistent coding style: This makes your code more readable and maintainable.
    • Use a debugger regularly: Don't be afraid to use the debugger even for small problems. It can save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.
    • Test your code thoroughly: This helps to identify errors early in the development process.


    Debugging a Django application within a Docker container using PyCharm can significantly improve your development workflow. This approach allows you to enjoy the benefits of both Docker's containerization and PyCharm's powerful debugging tools. By setting up your environment correctly and leveraging the debugging features, you can effectively identify and fix errors in your code, ultimately leading to a more efficient and productive development process.

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