Default and Static Methods in Interfaces

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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Default and Static Methods in Interfaces

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Default and Static Methods in Interfaces


Interfaces in Java are blueprints that define a contract for classes to follow. They specify methods that a class implementing the interface must provide. Prior to Java 8, interfaces could only contain abstract methods, meaning they did not have any implementation. This limitation restricted the ability to evolve interfaces without breaking existing code.

Java 8 introduced two new features to interfaces: default methods and static methods. These additions greatly enhance the flexibility and maintainability of interfaces by allowing them to provide default implementations for methods and introduce utility methods, respectively.

Default Methods

Default methods in interfaces are methods that have a concrete implementation. They are declared using the default keyword.


interface MyInterface {
    void myMethod();

    default void myDefaultMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a default method.");

Benefits of Default Methods:

  • Evolution of Interfaces: Default methods allow you to add new functionality to interfaces without breaking existing implementations. Classes that implement the interface can continue to work as they did before, but they can also choose to override the default implementation if needed.
  • Backward Compatibility: Default methods ensure backward compatibility with existing code. Classes that were already implementing the interface don't need to be modified to support the new methods.
  • Code Reusability: Default methods provide a convenient way to share common code among classes that implement the interface.


interface Drawable {
    void draw();

    default void drawWithColor(String color) {
        System.out.println("Drawing with color: " + color);

class Square implements Drawable {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a square.");

class Circle implements Drawable {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a circle.");

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Square square = new Square();

        Circle circle = new Circle();


Drawing a square.
Drawing with color: Red
Drawing a circle.
Drawing with color: Blue

Default Method Illustration
Important Notes:

  • If a class implementing an interface provides its own implementation for a method that has a default implementation, the class's implementation takes precedence.
  • Default methods can't be declared as static or private.

    Static Methods

    Static methods in interfaces are methods that belong to the interface itself, rather than to any specific implementation. They are declared using the static keyword.


interface MyInterface {
    void myMethod();

    static void myStaticMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a static method.");

Benefits of Static Methods:

  • Utility Methods: Static methods provide a convenient way to group utility methods related to the interface, without requiring any specific implementation.
  • Namespace Management: Static methods help in organizing related functionality under the interface namespace.


interface Shape {
    void draw();

    static void printShapeInfo(Shape shape) {
        System.out.println("Shape type: " + shape.getClass().getSimpleName());

class Rectangle implements Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a rectangle.");

class Triangle implements Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a triangle.");

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();

        Triangle triangle = new Triangle();


Shape type: Rectangle
Drawing a rectangle.
Shape type: Triangle
Drawing a triangle.

Static Method Illustration
Important Notes:

  • Static methods in interfaces cannot be overridden by implementing classes.
  • Static methods in interfaces can be accessed directly using the interface name.

    Advantages of Default and Static Methods

    • Improved Code Structure: Default and static methods enhance the organization and structure of code by providing a place to define common functionality and utility methods.
  • Reduced Boilerplate Code: These methods eliminate the need for repeated code in implementing classes.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Default methods allow interfaces to evolve with new features, while static methods add utility functions.
  • Better Maintainability: Changes to default and static methods within an interface only need to be made once, simplifying maintenance efforts.
  • Support for Functional Programming: Default methods facilitate the implementation of functional interfaces, which are commonly used in Java 8 features like lambdas and streams.

    Best Practices

    • Use Default Methods Judiciously: Consider using default methods only when you want to add functionality to an interface without breaking existing implementations.
  • Keep Static Methods Related to the Interface: Static methods should provide utility functions that are closely tied to the interface's purpose.
  • Document Default Methods Clearly: Ensure that default methods are well documented to guide developers on their intended behavior and whether overriding is necessary.
  • Avoid Overusing Default Methods: Use them strategically to enhance interface functionality without cluttering the interface with unnecessary methods.


    Default and static methods in interfaces are powerful features that enhance the flexibility, maintainability, and functionality of Java interfaces. They allow for the evolution of interfaces without breaking existing code, provide a mechanism for shared code, and introduce utility methods for common tasks. By understanding and utilizing these features, developers can write cleaner, more organized, and more maintainable code.

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