Ensuring Data Integrity: Comparing Soda and Great Expectations for Quality Assurance

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Ensuring Data Integrity: Comparing Soda and Great Expectations for Quality Assurance

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Ensuring Data Integrity: Comparing Soda and Great Expectations for Quality Assurance


Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses and organizations. It fuels critical decision-making, drives innovation, and enables efficient operations. However, the reliability of this data is paramount. Errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies can lead to flawed insights, incorrect conclusions, and ultimately, costly mistakes.

Data integrity, the assurance of accuracy, consistency, and validity of data throughout its lifecycle, is crucial for achieving trust in data-driven processes. To ensure data integrity, organizations employ quality assurance tools and frameworks. Two prominent players in this field are Soda and Great Expectations, each offering unique features and capabilities.

This article delves into the world of data integrity, providing a comprehensive comparison of Soda and Great Expectations. We will explore their key features, strengths, weaknesses, and best use cases, equipping you with the knowledge to choose the right tool for your organization's data quality needs.

Understanding Data Integrity and Quality Assurance

Data integrity is a multifaceted concept encompassing:

  • Accuracy:
    Ensuring data reflects the true values and is free from errors.

  • Consistency:
    Maintaining uniform data formats and standards across different sources.

  • Completeness:
    Ensuring all required fields are populated with data.

  • Validity:
    Verifying that data adheres to predefined rules and constraints.

  • Timeliness:
    Ensuring data is up-to-date and relevant for its intended purpose.

Data quality assurance (DQA) involves establishing and implementing processes to verify and improve data integrity. These processes typically include:

  • Data Profiling:
    Analyzing data characteristics, identifying potential issues, and understanding data quality.

  • Data Validation:
    Checking data against predefined rules, constraints, and business logic.

  • Data Cleansing:
    Correcting errors, resolving inconsistencies, and handling missing values.

  • Data Monitoring:
    Continuously tracking data quality over time and identifying potential issues.

Introducing Soda and Great Expectations

Both Soda and Great Expectations are open-source frameworks designed to automate data quality checks and monitoring. They empower data teams to define and enforce data quality expectations, ensuring data integrity and reliability.

Soda logo

Soda Logo

Great Expectations logo

Great Expectations Logo

Key Features and Capabilities: A Comparative Analysis

Let's delve into the key features and capabilities of both frameworks:


  • Data Profiling:
    Soda excels at comprehensive data profiling, providing insights into data characteristics like data types, distributions, missing values, and outliers.

  • Data Validation:
    Soda supports various validation checks, including:
    • Data type validation
    • Range and length checks
    • Uniqueness constraints
    • Regular expression matching
    • Custom validation rules

  • Data Monitoring:
    Soda offers real-time data monitoring, enabling proactive detection of data quality issues. It supports alerts and notifications for failures and provides historical data quality trends.

  • Cloud-Native Platform:
    Soda offers a cloud-based platform that streamlines data quality management, providing a centralized dashboard for monitoring and managing data quality metrics.

  • Integrations:
    Soda integrates seamlessly with popular data warehousing platforms like Snowflake, BigQuery, and Redshift.

Great Expectations

  • Expectation Engine:
    Great Expectations utilizes a powerful expectation engine to define and validate data quality expectations. It offers a wide range of predefined expectations for common data quality checks.

  • Custom Expectations:
    You can easily create custom expectations using Python code to address specific business rules and data quality requirements.

  • Data Documentation:
    Great Expectations automatically generates comprehensive data documentation, providing insights into data schemas, data quality metrics, and historical trends.

  • Data Validation Pipelines:
    Great Expectations enables the creation of data validation pipelines to automate data quality checks as part of your data workflows.

  • Data Profiling:
    While not as comprehensive as Soda's profiling capabilities, Great Expectations offers basic data profiling functionalities.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Both Soda and Great Expectations have strengths and weaknesses that make them suitable for different use cases:



  • Excellent Data Profiling:
    Provides comprehensive insights into data characteristics.

  • Cloud-Native Platform:
    Simplifies data quality management with a centralized platform.

  • Real-time Monitoring:
    Enables proactive detection of data quality issues.

  • Wide Integrations:
    Supports integrations with various data warehousing platforms.


  • Limited Customizability:
    While it allows for custom rules, its customization options might be less extensive compared to Great Expectations.

  • Dependency on Cloud Platform:
    The cloud-based platform might limit its applicability for organizations with on-premise data infrastructure.

Great Expectations


  • Flexible and Extensible:
    Enables defining custom expectations using Python code.

  • Comprehensive Data Documentation:
    Automatically generates valuable data documentation.

  • Integration with Data Pipelines:
    Seamlessly integrates into data validation pipelines.

  • Open-Source and Community-Driven:
    Strong community support and ongoing development.


  • Steeper Learning Curve:
    Might require more technical expertise and coding knowledge compared to Soda.

  • Limited Data Profiling:
    Basic data profiling features compared to Soda's comprehensive capabilities.

  • No Centralized Platform:
    Relies on self-hosted infrastructure for monitoring and management.

Best Use Cases

Here's a breakdown of best use cases for Soda and Great Expectations:


  • Organizations with large datasets:
    Soda excels in data profiling and monitoring large datasets, providing valuable insights into data quality.

  • Cloud-based data infrastructure:
    Organizations leveraging cloud-based data warehousing platforms can benefit from Soda's cloud-native platform and seamless integrations.

  • Need for real-time monitoring:
    Real-time data quality monitoring is crucial for applications demanding immediate data integrity.

Great Expectations

  • Customizable data quality rules:
    Organizations with specific and complex data quality requirements can leverage Great Expectations' flexibility to define custom expectations.

  • Data documentation and pipeline integration:
    Great Expectations is ideal for teams that prioritize data documentation and integration into data validation pipelines.

  • On-premise data infrastructure:
    Organizations with on-premise data infrastructure can easily deploy and manage Great Expectations.

Practical Examples

Let's illustrate how Soda and Great Expectations are used in practice:

Soda Example

Suppose you're monitoring a sales data table in Snowflake, using Soda to ensure the 'order_date' column is always in a valid date format and the 'order_amount' is always a positive number. Here's a simple code example:

from soda.execution.data_source import DataSource
from soda.execution.data_source_options import DataSourceOptions

options = DataSourceOptions.from_dict({
"type": "snowflake",
"account": "your_snowflake_account",
"user": "your_snowflake_user",
"password": "your_snowflake_password",
"database": "your_snowflake_database",
"schema": "your_snowflake_schema",
"warehouse": "your_snowflake_warehouse"

data_source = DataSource.create(options)
"check_type": "column_value_not_null",
"column_name": "order_date"
"check_type": "column_value_format",
"column_name": "order_date",
"format": "%Y-%m-%d"
"check_type": "column_value_greater_than",
"column_name": "order_amount",
"value": 0

Great Expectations Example

Imagine you're validating a customer data table in a Pandas DataFrame, using Great Expectations to ensure the 'email' column adheres to a valid email format. Here's a code snippet:

import pandas as pd
from great_expectations.dataset import PandasDataset

Create a sample DataFrame

data = {'name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'], 'email': ['alice@example.com', 'bob@example.com', 'invalid_email']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Create a Great Expectations Dataset

dataset = PandasDataset(df)

Define an expectation

dataset.expect_column_values_to_match_regex(column='email', regex=r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$")

Run validation

results = dataset.validate()

Print validation results



Ensuring data integrity is a crucial aspect of data management, and choosing the right tool can significantly impact your data quality efforts. Both Soda and Great Expectations provide valuable capabilities for data quality assurance, but their strengths and weaknesses necessitate careful consideration based on your specific needs.

Soda excels at data profiling, real-time monitoring, and cloud-native integration. It's a robust solution for organizations with large datasets and a preference for a centralized management platform. Great Expectations, on the other hand, offers flexibility, customization, and comprehensive data documentation. It is ideal for teams requiring granular control over data quality expectations and integration with data pipelines.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your organization's priorities, technical expertise, and data infrastructure. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Data volume and complexity:

    For large datasets, Soda's profiling capabilities might be more advantageous.

  • Customization requirements:

    If you need highly specific data quality expectations, Great Expectations' flexibility is crucial.

  • Data infrastructure:

    Cloud-based organizations may prefer Soda's cloud-native platform, while on-premise infrastructure might necessitate Great Expectations.

  • Technical expertise:

    Soda's user-friendly interface might be easier for less technical teams, while Great Expectations requires some Python programming knowledge.

By carefully considering these factors and exploring the features and capabilities of each framework, you can select the right tool to bolster your data integrity efforts and achieve reliable, high-quality data for better decision-making.

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