Experimenting with ViewTransitions on iOS 18 and svelte5

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Experimenting with ViewTransitions on iOS 18 and Svelte 5

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Experimenting with ViewTransitions on iOS 18 and Svelte 5

iOS 18 introduced a powerful new API called


, allowing developers to create custom and expressive animations for view transitions. This opens up a world of possibilities for crafting delightful user experiences. In this article, we will delve into the world of


, explore how to harness its power with Svelte 5, and showcase practical examples to elevate your iOS app's animations.

Understanding ViewTransitions

Before we dive into code, it's essential to grasp the fundamental concepts behind


. At its core, it provides a framework for animating changes in the visual presentation of views. This includes:

  • Opacity
    : Smoothly fading views in and out.

  • Scale
    : Scaling views up or down, creating zoom-like effects.

  • Position
    : Shifting views around the screen, leading to slide-in and slide-out transitions.

  • Rotation
    : Rotating views to add visual flair.

  • Background Color
    : Animating background color changes for dynamic effects.

  • Shadow
    : Manipulating the view's shadow for depth and dimension.

  • CornerRadius
    : Rounding or squaring corners for subtle but impactful transitions.

  • Frame
    : Adjusting the view's size and position in a coordinated manner.

These transitions are seamlessly integrated with SwiftUI's declarative approach, allowing you to specify the animation directly within your view code.

Harnessing ViewTransitions with Svelte 5

Svelte 5, with its reactive nature and elegant syntax, provides a perfect environment for working with


. Here's how to get started:

  1. Install the SvelteKit for iOS Package
    : Begin by installing the necessary package to bridge Svelte with iOS development:
    npm install --save-dev sveltekit-ios

  2. Set up Your Svelte Project
    : Create a new SvelteKit project or utilize an existing one. Ensure you have the iOS target configured.

  3. Import the ViewTransition Module
    : At the top of your Svelte component, import the
    module from the

    import { ViewTransition } from 'sveltekit-ios';

  4. Create a ViewTransition Instance
    : Within your component, instantiate a
    object, providing it with the view you want to animate:

    let myViewTransition = new ViewTransition(myView);

  5. Define the Animation
    : Use the
    instance's methods to define the animation. For instance, to perform a simple fade-in animation, you would use:

    myViewTransition.opacity(0, 1, { duration: 0.5 });

    This code sets the initial opacity to 0 (invisible) and gradually transitions to 1 (fully visible) over 0.5 seconds.

  6. Trigger the Animation

    : You can trigger the animation when a specific event occurs, such as a button click or a state change. For example:

    myViewTransition.opacity(0, 1, { duration: 0.5 })}>Show View

Illustrative Examples

Let's bring these concepts to life with some practical examples:

Example 1: Fade-In and Fade-Out Animation

This example demonstrates a simple fade-in and fade-out animation for a text view. The view fades in when the button is clicked and fades out when clicked again.

import { ViewTransition } from 'sveltekit-ios';

let showView = false;
let textViewTransition = null;

$: if (showView) {
    if (!textViewTransition) {
        textViewTransition = new ViewTransition($refs.textView);
        textViewTransition.opacity(0, 1, { duration: 0.5 });
} else {
    if (textViewTransition) {
        textViewTransition.opacity(1, 0, { duration: 0.5 });
        textViewTransition = null;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

showView = !showView}>Toggle View

This text will fade in and out.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Fade-in and fade-out animation

Example 2: Slide-In and Slide-Out Animation

This example showcases a slide-in animation from the right and a slide-out animation to the left for an image view.

    import { ViewTransition } from 'sveltekit-ios';

    let showImage = false;
    let imageTransition = null;

    $: if (showImage) {
        if (!imageTransition) {
            imageTransition = new ViewTransition($refs.imageView);
                { x: 300, y: 100 },
                { x: 100, y: 100 },
                { duration: 0.5, easing: 'ease-out' }
    } else {
        if (imageTransition) {
                { x: 100, y: 100 },
                { x: 300, y: 100 },
                { duration: 0.5, easing: 'ease-in' }
            imageTransition = null;

showImage = !showImage}>Toggle Image

<img alt="Kitten" src="https://placekitten.com/200/200">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Slide-in and slide-out animation

Example 3: Scale-Up Animation with Custom Easing

This example demonstrates a scale-up animation with a custom easing function for a button. It creates a more natural and bouncy feel.

import { ViewTransition } from 'sveltekit-ios';

let buttonTransition = null;

function customEasing(t) {
    return t &lt; 0.5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1;

$: if (buttonTransition) {
    buttonTransition.scale(0.8, 1, { duration: 0.8, easing: customEasing });
    buttonTransition = null;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

buttonTransition = new ViewTransition($refs.button)}>Click Me

Scale-up animation with custom easing

Advanced Concepts

Chaining Transitions


allows you to chain multiple animations together for complex effects. You can simply call different methods on the same


instance, specifying the duration, easing, and other parameters for each transition.

Custom Animation Functions

Beyond the built-in animation properties, you can define custom animation functions to achieve highly specific effects. These functions can take a value between 0 and 1 (representing the progress of the animation) and return the desired value for a given property.

ViewTransition Groups

For coordinated animations across multiple views, you can create


objects. This enables you to apply transitions to a collection of views simultaneously, ensuring consistent timing and smooth synchronization.



on iOS 18 and Svelte 5 empower you to create visually compelling and engaging animations that elevate your app's user experience. By harnessing the power of declarative animation and the flexibility of Svelte, you can craft intricate and delightful transitions that make your app stand out.

Remember to experiment with different animation properties, easing functions, and durations to find the perfect blend that resonates with your design aesthetic. As you delve deeper into the world of


, you'll discover an array of possibilities for bringing your app's animations to life with unparalleled finesse and sophistication.

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