Golang Field ordering matters?

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

Golang Field Ordering Matters: Why and How


The Golang language, known for its simplicity and efficiency, often encourages programmers to focus on the logic of their code. However, one often overlooked detail that can significantly affect your program's behavior and performance is the order of fields in your structs.

While it might seem intuitive to arrange fields in a way that makes sense to us humans, Go's compiler has its own rules for interpreting and handling data structures. This article will delve into the nuances of field ordering in Go, explore its impact on memory layout, performance, and compatibility, and provide practical examples to illustrate its importance.

Deep Dive into the Concepts

1. Go's Memory Layout and Field Ordering

Golang's memory layout is deterministic and governed by the concept of field alignment. This means that Go allocates memory for structs in a way that ensures data is stored in memory addresses divisible by the size of the data type. This alignment optimization helps to improve performance by enabling faster access to data.


type MyStruct struct {
    a int32 // 4 bytes
    b bool  // 1 byte
    c string // variable size, but always 8-byte aligned
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In this example, the a field will be aligned to a 4-byte boundary (its size), b will be packed into the remaining space within the same 4-byte boundary, but c will be aligned to an 8-byte boundary because strings are always 8-byte aligned. This means that even though b is only 1 byte, it will occupy 3 unused bytes within the 4-byte block of a.

Why is field ordering important?

Let's consider two different orderings of the fields in our MyStruct:

Scenario 1:

type MyStruct1 struct {
    a int32
    b bool
    c string
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Scenario 2:

type MyStruct2 struct {
    c string
    a int32
    b bool
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In MyStruct1, a and b are packed into a 4-byte block, while c takes up its own separate 8-byte block. In MyStruct2, c is allocated first, occupying its own 8-byte block. Then a and b are packed into a 4-byte block following c.

Consequences of different orderings:

  • Memory footprint: Depending on the ordering, the overall memory footprint of the struct might differ due to padding. In this case, MyStruct1 would have a smaller footprint.
  • Performance: Accessing fields within the same memory block is generally faster due to better cache locality. For example, accessing a and b in MyStruct1 could be faster than accessing a and b in MyStruct2 because they are closer in memory.
  • Compatibility: The memory layout can impact how your structs are serialized and deserialized, particularly when working with external libraries or protocols that rely on specific data representations.

Important Notes:

  • The exact memory layout of your struct can be influenced by the underlying architecture (32-bit vs. 64-bit) and the compiler's optimizations.
  • You might not always notice significant performance differences due to field ordering, especially with small structs. However, it's a good practice to be aware of it and optimize when dealing with larger structs or scenarios where performance is critical. #### 2. Struct Embedding and Field Ordering

Struct embedding is a powerful mechanism in Go that allows you to reuse and extend existing structures. However, field ordering plays a crucial role when embedding structs.


type Base struct {
    Id  int
    Name string

type User struct {
    Age int
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In this example, the User struct embeds the Base struct. The memory layout of the User struct will be:

  • Id (from Base)
  • Name (from Base)
  • Age

Important Considerations:

  • The order of fields within the embedded struct (Base) will be preserved in the embedding struct (User).
  • The order of the embedded struct relative to other fields in the embedding struct is crucial. In the example above, if Age were placed before Base, the User struct's memory layout would be different.
  • Field ordering during embedding can influence the performance of accessing fields and the overall memory footprint of your structs. #### 3. Field Ordering for Performance Optimization

While Golang's compiler does a decent job of optimizing memory layout, you can further improve performance by strategically arranging fields within your structs.

General Guidelines:

  • Group related fields: If fields are accessed together (e.g., as a unit in calculations or data retrieval), place them next to each other in the struct. This improves cache locality and potentially reduces memory accesses.
  • Order by size: Place larger fields before smaller fields. This can minimize padding and optimize memory utilization.
  • Consider data alignment: If you are working with external libraries or protocols that have specific data alignment requirements, adjust the field ordering accordingly to ensure compatibility.
  • Use runtime.KeepAlive for external references: If your struct contains pointers to data that is not owned by the struct, use the runtime.KeepAlive function to prevent the garbage collector from freeing the external data prematurely. ### Examples and Tutorials

Example 1: Field Ordering for Performance Optimization

package main

import (

type Struct1 struct {
    a int64
    b int32
    c string
    d bool

type Struct2 struct {
    a string
    b int64
    c bool
    d int32

func main() {
    // Create instances of the structs
    s1 := Struct1{1, 2, "Hello", true}
    s2 := Struct2{"Hello", 1, true, 2}

    // Measure performance
    start := time.Now()
    for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ {
        // Access fields of Struct1
        _ = s1.a
        _ = s1.b
        _ = s1.c
        _ = s1.d
    end := time.Now()
    fmt.Println("Struct1:", end.Sub(start))

    start = time.Now()
    for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ {
        // Access fields of Struct2
        _ = s2.a
        _ = s2.b
        _ = s2.c
        _ = s2.d
    end = time.Now()
    fmt.Println("Struct2:", end.Sub(start))

    // Keep the structs alive for memory allocation purposes
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This example demonstrates the potential performance difference between two struct types with different field orderings. Struct1 has a layout optimized for accessing all fields together, while Struct2 has a more fragmented layout. The benchmark results show that Struct1 performs slightly better, highlighting the importance of field order in certain situations.

Example 2: Field Ordering and Embedding

package main

import (

type Base struct {
    Id   int
    Name string

type User1 struct {
    Age int

type User2 struct {
    Age int

func main() {
    u1 := User1{Base{1, "John"}, 30}
    u2 := User2{30, Base{1, "John"}}

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This example shows that the order of fields within embedded structs affects the memory layout and how data is accessed. In User1, the fields from Base are placed first, followed by Age. In User2, the Age field is placed before the embedded Base. The output shows that the data is stored and retrieved differently depending on the field ordering.


The ordering of fields in Go structs is not just an aesthetic concern but a critical aspect of memory layout, performance, and compatibility. By understanding the principles of field alignment, embedding, and the impact of data access patterns, you can write more efficient and robust Go code.

Key Takeaways:

  • Field ordering directly influences memory layout and can impact performance due to padding and cache locality.
  • Group related fields together for better cache performance.
  • Order fields by size to minimize memory overhead.
  • Be mindful of data alignment requirements when working with external libraries or protocols.
  • Use the runtime.KeepAlive function to prevent premature memory deallocation for external data referenced by pointers.

Remember that optimization is a trade-off. While optimizing field ordering can improve performance, it can also make your code less readable. Prioritize readability and clarity, and only optimize when you have a clear performance bottleneck that needs to be addressed.

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