How to Manage Kubernetes Secrets with Terraform

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

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Mastering Kubernetes Secrets with Terraform

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Managing Kubernetes Secrets with Terraform


Kubernetes is a powerful and widely adopted container orchestration platform. A key aspect of managing applications in Kubernetes is handling sensitive data like passwords, API keys, and certificates. These secrets need to be securely stored and accessible to your applications without exposing them in plain text.

Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool that allows you to manage Kubernetes resources declaratively. It enables you to define your infrastructure in code, version control it, and automate its deployment.

Combining Terraform with Kubernetes secret management provides a powerful and secure solution for handling sensitive information. This article will guide you through the essential concepts, techniques, and practical examples of managing Kubernetes secrets with Terraform.

Key Concepts

Before diving into the practical aspects, let's understand the core concepts involved:

Kubernetes Secrets

Kubernetes Secrets are a mechanism to store sensitive information like passwords, API keys, and certificates in a secure manner. They are:
  • Base64 Encoded: Secrets are stored as base64 encoded strings, enhancing security.
  • Immutable: Once a secret is created, its data cannot be directly modified. You need to create a new secret for updates.
  • Namespace-Scoped: Secrets are bound to a specific Kubernetes namespace, controlling access.


    Terraform is a declarative IaC tool that allows you to define your infrastructure in a human-readable configuration language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). Key aspects of Terraform for Kubernetes secret management include:

  • Resource Definition: You define Kubernetes resources like secrets using Terraform's Kubernetes provider.

  • Infrastructure as Code: Terraform allows you to manage your infrastructure as code, enabling version control, automation, and reproducibility.

  • Declarative Approach: You define the desired state of your infrastructure, and Terraform ensures that it is achieved.


    Terraform uses providers to interact with different services and platforms. For managing Kubernetes secrets, the kubernetes provider is used.

    Hands-on Examples

    Now, let's explore some practical examples of using Terraform to manage Kubernetes secrets.

Example 1: Creating a Simple Secret

# Configure the Kubernetes provider
terraform {
  required_providers {
    kubernetes = {
      source  = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
      version = "~&gt; 2.0"

# Define the secret
resource "kubernetes_secret" "my_secret" {
  metadata {
    name = "my-secret"
    namespace = "default"
  data = {
    password = "secret_password"
    username = "secret_username"

This example demonstrates how to create a secret named my-secret in the default namespace. The data block stores the password and username as base64 encoded strings.

Example 2: Retrieving Secret Data

# Retrieve the password from the secret
output "password" {
  value =

This output block retrieves the value of the password key from the my-secret secret and makes it accessible as an output variable.

Example 3: Using Litmus for Secret Injection

# Configure the Litmus provider
terraform {
  required_providers {
    litmus = {
      source  = "litmuschaos/litmus"
      version = "~&gt; 1.0"

# Define the secret
resource "litmus_secret" "my_secret" {
  name = "my-secret"
  namespace = "default"
  data = {
    password = "secret_password"
    username = "secret_username"

# Inject the secret into a container
resource "litmus_container" "my_container" {
  image = "nginx:latest"
  name = "my-container"
  secrets = []

This example demonstrates how to use the Litmus provider to inject the my-secret secret into a container named my-container. The secrets attribute specifies the secret name.

Example 4: Using the Kubernetes Provider to Inject Secrets

resource "kubernetes_deployment" "nginx" {
  metadata {
    name = "nginx"
    namespace = "default"
  spec {
    replicas = 3
    template {
      metadata {
        labels = {
          app = "nginx"
      spec {
        containers {
          name = "nginx"
          image = "nginx:1.14.2"
          ports {
            container_port = 80
          # Inject the secret into the container
          volume_mounts {
            name = "secret-volume"
            mount_path = "/var/secrets/app"
            read_only = true
        volumes {
          name = "secret-volume"
          secret {
            secret_name = "my-secret"

This example demonstrates how to inject the my-secret secret into a Kubernetes deployment. By using the secret attribute within the volume block, the secret data is mounted as a volume within the container, providing access to the secrets within the container.

Advanced Concepts

Let's explore some advanced techniques for managing Kubernetes secrets with Terraform:

Secret Management Tools

  • Vault: HashiCorp Vault is a popular secrets management tool that can be integrated with Terraform. It provides a secure and centralized platform for storing and accessing secrets.
    • Hashicorp Nomad: Nomad is a container orchestrator that can be used alongside Terraform to manage secrets. Nomad's job definitions can be configured to use Vault for secret injection.

      External Secret Operators

  • External Secrets Operator: This operator allows you to manage secrets stored in external secret stores, such as Vault, Azure Key Vault, or AWS Secrets Manager, directly within your Kubernetes cluster.

    Dynamically Generated Secrets

  • Hashicorp Vault with Terraform: You can use Terraform to configure Vault to generate secrets dynamically and then inject them into Kubernetes pods.

    Best Practices

  • Least Privilege: Grant only the minimum permissions required for each application.
    • Separate Secrets: Store secrets for different applications or environments in separate secrets.
    • Version Control: Manage your Terraform configuration files using Git or other version control systems to track changes and facilitate rollbacks.
    • Secret Rotation: Implement automated processes for rotating secrets regularly to improve security.
    • Secret Access Control: Use RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) within Kubernetes to restrict access to secrets.


      Managing Kubernetes secrets effectively is crucial for securing your applications and maintaining compliance. Terraform provides a powerful and declarative approach to managing Kubernetes secrets, allowing you to automate, version control, and secure your secrets.

By leveraging the examples and best practices discussed in this article, you can efficiently handle sensitive data in your Kubernetes environment with Terraform. Remember to prioritize security and implement robust secret management strategies for a secure and reliable Kubernetes deployment.

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