🚀 Introducing NextSolution V2: ASP.NET API + Next.js + Expo Starter Template

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Introducing NextSolution V2: ASP.NET API + Next.js + Expo Starter Template

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Introducing NextSolution V2: ASP.NET API + Next.js + Expo Starter Template

Building modern, cross-platform applications requires a robust and scalable architecture. This is where NextSolution V2 comes in, offering a comprehensive and developer-friendly starter template that combines the power of ASP.NET API for backend services, Next.js for a blazing-fast frontend experience, and Expo for building native mobile applications.

Why NextSolution V2?

NextSolution V2 is designed to simplify your development workflow and provide a solid foundation for your next project. Here's why it's a compelling choice:

  • Unified Development Ecosystem:
    Seamlessly integrate your backend, web, and mobile development using a consistent codebase and shared libraries.

  • Performance and Scalability:
    Leverage the speed and optimization capabilities of Next.js and ASP.NET API to build applications that can handle high traffic and complex data operations.

  • Cross-Platform Reach:
    Reach a wider audience by building native mobile apps for iOS and Android using Expo, all while sharing code with your web application.

  • Modern Technologies:
    Utilize the latest advancements in web and mobile development, including server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and a rich component library.

  • Rapid Prototyping and Deployment:
    Get started quickly with a pre-configured project structure and enjoy the ease of deploying your app to the cloud.

Deep Dive into the Components

  1. ASP.NET API: The Robust Backend

At the heart of NextSolution V2 lies ASP.NET API, Microsoft's mature and powerful framework for building RESTful APIs. ASP.NET API provides:

  • Routing and HTTP Handling: Define endpoints and handle HTTP requests with ease.
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC): Structure your API with controllers, models, and views for efficient code organization.
  • Data Access and Persistence: Integrate with databases using Entity Framework Core or other data access technologies.
  • Security and Authentication: Secure your API with robust authentication mechanisms like JWT and OAuth.
  • Scalability and Performance: ASP.NET API offers excellent performance and scalability for handling large-scale applications.


  • Next.js: The Blazing Fast Frontend

    Next.js, a React framework, takes your web application's performance to the next level. Key features include:

    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Improve SEO and initial page load times by rendering pages on the server.
    • Automatic Code Splitting: Optimize your application's loading time by splitting code into smaller chunks.
    • Static Site Generation (SSG): Generate static HTML pages for lightning-fast performance and excellent SEO.
    • Built-in Routing and Data Fetching: Simplify navigation and data management with built-in features.
    • Zero-Configuration Deployment: Easily deploy your Next.js application to cloud platforms like Vercel or Netlify.
    Next.js logo

  • Expo: Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

    Expo provides a streamlined way to create native mobile applications for iOS and Android without the need for complex native development environments. Expo offers:

    • Cross-Platform Development: Write code once and deploy it to both iOS and Android.
    • Vast Library of Components and APIs: Utilize a rich library of pre-built components and access native device features easily.
    • Simplified Development Workflow: Expo simplifies the process of building, testing, and deploying mobile apps.
    • Community Support and Resources: Benefit from a large and active community, offering ample resources and support.
    Expo logo

    Step-by-Step Guide: Building a Simple To-Do Application

    Let's illustrate the power of NextSolution V2 by building a simple to-do list application. We'll create an API to manage to-dos, a Next.js frontend to display and interact with the list, and an Expo mobile app to provide a native experience.

  • Project Setup

    First, you'll need to install Node.js and .NET SDK on your system. You can then use the following command to create a new NextSolution V2 project:

  • npx create-next-app my-todo-app --example with-expo

    This command will create a new project directory with all the necessary files and dependencies for your application. You'll find folders for the API (


    ), the web app (


    ), and the mobile app (



    1. API Development (ASP.NET API)

    Navigate to the api folder and create a new controller called TodoController :

    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    namespace my_todo_app.api.Controllers
        public class TodoController : ControllerBase
            private readonly List
       _todos = new List
                new Todo { Id = 1, Title = "Grocery Shopping", Completed = false },
                new Todo { Id = 2, Title = "Pay Bills", Completed = true },
            public IEnumerable
                return _todos;
            public Todo Post(Todo todo)
                return todo;
            public Todo Put(int id, Todo todo)
                var existingTodo = _todos.FirstOrDefault(t =&gt; t.Id == id);
                if (existingTodo != null)
                    existingTodo.Title = todo.Title;
                    existingTodo.Completed = todo.Completed;
                return existingTodo;
            public void Delete(int id)
                _todos.RemoveAll(t =&gt; t.Id == id);
        public class Todo
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string Title { get; set; }
            public bool Completed { get; set; }
      This controller defines basic CRUD operations for to-do items, including GET (retrieve all todos), POST (add a new todo), PUT (update an existing todo), and DELETE (delete a todo). You can extend this controller with more complex logic based on your application's requirements.
      3. Frontend Development (Next.js)
      Within the
      folder, create a page called
      . You'll use Next.js's built-in data fetching methods to interact with the API:

    'use client'

    import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

    export default function Todos() {
    const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]);

    useEffect(() => {
    const fetchTodos = async () => {
    const response = await fetch('/api/todo');
    const data = await response.json();


    }, []);

    const handleTodoChange = (index, newTodo) => {
    setTodos(prevTodos => {
    const updatedTodos = [...prevTodos];
    updatedTodos[index] = newTodo;
    return updatedTodos;

    const handleTodoAdd = async (newTodo) => {
    const response = await fetch('/api/todo', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify(newTodo),
    const data = await response.json();
    setTodos([...todos, data]);

    const handleTodoDelete = async (id) => {
    await fetch(/api/todo/${id}, {
    method: 'DELETE',
    setTodos(todos.filter(todo => todo.Id !== id));

    return (

    To-Do List

      {todos.map((todo, index) => (
    • handleTodoChange(index, { ...todo, Completed: !todo.Completed })} />
    • ))}

    const newTodo = { Title: e.target.title.value, Completed: false };
    await handleTodoAdd(newTodo);
    e.target.title.value = '';


          This component fetches to-do data from the API, displays them in a list, and provides functionality to mark items as completed, add new items, and delete existing items.
          4. Mobile App Development (Expo)
          Navigate to the
          folder and create a file named
          . Use Expo's built-in components and API to connect to the API and display the to-do list:
    import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
    import { StyleSheet, Text, View, FlatList, TextInput, Button } from 'react-native';
    export default function App() {
      const [todos, setTodos] = useState([]);
      useEffect(() =&gt; {
        const fetchTodos = async () =&gt; {
          const response = await fetch('http://localhost:5000/api/todo');
          const data = await response.json();
      }, []);
      const handleTodoChange = async (index, newTodo) =&gt; {
        const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:5000/api/todo/${newTodo.Id}`, {
          method: 'PUT',
          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
          body: JSON.stringify(newTodo),
        const data = await response.json();
        setTodos(prevTodos =&gt; {
          const updatedTodos = [...prevTodos];
          updatedTodos[index] = data;
          return updatedTodos;
      const handleTodoAdd = async (newTodo) =&gt; {
        const response = await fetch('http://localhost:5000/api/todo', {
          method: 'POST',
          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
          body: JSON.stringify(newTodo),
        const data = await response.json();
        setTodos([...todos, data]);
      const handleTodoDelete = async (id) =&gt; {
        await fetch(`http://localhost:5000/api/todo/${id}`, {
          method: 'DELETE',
        setTodos(todos.filter(todo =&gt; todo.Id !== id));
      return (
         <view style="{styles.container}">
          <text style="{styles.title}">
           To-Do List
          <flatlist =="" data="{todos}" keyextractor="{item">
            renderItem={({ item, index }) =&gt; (
           <view style="{styles.todoItem}">
            <button 'check'}="" 'uncheck'="" :="" =="" ?="" onpress="{()" title="{item.Completed">
             handleTodoChange(index, { ...item, Completed: !item.Completed })}
             <text style="{styles.todoText}">
             <button =="" onpress="{()" title="Delete">
              handleTodoDelete(item.Id)} /&gt;
           <view style="{styles.inputContainer}">
            <textinput =="" onchangetext="{text" placeholder="Add new todo" style="{styles.input}">
             setNewTodo({ Title: text, Completed: false })}
             <button =="" onpress="{()" title="Add">
              handleTodoAdd(newTodo)} /&gt;
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      container: {
        flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
      title: {
        fontSize: 24,
        marginBottom: 20,
      todoItem: {
        flexDirection: 'row',
        alignItems: 'center',
        padding: 10,
        marginBottom: 5,
        backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
      todoText: {
        marginLeft: 10,
      inputContainer: {
        flexDirection: 'row',
        alignItems: 'center',
        margin: 20,
      input: {
        flex: 1,
        borderWidth: 1,
        borderColor: '#ccc',
        padding: 10,
        marginRight: 10,
      This mobile app utilizes Expo's components and APIs to fetch data from the API, display the to-do list, and enable users to interact with the list using buttons and a text input.
      5. Running the Application
      To start the application, you can run the following commands:

    cd api
    dotnet run
    cd ..
    cd app
    npm run dev
    cd ..
    cd mobile
    npx expo start

          This will start the ASP.NET API server, the Next.js web application, and the Expo mobile app simulator.
          NextSolution V2 is a powerful and versatile starter template for building modern, cross-platform applications. By combining ASP.NET API for the backend, Next.js for the frontend, and Expo for mobile development, NextSolution V2 simplifies your development workflow and empowers you to create applications that are fast, scalable, and accessible to a wide audience. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and a step-by-step guide to building a simple to-do application using NextSolution V2. You can now leverage this foundation to build your own custom applications and explore the vast possibilities of this powerful combination of technologies.
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