Multithreading e corotinas com Ruby

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

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Multithreading and Coroutines in Ruby

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Multithreading and Coroutines in Ruby

Ruby, a dynamic and expressive language, offers powerful tools for enhancing the performance and responsiveness of your applications. This article delves into two key concepts: multithreading and coroutines. These techniques allow you to execute multiple tasks concurrently, making your Ruby programs more efficient and capable of handling complex scenarios.

Understanding Multithreading

Multithreading allows a single program to execute multiple tasks (threads) simultaneously. Each thread runs independently and can share resources with other threads. Imagine having multiple chefs working in a kitchen; each chef (thread) can prepare a different dish (task) concurrently. This approach is particularly beneficial when dealing with computationally intensive tasks or I/O-bound operations.

Benefits of Multithreading:

  • Improved Responsiveness: Multithreading allows your application to respond to user interactions or external events while other tasks are running in the background.
  • Increased Throughput: By executing multiple tasks concurrently, you can potentially finish a large task faster than running it sequentially.
  • Enhanced Resource Utilization: Threads can share resources like memory, making better use of available resources.

Key Concepts in Ruby Multithreading:

  • Thread Class: The core class in Ruby's multithreading system. You create and manage threads using this class.
  • Mutex: A synchronization mechanism that allows only one thread to access a shared resource at a time, preventing race conditions (conflicts) when multiple threads attempt to modify the same data simultaneously.
  • Condition Variable: A mechanism for threads to wait for a specific condition to become true. For example, a thread might wait for a resource to become available or for another thread to finish its task.

Example: Multithreaded Calculation

Let's illustrate multithreading with a simple example: calculating the sum of squares of numbers in an array.

require 'thread'

def sum_of_squares(numbers)
  sum = 0
  numbers.each { |num| sum += num * num }

# Create an array of numbers
numbers = (1..1000000).to_a

# Calculate the sum of squares using multithreading
threads = []
threads &lt;&lt; { puts "Thread 1: #{sum_of_squares(numbers[0...numbers.size/2])}" }
threads &lt;&lt; { puts "Thread 2: #{sum_of_squares(numbers[numbers.size/2..-1])}" }

threads.each(&amp;:join) # Wait for all threads to finish

puts "Total Sum: #{;:value).sum}"

In this example, we divide the array into two halves and assign each half to a separate thread. Each thread calculates the sum of squares for its portion of the array, and then the final result is calculated by summing the results from both threads.

Diagram of multithreading

Coroutines in Ruby

While multithreading allows true concurrency, it comes with some overhead. Threads have their own stack frames and memory, and context switching between them can be resource-intensive. Coroutines, on the other hand, provide a lightweight form of concurrency that can be more efficient in certain scenarios.

Understanding Coroutines:

Coroutines are functions that can pause execution and resume later at the same point. Imagine a function that can temporarily "step aside" and allow other functions to run before continuing its work. This cooperative behavior is the essence of coroutines.

Benefits of Coroutines:

  • Lightweight Concurrency: Coroutines are much less resource-intensive than threads, making them ideal for tasks that involve frequent switching between execution points.
  • Simplified Asynchronous Operations: Coroutines excel at managing asynchronous operations like network requests, where waiting for a response can block the main thread. Coroutines allow you to handle such operations efficiently without blocking the entire program.
  • Improved Code Readability: Coroutines often lead to cleaner and more understandable code, especially when handling complex asynchronous flows.

Coroutines in Ruby:

Ruby provides support for coroutines through the Fiber class. A fiber is a lightweight thread-like object that can yield control to other fibers. This allows you to create concurrent-like behavior without the overhead of traditional threads.

Example: Asynchronous Network Request

Consider an example where you want to fetch data from a remote API asynchronously. Coroutines can help streamline this process.

require 'net/http'

def fetch_data(url)
  uri = URI(url)
  response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

# Create a fiber to handle the network request
fiber = do
  data = fetch_data('')
  puts "Data received: #{data}"

# Start the fiber

# Do other tasks while the fiber is working
puts "Other tasks are running..."

# The fiber will eventually resume and print the data

In this example, the fetch_data function makes a network request. However, the Fiber pauses execution until the network request completes. This allows the main thread to continue with other tasks while the network operation is in progress.

Diagram of coroutines

Choosing Between Multithreading and Coroutines

The choice between multithreading and coroutines depends on the specific requirements of your application. Here's a brief comparison:


  • Ideal for computationally intensive tasks.
  • Provides true concurrency.
  • More resource-intensive than coroutines.
  • Can be complex to manage due to synchronization concerns.


  • Suitable for I/O-bound tasks and asynchronous operations.
  • Lightweight and efficient.
  • Simpler to manage than multithreading.
  • Does not provide true concurrency.


Multithreading and coroutines are powerful tools in Ruby's arsenal. Multithreading offers true concurrency, making it suitable for demanding tasks, while coroutines provide lightweight concurrency that excels in asynchronous scenarios. Understanding these concepts enables you to write more efficient and responsive Ruby applications.

Remember to carefully consider the nature of your tasks when deciding between multithreading and coroutines. In some cases, you might even benefit from combining both techniques. By embracing concurrency, you can unlock the full potential of Ruby and create applications that are faster, more responsive, and better equipped to handle complex workloads.

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