Open source Contribution, First Pull Request

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

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Your First Pull Request: A Guide to Contributing to Open Source

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Your First Pull Request: A Guide to Contributing to Open Source

Contributing to open source projects is a rewarding experience. It allows you to learn from experienced developers, improve your skills, and give back to the community. For many, the first step into open source can seem daunting. But fear not! This guide will walk you through the process of making your first pull request, demystifying the process and empowering you to contribute.


Open source software is software whose source code is made publicly available for anyone to inspect, modify, and distribute. This collaborative nature allows for rapid development, innovation, and bug fixes. Open source projects rely on contributions from a diverse community of developers, designers, and users.

A pull request (PR) is a mechanism used in version control systems like Git to propose changes to a codebase. It's essentially a request for the project maintainers to review your proposed changes and potentially merge them into the main codebase.

Contributing to open source projects can be extremely beneficial:

  • Learn from Experts: Working with existing open source projects allows you to see how seasoned developers structure code, solve problems, and handle different situations.
  • Build Your Portfolio: Contributing to well-known projects showcases your skills and demonstrates your commitment to collaborative development.
  • Improve Your Skills: Contributing to open source projects forces you to learn new technologies, understand complex codebases, and work within a team environment.
  • Give Back to the Community: Your contributions help make software better and more accessible to everyone.

The Journey of a Pull Request

The process of creating a pull request involves several steps:

  1. Find a Project: Identify an open source project you're interested in and that you want to contribute to.
  2. Explore the Project: Get familiar with the project's codebase, documentation, and community guidelines.
  3. Identify an Issue: Look for open issues in the project's issue tracker (e.g., GitHub Issues, GitLab Issues). These issues represent areas where the project needs improvement.
  4. Fork the Repository: Create your own copy of the project's repository. This allows you to make changes without affecting the original project.
  5. Clone Your Fork: Download your forked repository to your local machine.
  6. Create a Branch: Create a new branch in your local repository to isolate your changes from the main development branch.
  7. Make Your Changes: Implement the solution for the chosen issue.
  8. Test Your Changes: Thoroughly test your changes to ensure they work as intended and don't break any existing functionality.
  9. Commit Your Changes: Stage and commit your changes with clear and descriptive commit messages.
  10. Push Your Changes: Push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub or GitLab.
  11. Open a Pull Request: Submit your changes as a pull request to the original project's repository.
  12. Respond to Feedback: Project maintainers will review your code and provide feedback. Be open to suggestions and willing to make revisions.
  13. Merge Your Changes: If your PR is approved, it will be merged into the main codebase, making your contributions available to everyone.

The image below illustrates this process visually:

Pull Request Visual Guide

Tools and Techniques

Here are some essential tools and techniques involved in contributing to open source projects:

Git and GitHub

Git is a powerful version control system used by the vast majority of open source projects. GitHub is a popular platform for hosting Git repositories, managing open source projects, and facilitating collaboration.

  • Git commands: You'll need to become familiar with basic Git commands like git clone, git checkout, git add, git commit, git push, and git pull.
  • GitHub interface: GitHub's web interface allows you to manage forks, create pull requests, review changes, and communicate with other contributors.

Issue Trackers

Issue trackers are used to track bugs, feature requests, and other tasks within a project. Popular issue trackers include GitHub Issues, GitLab Issues, and Jira. You'll find open issues that you can potentially contribute to.

Code Editors and IDEs

Choose a code editor or IDE that suits your needs and the programming languages used by the project. Popular choices include:

  • VS Code: A lightweight and extensible code editor.
  • Atom: Another highly customizable and open-source editor.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: A powerful IDE with advanced features for Java development.
  • PyCharm: A popular IDE for Python development.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is essential for collaborative development. You'll likely interact with project maintainers and other contributors:

  • Issue Tracker Comments: Use issue tracker comments to discuss the issue, ask questions, and propose solutions.
  • Pull Request Discussions: The pull request itself serves as a platform for discussion. Be responsive to feedback and clarify any questions.
  • Discord, Slack, or Forums: Many projects have online communities where you can engage with other developers.

Your First Pull Request: A Walkthrough

Let's go through a step-by-step example of making a pull request to a hypothetical open source project called "Awesome-Calculator" on GitHub.

  1. Find a Project

We've chosen "Awesome-Calculator" for this example. Imagine it's a simple calculator web application built with JavaScript. We can find it on GitHub:

  • Explore the Project

    Before jumping in, browse the project's file. This often explains the project's purpose, how to install it, and how to contribute. It's important to understand the project's structure and coding style.

  • Identify an Issue

    Let's say the calculator currently only handles basic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.). We'd like to add a feature for calculating square roots. We can find an open issue for this on GitHub:

    GitHub Issue

  • Fork the Repository

    Click the "Fork" button on the GitHub repository page to create your own copy of the project. This creates a fork in your personal GitHub account.

  • Clone Your Fork

    Open your terminal (or command prompt) and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository. Use the following command, replacing your_username with your GitHub username:

  • git clone

    1. Create a Branch

    Change into the newly cloned directory and create a new branch for your changes:

    cd calculator
    git checkout -b feature/square-root

    This creates a new branch named "feature/square-root" based on the "main" branch.

    1. Make Your Changes

    Open the code files relevant to the square root feature (e.g., the JavaScript file handling calculation logic). Implement the functionality to calculate square roots.

    // JavaScript file (e.g., calculator.js)
    function calculate(operation, num1, num2) {
    // ... Existing code ...

    if (operation === 'sqrt') {
    return Math.sqrt(num1); // Add square root calculation

    // ... Existing code ...

    1. Test Your Changes

    Run the calculator application to ensure the square root function works correctly. Test with different inputs and verify that the results are accurate.

  • Commit Your Changes

    Stage and commit your changes to your local branch. Use descriptive commit messages that explain what you've changed:

  • git add .  // Stage all changed files
    git commit -m "feat: add square root functionality" // Commit with a descriptive message

    1. Push Your Changes

    Push your local branch to your forked repository on GitHub:

    git push origin feature/square-root

    1. Open a Pull Request

    Go back to your GitHub fork and navigate to the "feature/square-root" branch. You'll see a button to "Compare & pull request." Click it to create a pull request.

    Create Pull Request Button

    In the pull request, provide a clear and concise description of your changes. Explain what issue you're addressing, how your solution works, and any potential considerations.

    Pull Request Description

  • Respond to Feedback

    The maintainers of the "Awesome-Calculator" project will review your pull request. They might ask for clarification, suggest improvements, or request additional tests. Be responsive and address their feedback politely.

  • Merge Your Changes

    If the maintainers approve your changes, they will merge your pull request into the main codebase. Your contribution is now part of the project, making the calculator even more awesome!


    Making your first pull request might feel like a big step, but with this guide, you'll be equipped to confidently contribute to open source projects. Remember, it's all about learning, collaborating, and giving back to the community.

    Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

    • Start Small: Begin with smaller tasks or bug fixes to get comfortable with the project's workflow.
    • Read the Documentation: Thoroughly understand the project's contribution guidelines, coding style, and testing procedures.
    • Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to ask for help if you're unsure about anything. The open source community is welcoming and supportive.
    • Be Patient: The review process can take some time. Be patient and communicate effectively with the project maintainers.

    By contributing to open source, you'll gain valuable skills, build your portfolio, and help create better software for everyone. So, take that first step, find a project you're passionate about, and start making your mark on the world of open source.

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