Overcoming Electron-Builder Limitations: A C# and NSIS Hybrid Approach

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Overcoming Electron-Builder Limitations: A C# and NSIS Hybrid Approach

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Overcoming Electron-Builder Limitations: A C# and NSIS Hybrid Approach


Electron-Builder is a popular tool for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies. However, it comes with certain limitations, particularly when it comes to advanced packaging, customization, and deployment scenarios. This article explores how to overcome these limitations by employing a hybrid approach that leverages the power of C# and the well-established NSIS installer system.

Why a Hybrid Approach?

While Electron-Builder offers a streamlined development workflow, it can fall short in scenarios requiring:
  • Complex Installation Logic: Electron-Builder's built-in installers may not handle intricate installation requirements, such as pre-installation tasks, custom file placement, or registry modifications.
  • Advanced Customization: Electron-Builder's packaging options might not be sufficient for customizing the installer UI, adding custom actions, or embedding additional resources.
  • Deployment Flexibility: Electron-Builder's default deployment mechanisms might not cater to specific deployment strategies, such as silent installations, network-based installations, or automated updates.

    The C# and NSIS Solution

    By combining C# and NSIS, we can overcome these limitations and achieve a robust and versatile packaging and deployment solution.

  • C# for Logic and Functionality: C# provides a powerful and flexible platform for implementing custom installation logic, handling complex data operations, and integrating with external systems.

  • NSIS for Installer Creation: NSIS is a mature installer system known for its reliability, flexibility, and comprehensive scripting capabilities.

    Step-by-Step Guide

    This guide demonstrates how to create a hybrid installer using C# and NSIS. We will utilize the following technologies:

  • C# (.NET Framework): Used for developing the core installation logic.

  • NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System): Used for creating the installer package.

  • SharpDevelop: A free and open-source IDE for C# development.

  • HM NIS Edit: A user-friendly editor for creating and editing NSIS scripts.

    1. C# Installation Logic

    1.1. Create a C# Project:

  • Open SharpDevelop and create a new C# Class Library project.
  • Name the project "MyInstallerLogic".

1.2. Implement Installation Logic:

  • Add a class called "Installer" to the project.
  • Implement methods for installing, uninstalling, and other relevant actions.
  • Here's an example implementation:
  public class Installer
    public static void Install(string targetDir, string installData)
      // Perform installation tasks here:
      // - Copy files to target directory.
      // - Create registry entries.
      // - Configure application settings.
      // - ...

    public static void Uninstall(string installDir)
      // Perform uninstallation tasks:
      // - Remove files from target directory.
      // - Delete registry entries.
      // - ...

1.3. Build the C# Project:

  • Build the C# project to generate the "MyInstallerLogic.dll" assembly.

    1. NSIS Installer Script

    2.1. Create an NSIS Script:
  • Open HM NIS Edit and create a new script.

2.2. Add C# DLL Reference:

  • Add a line to the NSIS script to load the C# DLL:
  !include LogicLib.nsh
  !define MyInstallerLogicDll "MyInstallerLogic.dll"
  • Replace "MyInstallerLogic.dll" with the actual filename of your C# assembly.
  • The "LogicLib.nsh" file is a plugin for NSIS that enables the use of C# DLLs. You can find it on the NSIS website.

2.3. Define Installation Functions:

  • Create NSIS functions to call the corresponding C# methods:
  Function Install
    Exec '"MyInstallerLogicDll" "Install" "$INSTDIR" "$INSTDATA"'

  Function Uninstall
    Exec '"MyInstallerLogicDll" "Uninstall" "$INSTDIR"'

2.4. Complete the NSIS Script:

  • Add the rest of the NSIS script to define installer UI, install options, and other aspects of the installer.

    1. Compile the NSIS Script

    3.1. Set up NSIS:
  • Ensure that NSIS is installed on your system.
  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the NSIS script and C# DLL are located.

3.2. Compile the NSIS script:

  • Use the "makensis" command to compile the script:
  makensis myinstaller.nsi
  • This will create an executable installer file (e.g., "myinstaller.exe").

    1. Deploy the Installer

    4.1. Include the C# DLL:
  • Include the "MyInstallerLogic.dll" assembly in the same directory as the installer executable.

4.2. Distribute the Installer:

  • Distribute the installer package to users.
  • The installer will automatically load and execute the C# logic during installation and uninstallation.

    Example: A Simple Custom Installer

    This example demonstrates a basic custom installer that allows the user to choose the installation directory and copy a file:

C# Code (Installer.cs):

using System;
using System.IO;

public class Installer
  public static void Install(string targetDir, string installData)
    Console.WriteLine($"Installing to: {targetDir}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Installation data: {installData}");

    // Copy the file
    string sourceFile = @"C:\temp\myFile.txt"; // Replace with the actual source file path
    string destinationFile = Path.Combine(targetDir, "myFile.txt");
    File.Copy(sourceFile, destinationFile);

    Console.WriteLine("Installation complete!");

  public static void Uninstall(string installDir)
    Console.WriteLine($"Uninstalling from: {installDir}");

    // Delete the file
    string targetFile = Path.Combine(installDir, "myFile.txt");
    if (File.Exists(targetFile))

    Console.WriteLine("Uninstallation complete!");

NSIS Script (myinstaller.nsi):

!include LogicLib.nsh
!define MyInstallerLogicDll "MyInstallerLogic.dll"

Function Install
  Exec '"MyInstallerLogicDll" "Install" "$INSTDIR" "$INSTDATA"'

Function Uninstall
  Exec '"MyInstallerLogicDll" "Uninstall" "$INSTDIR"'

  SetOutPath $INSTDIR
  File "myFile.txt"
  WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"

Section - Uninstall
  WriteUninstaller ""
  Delete "$INSTDIR\myFile.txt"

Function .onInit
  ; Define the installation directory
  !define INSTDIR "$PROGRAMFILES\MyApplication"

  ; Prompt for installation data
  StrCpy $INSTDATA "My installation data"
  MessageBox MB_OK "Enter installation data (optional):"

Compiling the NSIS Script:

makensis myinstaller.nsi

Running the Installer:

  1. Place the "MyInstallerLogic.dll" file in the same directory as the "myinstaller.exe" file.
  2. Run the "myinstaller.exe" file.
  3. The installer will prompt the user for the installation directory and optionally for installation data.
  4. The installer will copy the "myFile.txt" file to the selected directory.

    Best Practices

    • Modular C# Code: Structure the C# installation logic into well-defined classes and methods for better organization and reusability.
  5. Clear NSIS Script: Comment your NSIS script thoroughly to improve readability and maintainability.
  6. Error Handling: Implement error handling mechanisms in both C# and NSIS to gracefully handle unexpected situations.
  7. Testing: Thoroughly test the installer in various environments and scenarios to ensure its stability and functionality.
  8. Security Considerations: Be mindful of security best practices during installation, such as validating user input and preventing malicious code injection.


    By combining C# and NSIS, developers can overcome limitations of Electron-Builder and create highly customizable and powerful installers. This hybrid approach provides the flexibility to implement complex installation logic, leverage the robust features of NSIS, and achieve seamless deployment across different platforms. Remember to follow best practices for code organization, error handling, testing, and security to ensure the reliability and stability of your installers.

    Image Placeholders

    • Placeholder Image 1: A screenshot of SharpDevelop with a C# project open.
  9. Placeholder Image 2: A screenshot of HM NIS Edit with an NSIS script open.
  10. Placeholder Image 3: A screenshot of the installer running, showing the user interface and installation progress.
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