Semantic Search Using Msmarco Distilbert Base & Faiss Vector Database - AI Project

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Semantic Search Using MS MARCO DistilBERT Base & FAISS Vector Database: An AI Project

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Semantic Search Using MS MARCO DistilBERT Base & FAISS Vector Database: An AI Project

In the digital age, where information is constantly being generated and stored, the ability to find relevant information quickly and efficiently is paramount. Traditional keyword-based search methods often struggle to understand the nuanced meaning and context of queries, leading to inaccurate and irrelevant results. Enter semantic search, a powerful approach that leverages natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand the meaning behind search terms and provide more relevant and insightful results.

This article delves into an exciting AI project that utilizes the power of MS MARCO DistilBERT Base, a pre-trained transformer-based language model, and FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search), a library designed for efficient similarity search in high-dimensional spaces, to build a robust semantic search system.

Understanding the Concepts

Semantic Search

Semantic search goes beyond matching keywords by understanding the intent and context of a query. It employs NLP techniques to analyze the meaning of words, their relationships, and the overall context of the query. This allows it to identify documents that are semantically similar to the query, even if they don't share the exact keywords.


MS MARCO DistilBERT Base is a pre-trained transformer model specifically designed for question answering tasks. It has been trained on a massive dataset of questions and answers, allowing it to understand the nuances of language and provide accurate and contextually relevant results. Here's a breakdown of why DistilBERT Base is ideal for semantic search:

  • Pre-trained: DistilBERT Base has already been trained on a massive dataset, which saves you time and resources.
  • Lightweight: It's a smaller, faster version of the larger BERT model, making it suitable for deploying in real-time applications.
  • High Accuracy: It achieves impressive performance in question answering and other NLP tasks.

DistilBERT Architecture

FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search)

FAISS is a library developed by Facebook AI Research for efficient similarity search in high-dimensional spaces. When working with semantic search, we represent each document and query as a vector in a high-dimensional space, where the distance between vectors reflects their semantic similarity. FAISS provides algorithms and data structures to quickly find the nearest neighbors (most similar documents) to a given query vector.

FAISS offers several advantages:

  • Scalability: It can handle large datasets and high-dimensional vectors.
  • Speed: It provides efficient search algorithms optimized for speed.
  • Flexibility: It supports various distance metrics and indexing techniques.

Building the Semantic Search System

The project involves the following steps:

1. Data Preparation

Start by gathering a dataset of documents you want to index for search. This dataset can be anything from text files to web pages to articles. You'll need to preprocess the data by cleaning, tokenizing, and converting it to a suitable format for the language model. This might involve removing punctuation, stemming words, and applying other preprocessing techniques.

2. Embedding Generation

Using the MS MARCO DistilBERT Base model, we need to generate vector representations (embeddings) for each document and query. This process involves passing the text through the model, which extracts semantic features and outputs a vector that captures the meaning of the text. This is where DistilBERT's ability to understand context and relationships between words plays a crucial role in generating accurate and meaningful embeddings.

from transformers import DistilBertTokenizer, DistilBertModel

# Load the pre-trained tokenizer and model
tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')
model = DistilBertModel.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')

# Generate embeddings for a document and query
document_text = "This is a sample document about semantic search."
query_text = "What is semantic search?"

# Tokenize the text
document_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(document_text)
query_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(query_text)

# Convert tokens to input IDs
document_input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(document_tokens)
query_input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(query_tokens)

# Generate embeddings
document_embedding = model(torch.tensor([document_input_ids]))[0][:, 0, :]
query_embedding = model(torch.tensor([query_input_ids]))[0][:, 0, :]

3. Index Creation with FAISS

Now, we leverage FAISS to efficiently index the document embeddings. FAISS allows us to store the embeddings in a way that enables rapid search for similar vectors. Here's how to create an index:

import faiss

# Create a FAISS index
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_dimension)

# Add embeddings to the index

4. Querying and Retrieving Results

When a user submits a search query, we follow the same embedding generation process as before. Then, we use FAISS to find the closest vectors (documents) to the query embedding. The FAISS library provides efficient search functions that return a list of the most similar documents along with their similarity scores.

# Generate embedding for the query
query_embedding = model(torch.tensor([query_input_ids]))[0][:, 0, :]

# Search for the nearest neighbors in the index
distances, indices =, k=10) 

# Retrieve documents based on the indices
results = [documents[i] for i in indices[0]]

5. Ranking and Evaluation

The search results are usually ranked based on their similarity scores. You can further enhance the search system by incorporating other ranking factors, such as document length, relevance, and freshness. It's also essential to evaluate the performance of the system using metrics like Mean Average Precision (MAP), Recall, and Precision. These metrics help assess how well the search system is returning relevant results and how accurately it is ranking them.

Example: Building a Simple Semantic Search System

Let's illustrate the process with a simple example using Python and the libraries mentioned above:

import faiss
from transformers import DistilBertTokenizer, DistilBertModel
import torch

# Define some sample documents
documents = [
    "This is a document about cats.",
    "Dogs are loyal companions.",
    "Semantic search is powerful.",
    "This is another document about cats."

# Load the pre-trained tokenizer and model
tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')
model = DistilBertModel.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')

# Generate embeddings for documents
embeddings = []
for doc in documents:
    tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(doc)
    input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens)
    embedding = model(torch.tensor([input_ids]))[0][:, 0, :]

# Convert to numpy array
embeddings = np.array(embeddings)

# Create a FAISS index
embedding_dimension = embeddings.shape[1]
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_dimension)

# Search for nearest neighbors
query = "What are cats like?"
query_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(query)
query_input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(query_tokens)
query_embedding = model(torch.tensor([query_input_ids]))[0][:, 0, :]

# Search for nearest neighbors
distances, indices =, k=2)

# Print the results
for i in indices[0]:
    print(f"Document: {documents[i]}")

This code snippet demonstrates the basic steps involved in building a semantic search system. It generates embeddings for documents, creates a FAISS index, and uses the index to search for similar documents based on a query. You can expand this example by incorporating more data, fine-tuning the model, and exploring different FAISS indexing techniques for better performance.

Benefits and Applications

Semantic search offers several advantages over traditional keyword-based search:

  • Enhanced Relevance: It delivers more relevant results by understanding the meaning and context of queries.
  • Improved User Experience: It provides a more intuitive and user-friendly search experience.
  • Greater Discoverability: It helps users discover information that they might not find with traditional search methods.
  • Support for Complex Queries: It enables users to ask more sophisticated questions, including those involving synonyms, related concepts, and implied meanings.

Semantic search has applications in various domains:

  • E-commerce: Recommending products based on user intent and past purchases.
  • Customer Service: Providing more accurate and relevant answers to customer inquiries.
  • Information Retrieval: Helping researchers and analysts find relevant papers, articles, and data.
  • Content Management: Organizing and filtering content based on semantic similarity.
  • Digital Libraries: Making it easier to find books, articles, and other materials relevant to a specific topic.


Semantic search, powered by pre-trained language models like MS MARCO DistilBERT Base and efficient indexing libraries like FAISS, revolutionizes information retrieval by understanding the meaning and context of queries. This approach offers significant advantages over traditional keyword-based search, providing more relevant results, improving user experience, and opening up new possibilities for information discovery. By leveraging the power of AI and NLP, semantic search is poised to transform how we interact with information and unlock its full potential.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for building effective semantic search systems:

  • Choose the Right Language Model: Select a pre-trained model that is suitable for the specific domain and task. Consider factors like size, performance, and pre-training dataset.
  • Optimize Indexing: Experiment with different FAISS indexing techniques to achieve optimal search speed and accuracy.
  • Evaluate Performance: Regularly assess the performance of your system using relevant metrics and make adjustments as needed.
  • Consider Ranking Factors: In addition to semantic similarity, incorporate other ranking factors to improve the relevance of search results.
  • Iterate and Improve: Continue to refine your system based on user feedback and emerging NLP techniques.

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