Semantic Search Using Msmarco Distilbert Base & Faiss Vector Database - AI Project

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Semantic Search Using MS MARCO DistilBERT Base & FAISS Vector Database - AI Project

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Semantic Search Using MS MARCO DistilBERT Base & FAISS Vector Database - AI Project

This article delves into the fascinating world of semantic search, using the powerful combination of MS MARCO DistilBERT Base and FAISS vector database. We'll explore the importance of semantic search, dive deep into the underlying technologies, and guide you through a hands-on implementation using Python code.

Introduction to Semantic Search

Traditional keyword-based search engines rely on exact matches between search terms and document keywords. This approach often falls short when dealing with complex queries or nuances in language. Semantic search, on the other hand, aims to understand the meaning and context of queries, returning results based on the underlying semantic relationship between the query and the documents.

Semantic Search vs Keyword Search

Think of it this way: if you search for "restaurants near me," a traditional search engine would likely return listings based on the literal terms "restaurants" and "near me." A semantic search engine, however, would consider your location, your preferences, and even your past searches to understand your intent and provide more relevant results.

Key Technologies: MS MARCO DistilBERT Base and FAISS

MS MARCO DistilBERT Base: The Language Understanding Engine

DistilBERT is a smaller, faster, and more efficient version of the powerful BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) language model, trained on the massive MS MARCO dataset. DistilBERT excels at understanding the meaning of text and generating semantic representations for words and sentences.

BERT Model Architecture

FAISS: The Vector Database for Efficient Retrieval

FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) is a library specifically designed for efficient similarity search in high-dimensional vector spaces. It's crucial for semantic search because it allows us to quickly retrieve documents that are semantically similar to a given query.

FAISS Architecture

Implementation: Building a Semantic Search Engine

Let's put these technologies into action. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to build a semantic search engine using MS MARCO DistilBERT Base and FAISS:

1. Install Necessary Libraries

pip install transformers faiss-cpu

2. Import Required Modules

from transformers import DistilBertTokenizerFast, DistilBertModel
import faiss
import numpy as np

3. Load the Pre-trained DistilBERT Model and Tokenizer

tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')
model = DistilBertModel.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased')

4. Define a Function to Encode Text into Vector Representations

def encode_text(text):
  Encodes text using DistilBERT and returns a vector representation.
  inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True)
  outputs = model(**inputs)
  return outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :].detach().numpy()

5. Load or Create a Dataset of Documents

# Example dataset of documents
documents = [
  "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",
  "A dog is a man's best friend.",
  "Cats are independent and playful.",
  "Birds can fly high in the sky.",
  "Fish live underwater."

6. Encode All Documents into Vectors

document_vectors = np.array([encode_text(doc) for doc in documents])

7. Create a FAISS Index

index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(document_vectors.shape[1])

8. Define a Function to Perform Semantic Search

def semantic_search(query, k=5):
  Performs semantic search for a given query.

    query: The search query.
    k: Number of top results to return.

    A list of tuples (document, score), where score represents similarity.
  query_vector = encode_text(query)
  distances, indices =, -1), k)
  return [(documents[i], distances[0][j]) for i, j in enumerate(indices[0])]

9. Perform a Search and Display Results

query = "What kind of pets are popular?"
results = semantic_search(query)
print("Search Results for:", query)
for document, score in results:
  print(f"Document: {document} - Score: {score}")


This comprehensive guide has demonstrated how to build a semantic search engine using MS MARCO DistilBERT Base and FAISS. We've explored the importance of semantic search, delved into the technologies behind it, and provided a hands-on implementation with Python code.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Semantic search offers a significant advantage over traditional keyword-based search by understanding the meaning and context of queries.
  • MS MARCO DistilBERT Base provides powerful language understanding capabilities, while FAISS offers efficient vector similarity search.
  • Building a semantic search engine requires encoding text into vector representations, creating a vector database, and searching for similar vectors.

By implementing these concepts, you can unlock the potential of semantic search and build intelligent applications that provide more relevant and meaningful results for your users.

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