This Week In React #199: shadcn, Next.js, Remix, RN-WebGPU, React-Three-Fiber, Re.Pack, Super Apps, RN-macOS, EAS...

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This Week in React #199: A Dive into the Latest Developments

Welcome back to This Week in React, where we explore the exciting world of React and its surrounding ecosystem. This week, we're diving into a treasure trove of updates, tools, and trends shaping the future of React development. Get ready to learn about shadcn, Next.js, Remix, RN-WebGPU, React-Three-Fiber, Re.Pack, Super Apps, RN-macOS, and EAS.


The React landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. New libraries, frameworks, and tools emerge constantly, pushing the boundaries of what's possible with React. This week, we'll explore some of these exciting advancements that offer developers enhanced capabilities, improved performance, and fresh approaches to building modern web and mobile applications.

Shadcn: The Next Generation of React Development

[Image of Shadcn website]

Shadcn is a groundbreaking initiative spearheaded by Vercel aiming to revolutionize the React development experience. It encompasses a suite of tools, libraries, and best practices designed to streamline development, improve developer experience, and unlock new possibilities in React app creation.

Key Features of Shadcn:

  • Pre-built components: Shadcn provides a collection of carefully crafted, high-quality components that handle common UI elements, reducing development time and ensuring consistency across projects.
  • Next.js integration: Shadcn seamlessly integrates with Next.js, leveraging its robust features and optimized performance.
  • Tailwind CSS compatibility: Shadcn leverages Tailwind CSS for styling, enabling developers to create visually stunning and highly customizable user interfaces.
  • Focus on accessibility: Shadcn emphasizes accessibility, ensuring that all components are built with best practices for inclusivity.
  • Community-driven development: Shadcn is built with a strong emphasis on community collaboration, welcoming contributions and feedback from the wider React ecosystem.

Example: Using a Shadcn Component:

import { Button } from 'shadcn/ui';

const App = () => {
  return (
  Click me
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Next.js: The Powerhouse Framework

[Image of Next.js logo]

Next.js has become the de facto standard for building modern React applications. Its server-side rendering capabilities, built-in routing, API routes, and optimized performance have made it a popular choice for developers of all experience levels.

Latest Next.js Updates:

  • Improved Server Components: Next.js continues to refine its Server Components, offering even more flexibility and performance gains.
  • Enhanced Image Optimization: New features in Next.js provide better control and optimization for images, ensuring lightning-fast loading times.
  • Streamlined API Routes: Next.js API routes are now easier to manage, simplifying the creation of serverless functions within your application.
  • Improved Developer Tools: Next.js offers a rich set of development tools, including the Next.js CLI, a powerful debugger, and comprehensive documentation.

Example: Creating a Next.js API Route:

// pages/api/hello.js
export default function handler(req, res) {
  res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello from Next.js API!' });
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Remix: The Modern Web Framework

[Image of Remix logo]

Remix is a full-stack framework that challenges traditional web development approaches. It combines the best of client-side and server-side rendering, delivering a seamless and performant user experience.

Key Benefits of Remix:

  • Server-side rendering for SEO and performance: Remix renders pages on the server, making them readily accessible to search engines and providing a faster initial load time.
  • Data fetching and loading states: Remix simplifies data fetching and gracefully handles loading states, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Built-in routing and form handling: Remix provides robust routing and form handling capabilities, eliminating the need for external libraries.
  • Focus on developer experience: Remix is designed to make development enjoyable, with a simple and intuitive API.

Example: Creating a Remix route:

// app/routes/index.tsx
export default function Index() {
  return (
  Welcome to Remix!
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RN-WebGPU: Unlocking Next-Generation Graphics

[Image of WebGPU logo]

RN-WebGPU is a library that brings the power of WebGPU to React Native applications. WebGPU is a new, low-level graphics API that offers significant performance improvements over WebGL, enabling developers to build more immersive and visually stunning experiences.

Benefits of RN-WebGPU:

  • Enhanced graphics performance: WebGPU provides a significant performance boost over WebGL, allowing for more complex and visually demanding applications.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: RN-WebGPU supports both iOS and Android platforms, providing a consistent experience across different devices.
  • Access to cutting-edge graphics features: WebGPU enables developers to leverage advanced graphics features, such as compute shaders and ray tracing.

Example: Using RN-WebGPU to draw a simple triangle:

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { WebGPUView } from 'rn-webgpu';

const App = () =&gt; {
  const canvasRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() =&gt; {
    if (canvasRef.current) {
      // Initialize WebGPU context and draw a triangle
      const webgpu = new WebGPUView(canvasRef.current);
  }, []);

  return (
<webgpuview ref="{canvasRef}">
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React-Three-Fiber: Building Immersive 3D Experiences

[Image of React-Three-Fiber logo]

React-Three-Fiber is a library that simplifies the creation of 3D experiences in React. It provides a declarative API for interacting with the Three.js library, making it easier to build complex 3D scenes and animations.

Key Features of React-Three-Fiber:

  • React-friendly API: React-Three-Fiber allows you to write 3D scenes using familiar React concepts like state management and component composition.
  • Integration with Three.js: It provides access to the full power of Three.js, enabling developers to create advanced and visually stunning 3D experiences.
  • Performance optimizations: React-Three-Fiber leverages React's optimized rendering system to deliver smooth and efficient 3D performance.

Example: Creating a simple 3D cube using React-Three-Fiber:

import { Canvas, useFrame, useThree, Box } from '@react-three/fiber';

const Cube = () =&gt; {
  useFrame((state) =&gt; {
    // Rotate the cube over time = 5; += 0.01;

<box 1,="" 1]}="" args="{[1,">

const App = () =&gt; {
  return (
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Re.Pack: Enhancing Developer Productivity with React

[Image of Re.Pack logo]

Re.Pack is a powerful tool that streamlines the process of building and managing React applications. It offers features like code generation, dependency management, and component library creation, empowering developers to work faster and more efficiently.

Key Benefits of Re.Pack:

  • Faster development cycles: Re.Pack's code generation capabilities significantly reduce boilerplate code, allowing developers to focus on core logic.
  • Improved project organization: Re.Pack helps structure projects effectively, promoting code reusability and maintainability.
  • Streamlined component management: Re.Pack simplifies the creation and management of reusable components, fostering consistency and efficiency.

Example: Using Re.Pack to create a new component:

npx repack generate component MyComponent
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Super Apps: The Future of Mobile Applications

[Image of a Super App interface]

Super Apps are becoming increasingly popular in the mobile landscape. They offer a wide range of services and functionalities within a single platform, providing users with a convenient and unified experience.

Examples of Super Apps:

  • WeChat: A messaging platform that has expanded to include payments, social media, and other services.
  • Grab: A ride-hailing app that also provides food delivery, payments, and financial services.
  • Gojek: A similar app to Grab, offering a wide range of services in Southeast Asia.

Benefits of Super Apps:

  • Convenience: Users can access multiple services within a single platform, eliminating the need for multiple apps.
  • Personalized experience: Super Apps can leverage user data to provide personalized recommendations and services.
  • Ecosystem integration: Super Apps can integrate with various services and businesses, creating a connected ecosystem.

RN-macOS: Bringing React Native to macOS

[Image of macOS logo]

RN-macOS is a project that aims to bring the power of React Native to the macOS platform. It allows developers to create native macOS applications using familiar React concepts and components.

Benefits of RN-macOS:

  • Cross-platform development: Developers can use their existing React Native skills to create macOS applications.
  • Native performance: RN-macOS leverages native macOS components, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience.
  • Access to macOS APIs: Developers can access macOS-specific APIs and features through RN-macOS.

EAS: Simplifying Mobile App Distribution

[Image of EAS logo]

EAS (Expo Application Services) is a suite of tools and services that simplify the process of building, distributing, and managing mobile applications. It offers features like continuous integration, automated builds, and over-the-air updates.

Key Benefits of EAS:

  • Simplified build and distribution: EAS automates the build and distribution process, making it easier for developers to release their apps.
  • Continuous integration and deployment: EAS provides tools for seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines, ensuring efficient development workflows.
  • Over-the-air updates: EAS allows developers to push updates to their apps directly to users, without requiring store approval.


This week in React has showcased an array of exciting developments that are shaping the future of React development. From the comprehensive toolkit of Shadcn to the power of WebGPU in RN-WebGPU, and the convenience of Super Apps, the React ecosystem continues to expand its capabilities and deliver innovative solutions for developers. By staying informed about the latest trends and exploring these advancements, developers can build cutting-edge applications that push the boundaries of what's possible with React.

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