Top 5 Salesforce Features Every Developer Should Master in 2024

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Top 5 Salesforce Features Every Developer Should Master in 2024

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Top 5 Salesforce Features Every Developer Should Master in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of Salesforce development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. With the platform continuously innovating and introducing new features, developers need to adapt and master essential tools to build robust and efficient solutions. This article explores the top five Salesforce features that every developer should prioritize in 2024, offering a comprehensive guide to enhance their skillset and unlock new possibilities.

1. Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC)

LWCs have revolutionized Salesforce development, offering a modern and performant way to build user interfaces. These web components leverage the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling developers to create reusable and scalable components.

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Architecture

Key Benefits of LWCs:

  • Improved Performance:
    LWCs are lightweight and optimized for fast rendering, resulting in a smoother user experience.

  • Component-Based Architecture:
    The modular nature of LWCs allows for easy reusability, reducing development time and ensuring consistency.

  • Modern Development Practices:
    LWCs embrace modern web technologies like ES6 and npm, empowering developers to utilize familiar tools and frameworks.

  • Stronger Security:
    LWCs operate within a secure sandbox environment, mitigating security risks and protecting sensitive data.

Example: Creating a Basic LWC

// myLWC.js
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
    export default class MyLWC extends LightningElement {
        @api message;

        get formattedMessage() {
            return `Hello, ${this.message}!`;

    // myLWC.html

This code snippet demonstrates a simple LWC that displays a customized greeting message. Developers can easily extend this base component to create more complex and interactive UI elements.

2. Apex REST API

The Apex REST API provides a powerful way to integrate Salesforce with external systems and services. It enables developers to expose data and functionality from Salesforce as RESTful web services, making it seamless to interact with other applications.

Salesforce REST API Integration

Key Features of Apex REST API:

  • HTTP Methods:

    Supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH requests for CRUD operations.

  • JSON Data Format:

    Enables seamless data exchange with external systems using the widely adopted JSON format.

  • Authentication and Authorization:

    Provides robust security mechanisms for authenticating and authorizing API calls.

  • Error Handling:

    Offers comprehensive error handling capabilities to manage unexpected scenarios and ensure stability.

Example: Retrieving Salesforce Data Using REST API

// Apex Class

public class AccountController {


public static List getAccounts() {

return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];


    // External System Code
    const response = await fetch('');
    const accounts = await response.json();

This example demonstrates how to retrieve a list of accounts from Salesforce using the REST API. Developers can leverage this method to integrate with external applications, build custom integrations, or automate business processes.

3. Salesforce Flow

Salesforce Flow is a powerful automation tool that empowers developers to create complex business processes without writing code. Flow enables the creation of visual workflows, allowing users to streamline tasks, automate approvals, and manage data more efficiently.

Salesforce Flow Automation

Key Features of Flow:

  • Visual Workflow Designer:

    Provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for building workflows.

  • Pre-built Components:

    Offers a library of pre-built components for common tasks, simplifying development.

  • Integration with Other Salesforce Features:

    Integrates seamlessly with other Salesforce features like Apex, Lightning Web Components, and APIs.

  • Data Validation and Error Handling:

    Provides built-in validation rules and error handling mechanisms to ensure data integrity.

Example: Creating a Simple Approval Process

Imagine a scenario where you need to automate the approval process for new customer accounts. Using Flow, you can easily create a visual workflow that triggers an approval request when a new account is created. The workflow can route the request to the appropriate approver, track the status, and notify users about the outcome.

Salesforce Flow Approval Process

4. Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX is a modern development framework that provides developers with a streamlined and efficient way to build, test, and deploy Salesforce applications. It introduces tools and concepts that foster collaboration, improve code quality, and accelerate development cycles.

Salesforce DX Overview

Key Benefits of Salesforce DX:

  • Source-Driven Development:

    Encourages developers to work with source code, promoting version control and collaboration.

  • Scratch Orgs:

    Provides isolated development environments (Scratch Orgs) for building and testing applications without impacting production.

  • Automated Testing:

    Offers a comprehensive testing framework for unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

  • Deployment Pipelines:

    Enables the creation of automated deployment pipelines for seamless code releases.

Example: Creating a Scratch Org

sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a MyScratchOrg

This command creates a new Scratch Org named "MyScratchOrg" based on the configuration defined in the project-scratch-def.json file. Developers can then use this isolated environment to build and test their applications without impacting production.

5. Salesforce Platform Events

Platform Events are a powerful mechanism for real-time communication and integration within the Salesforce ecosystem. They enable applications and external systems to publish and subscribe to events, allowing for immediate data sharing and triggering actions based on specific occurrences.

Salesforce Platform Events Architecture

Key Features of Platform Events:

  • Real-time Data Synchronization:

    Enables near-instantaneous data updates across different systems.

  • Loose Coupling:

    Decouples applications and systems, reducing dependencies and improving flexibility.

  • Event-Driven Architecture:

    Enables the creation of event-driven applications that react to specific events.

  • Integration with Other Features:

    Integrates seamlessly with other Salesforce features like Flow, Apex, and LWC.

Example: Sending a Platform Event

// Apex Class

public class OrderEvent {

@InvocableMethod(label='Send Order Event', description='Sends an order event')

public static void sendEvent(Id orderId) {

OrderEvent_e orderEvent = new OrderEvente();

_c = orderId;

insert orderEvent;


    // External System Code
    const event = {
        OrderId__c: 'YOUR_ORDER_ID'
    await fetch('', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify(event)

This code snippet demonstrates how to send a Platform Event named "OrderEvent" from an external system. When the event is published, applications subscribed to it can react accordingly, potentially triggering notifications, updating data, or initiating workflows.


Mastering these top five Salesforce features in 2024 is essential for developers looking to build robust, efficient, and innovative solutions. LWCs provide a modern and performant approach to UI development, Apex REST API facilitates seamless integration with external systems, Flow empowers automation and streamlining of business processes, Salesforce DX promotes best practices and collaboration, and Platform Events enable real-time data synchronization and event-driven applications.

By embracing these key features, developers can unlock the full potential of the Salesforce platform and deliver exceptional results. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in the ever-changing world of Salesforce development, ensuring that developers stay ahead of the curve and contribute to building the future of the platform.

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