UseState and UseEffect Hook in React

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

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useState and useEffect Hooks in React

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useState and useEffect Hooks in React: A Comprehensive Guide

React Hooks are a powerful feature introduced in React 16.8 that allows you to use state and lifecycle methods in functional components. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for building complex and reusable React applications. Among these hooks,




are two of the most fundamental and widely used.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of




, understanding their individual functionalities, exploring their combined power, and uncovering best practices for their effective implementation.

  1. The useState Hook: Managing Component State

Before the introduction of Hooks, managing state in functional components was cumbersome and often required the use of higher-order components or class-based components. useState simplified this process, providing a straightforward way to add state to functional components.

1.1 Understanding State

In React, "state" refers to the internal data of a component that can change over time and trigger re-renders. This data might include user inputs, fetched information, or any other dynamic element within your component.

1.2 The Syntax of useState

The useState hook takes an initial state value as an argument and returns an array with two elements:

  • The current state value: This is the actual state variable you'll use within your component.
  • A function to update the state: This function is used to modify the state value. It accepts a new value as an argument and triggers a re-render of the component.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

return (

Count: {count}

setCount(count + 1)}>Increment


export default Counter;

In this example,


initializes the


state to 0. Clicking the button calls

setCount(count + 1)

, updating the


state and causing the component to re-render with the incremented value.

1.3 Important Considerations

  • State Updates are Asynchronous:
    React batches state updates. While you call
    , the actual update might happen a little later during the next rendering cycle. Avoid relying on the state value to be immediately updated after calling

  • State Updates are Immutable:
    React expects state updates to be pure functions. When updating state, don't directly modify the existing state object. Instead, create a new object with the desired changes.

  • Functional Updates:
    For complex updates that depend on the previous state, use a function as the argument to
    . This ensures that the update is based on the latest state value.

setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);

  1. The useEffect Hook: Performing Side Effects

While useState handles managing internal component state, useEffect allows you to perform side effects, such as fetching data, setting up subscriptions, or interacting with the DOM.

2.1 Understanding Side Effects

Side effects are any actions that interact with something outside of the component itself, for example:

  • Fetching data from an API
  • Setting up event listeners
  • Updating the DOM directly
  • Logging to the console

Side effects can introduce complexity and make your components harder to test. useEffect helps to organize and manage these side effects, making your code cleaner and more predictable.

2.2 The Syntax of useEffect

The useEffect hook takes a callback function as an argument. This callback function will be executed after every render of the component.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function Example() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

useEffect(() => {
console.log('Component mounted!');
// Perform side effects here
}, []);

return (

Count: {count}

setCount(count + 1)}>Increment


export default Example;

Here, the


hook is used to log a message to the console when the component is mounted. The empty dependency array


ensures that the effect runs only once, on the initial render.

2.3 The Dependency Array

The second argument to


is an optional dependency array. This array specifies which variables the effect depends on. Whenever any of these variables change, the effect will re-run.

useEffect(() => {
// Perform side effects that depend on 'count'
}, [count]);

In this case, the effect will run whenever the


state changes. If the dependency array is omitted or set to


, the effect will run only once, after the initial render.

2.4 useEffect Use Cases

  • Data Fetching:
    Fetch data from an API when the component mounts or when a specific state variable changes.

  • Event Listeners:
    Set up event listeners for DOM elements and clean them up when the component unmounts.

  • Subscriptions:
    Subscribe to events or data streams and handle updates.

  • DOM Manipulation:
    Update the DOM based on changes in state.

2.5 Cleaning Up Effects


can return a cleanup function. This function will be executed before the next re-render or when the component unmounts. Use the cleanup function to perform tasks like:

  • Canceling subscriptions:
    Unsubscribe from events or data streams.

  • Removing event listeners:
    Remove event listeners to prevent memory leaks.

  • Releasing resources:
    Release any resources used by the effect.

useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1), 1000);

return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);

In this example, the cleanup function is used to clear the interval when the component unmounts or when the effect runs again (which will never happen due to the empty dependency array). This prevents the interval from running indefinitely.

  1. Combining useState and useEffect: Building Dynamic Applications

The true power of React Hooks lies in their ability to work together. By combining useState and useEffect , you can build complex and dynamic applications with ease.

3.1 Example: A Real-Time Chat Application

Let's create a simple real-time chat application using useState and useEffect :

Real-time Chat Application Example

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function ChatApp() {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
const [newMessage, setNewMessage] = useState('');

useEffect(() => {
// Simulate real-time chat data updates
const interval = setInterval(() => {
setMessages(prevMessages => [
{ user: 'Bot', message: Message ${} }
}, 3000);

return () =&gt; clearInterval(interval);

}, []);

const handleInputChange = (event) => {

const handleSendMessage = () => {
setMessages(prevMessages => [
{ user: 'You', message: newMessage }

return (


    {, index) => (
  • {message.user}: {message.message}
  • ))}



export default ChatApp;

In this example,


is used to manage the chat messages and the new message input.


is used to simulate real-time data updates using a timer. The


function updates the


state whenever the input field changes, and


adds the new message to the chat history and clears the input field.

  1. Best Practices for useState and useEffect

Following these best practices can help you write cleaner, more maintainable, and less error-prone React code:

  • Keep State Updates Small: Break down complex state updates into smaller, more manageable updates to improve performance and predictability.
  • Use Functional Updates: When updating state based on the previous state, use a function as the argument to the state update function (e.g., setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1) ). This avoids potential race conditions and ensures that updates are based on the latest state value.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Renders: Only include the necessary dependencies in the dependency array of useEffect to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
  • Clean Up Your Effects: Always provide a cleanup function in useEffect to release resources, cancel subscriptions, and prevent memory leaks.
  • Use State for UI Logic: Store data used for UI rendering in state. This makes it easier to manage and update the UI based on changes in data.
  • Avoid Side Effects in Render Functions: Keep side effects within useEffect to separate them from the UI rendering logic.

  • Conclusion

    useState and useEffect are two of the most essential tools in the React developer's arsenal. By mastering their functionalities and best practices, you can create dynamic, interactive, and robust React applications. They allow you to manage component state, perform side effects, and build sophisticated applications with a simple and elegant syntax. With their combined power, you can unleash the full potential of React and bring your web development ideas to life.

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