Using Java EpsilonGC to look at memory allocation.

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Using Java EpsilonGC to Look at Memory Allocation

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Using Java EpsilonGC to Look at Memory Allocation


Memory allocation is a fundamental aspect of software development, and understanding how your Java application uses memory is crucial for performance optimization and avoiding memory leaks. Java's Garbage Collector (GC) plays a vital role in managing memory, but its behavior can sometimes be opaque, making it difficult to pinpoint memory allocation patterns. This is where EpsilonGC, a no-op garbage collector in Java, comes in handy.

EpsilonGC, introduced in Java 11, is a minimal GC implementation that doesn't actually perform any garbage collection. It simply allocates memory and lets the operating system manage its release. This seemingly simple approach offers a powerful advantage: it allows you to observe the raw memory allocation behavior of your application without the interference of traditional GC algorithms.

In this article, we will delve into the world of EpsilonGC and explore how it can be used to analyze memory allocation patterns, identify potential memory leaks, and gain valuable insights into your Java application's memory usage.

Understanding EpsilonGC

EpsilonGC is a no-op garbage collector, meaning it doesn't perform any garbage collection tasks. It simply allocates memory from the heap and relies on the operating system to handle memory deallocation when the application terminates. This makes EpsilonGC incredibly fast and lightweight, but it also means that it doesn't perform any memory management optimizations.

Here's a breakdown of EpsilonGC's characteristics:

  • No GC cycles:
    Unlike other GCs, EpsilonGC doesn't run any garbage collection cycles.

  • No compaction:
    EpsilonGC doesn't compact the heap, so fragmented memory space is inevitable.

  • Minimal overhead:
    EpsilonGC has minimal overhead, as it doesn't perform any complex operations.

  • Suitable for short-lived applications:
    EpsilonGC is ideal for applications that have a short lifespan and don't require persistent memory management.

  • Excellent for performance analysis:
    EpsilonGC allows you to observe the raw memory allocation behavior of your application.

While EpsilonGC might not be suitable for long-running applications that require robust memory management, its simplicity makes it an invaluable tool for analyzing memory allocation patterns.

Using EpsilonGC for Memory Allocation Analysis

To use EpsilonGC, you simply need to specify it as the garbage collector in your JVM arguments. Here's an example command line:

java -XX:+UseEpsilonGC -jar your-application.jar

Once you've started your application with EpsilonGC enabled, you can use various tools and techniques to observe memory allocation:

  1. VisualVM: A Graphical Tool for Memory Analysis

VisualVM is a built-in Java profiling tool that provides a visual representation of your application's memory usage. With EpsilonGC enabled, VisualVM's memory analysis capabilities become even more powerful, allowing you to observe the raw memory allocation patterns without the interference of GC algorithms.


Here's how to use VisualVM for memory analysis:

  1. Launch VisualVM: Open a terminal or command prompt and type "jvisualvm".
  2. Select your application: In VisualVM, locate your running application and click on it.
  3. Analyze memory usage: Navigate to the "Memory" tab and explore the different memory pools (Eden, Survivor, Old Gen) to understand your application's memory allocation patterns. The "Heap Dump" feature allows you to take snapshots of the heap, providing a detailed breakdown of object instances and their sizes.

  • JFR (Java Flight Recorder): Advanced Performance Profiling

    JFR is a powerful profiling tool in Java that provides a deep dive into your application's performance characteristics, including memory allocation. When used in conjunction with EpsilonGC, JFR can provide unparalleled insights into your application's memory usage.


    Here's how to use JFR for memory analysis:

    1. Enable JFR: Add the following JVM argument to your application's startup command:
      -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder
    2. Start recording: Use the "jcmd" tool to start a JFR recording:
      jcmd  JFR.start name=myrecording duration=60s filename=myrecording.jfr
      (Replace with your application's process ID.)
    3. Analyze JFR data: After the recording is complete, use the JFR viewer (accessible through the "jcmd" tool or the "jmc" tool) to explore the detailed performance data, including memory allocation events.

  • Native Memory Tracking (NMT): Understanding Off-Heap Memory

    NMT is a powerful tool that provides insights into your application's off-heap memory usage, which includes memory allocated outside of the Java heap. While EpsilonGC doesn't directly influence off-heap memory, NMT can be useful for understanding the complete memory footprint of your application.

    Here's how to use NMT:

    1. Enable NMT: Use the following JVM arguments:
      -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary
    2. Generate NMT reports: Use the "jcmd" tool to generate NMT reports:
      jcmd  VM.native_memory summary
    3. Analyze NMT reports: The NMT report will provide a breakdown of off-heap memory usage, highlighting areas where memory might be consumed by native libraries or other external components.

  • Heap Dump Analysis: Detailed Object Inspection

    Heap dumps are snapshots of your application's heap at a specific point in time. They provide a detailed breakdown of all objects currently residing in the heap, their sizes, and their references. When combined with EpsilonGC, heap dumps can be highly effective for identifying memory leaks.

    Here's how to generate and analyze heap dumps:

    1. Generate a heap dump: Use the "jmap" tool to generate a heap dump:
      jmap -dump:format=b,file=heapdump.hprof 
    2. Analyze the heap dump: Tools like VisualVM, Eclipse MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool), or other specialized heap dump analyzers can be used to explore the heap dump and identify objects that are consuming excessive memory or might be causing memory leaks.

    Example: Identifying Memory Leaks

    Let's consider a simple example to demonstrate how EpsilonGC can help identify memory leaks. Imagine you have a Java application that repeatedly creates large objects without properly releasing them. This could lead to a gradual increase in memory usage, eventually causing an "OutOfMemoryError".

    Here's a simplified code snippet demonstrating this scenario:

    public class MemoryLeakExample {
  • public static void main(String[] args) {

    while (true) {

    // Create a large object (e.g., a list) and keep it in memory

    List largeList = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {

    largeList.add("Large object");


    // No cleanup mechanism for the largeList




    Without a proper mechanism to release these large objects, they will continue to occupy memory, leading to a leak. Now, let's run this application with EpsilonGC enabled:

    java -XX:+UseEpsilonGC -jar MemoryLeakExample.jar

    As the application runs, you can monitor its memory usage using VisualVM, JFR, or NMT. Since EpsilonGC doesn't perform any garbage collection, you will observe a steady increase in memory consumption as the application continuously allocates large objects without releasing them.

    By analyzing the memory usage patterns with these tools, you can quickly identify the cause of the memory leak: the code is creating large objects without releasing them, leading to a constant memory growth. With this knowledge, you can then refactor your code to implement appropriate cleanup mechanisms and prevent the memory leak.


    EpsilonGC is a valuable tool for understanding memory allocation in Java applications. By enabling EpsilonGC and utilizing tools like VisualVM, JFR, NMT, and heap dump analysis, you can gain valuable insights into your application's memory usage, identify potential memory leaks, and optimize your code for performance. While EpsilonGC is not a replacement for traditional GC algorithms, it provides a unique perspective on memory allocation that can significantly aid in debugging, performance tuning, and memory leak detection.

    Remember that EpsilonGC is ideal for short-lived applications and performance analysis. For long-running applications that require robust memory management, traditional GCs like G1GC or ZGC are still the preferred choice.

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