What’s New in JavaScript: ECMAScript 2024 (Edition 15)

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What's New in JavaScript: ECMAScript 2024 (Edition 15)

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What's New in JavaScript: ECMAScript 2024 (Edition 15)

ECMAScript, the standard upon which JavaScript is built, continues to evolve, bringing new features and improvements with each new edition. ECMAScript 2024, also known as Edition 15, is no exception, introducing exciting features that aim to make JavaScript more powerful, efficient, and enjoyable to work with. This article will delve into the key additions and changes in ECMAScript 2024, providing practical examples and insights into how these enhancements can benefit your JavaScript development.

A New Era of JavaScript Development

ECMAScript 2024 builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessors, focusing on addressing common pain points, enhancing developer productivity, and embracing modern development practices. Some of the major themes driving this edition include:

  • Improving developer experience:
    Simplification of common tasks and better error handling.

  • Enhanced performance:
    Optimizations for speed and efficiency.

  • Modernizing core language features:
    Incorporating contemporary language design principles.

  • Increased expressiveness:
    Providing new ways to express complex logic more concisely.

Let's dive into some of the key features that stand out in ECMAScript 2024.

  1. Array.prototype.at()

Accessing elements at specific indices within an array has always been a fundamental operation in JavaScript. However, retrieving elements from the end of an array using negative indices was previously cumbersome. ECMAScript 2024 introduces the at() method to simplify this process.

Array.prototype.at() illustration

Here's how it works:

const myArray = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];

// Get the last element
console.log(myArray.at(-1)); // Output: 'cherry'

// Get the second element from the end
console.log(myArray.at(-2)); // Output: 'banana'

// Get the first element
console.log(myArray.at(0)); // Output: 'apple'

// Get the third element
console.log(myArray.at(2)); // Output: 'cherry'

The at() method provides a clean and intuitive way to access array elements, regardless of whether you're working with positive or negative indices. This makes code more readable and reduces the risk of errors.

  1. Object.hasOwn()

Determining whether an object possesses a specific property has been a frequent requirement in JavaScript. The traditional approach involved using hasOwnProperty(), which checks for the presence of a property directly on the object itself, excluding inherited properties. However, this method can be prone to subtle errors, especially when working with objects that have intricate inheritance chains.

ECMAScript 2024 introduces Object.hasOwn(), a new static method that provides a clearer and more reliable way to check for the presence of own properties.

Object.hasOwn() illustration

const myObject = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,

console.log(Object.hasOwn(myObject, 'name'));  // Output: true
console.log(Object.hasOwn(myObject, 'age'));   // Output: true
console.log(Object.hasOwn(myObject, 'toString')); // Output: false

Object.hasOwn() ensures that you're checking for properties that are directly defined on the object, eliminating any ambiguity related to inheritance. This promotes more predictable and accurate code behavior.

  1. Promise.any()

Working with asynchronous operations often involves dealing with multiple promises, and sometimes you're interested in getting the result from the first promise that successfully resolves. ECMAScript 2024 introduces Promise.any(), which gracefully handles this scenario.

Promise.any() illustration

Here's a practical example:

const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) =&gt; {
  setTimeout(() =&gt; reject('Promise 1 failed'), 2000);

const promise2 = new Promise((resolve) =&gt; {
  setTimeout(() =&gt; resolve('Promise 2 resolved'), 1000);

const promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) =&gt; {
  setTimeout(() =&gt; reject('Promise 3 failed'), 3000);

Promise.any([promise1, promise2, promise3])
  .then((result) =&gt; {
    console.log(result); // Output: 'Promise 2 resolved'
  .catch((error) =&gt; {

In this example, Promise.any() resolves with the first successful promise, even if others fail. It provides a convenient and concise way to handle situations where you want to prioritize the first successful outcome among multiple asynchronous operations.

  1. String.prototype.replaceAll()

Replacing all occurrences of a specific substring within a string has traditionally required the use of regular expressions or iterative approaches. ECMAScript 2024 streamlines this process with the introduction of String.prototype.replaceAll().

String.prototype.replaceAll() illustration

Let's illustrate its usage:

const text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox.';

const newText = text.replaceAll('fox', 'dog');
console.log(newText); // Output: 'The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy dog.'

replaceAll() offers a straightforward and efficient way to replace all occurrences of a substring, simplifying string manipulation tasks and improving code readability.

  1. Number.prototype.isFinite()

Determining whether a number is finite (not Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN) has been a common requirement in JavaScript. ECMAScript 2024 enhances this functionality by adding Number.prototype.isFinite(), a more concise and convenient way to perform this check.

Number.prototype.isFinite() illustration

Here's how it's used:

console.log(Number.isFinite(10)); // Output: true
console.log(Number.isFinite(Infinity)); // Output: false
console.log(Number.isFinite(-Infinity)); // Output: false
console.log(Number.isFinite(NaN)); // Output: false

Number.prototype.isFinite() provides a clearer and more explicit way to check for finiteness, making your code more robust and easier to understand.

  1. WeakRef

In JavaScript, objects are typically garbage collected when they are no longer referenced. However, circular references can sometimes prevent objects from being collected, leading to memory leaks. ECMAScript 2024 introduces WeakRef, a new object type that allows you to hold a weak reference to an object, meaning that the reference doesn't prevent garbage collection if the object becomes unreachable.

WeakRef illustration

Here's a basic example:

const obj1 = { name: 'Object 1' };
const obj2 = { name: 'Object 2' };

// Create a WeakRef to obj1
const weakRef = new WeakRef(obj1);

// Set a circular reference
obj1.ref = weakRef;

// Make obj1 unreachable
obj1 = null;

// Try to access the object through the WeakRef
console.log(weakRef.deref()); // Output: Object { name: 'Object 1' }

// After a while, the object is garbage collected
console.log(weakRef.deref()); // Output: null

WeakRef is a powerful tool for managing memory efficiently, especially when dealing with complex data structures or scenarios involving circular references. It promotes better memory management practices and helps prevent potential memory leaks.

  1. FinalizationRegistry

Building upon the concept of WeakRef, ECMAScript 2024 introduces FinalizationRegistry, which provides a way to register callbacks that will be executed when an object referenced by a WeakRef is garbage collected.

FinalizationRegistry illustration

Consider the following example:

const registry = new FinalizationRegistry((key) =&gt; {
  console.log(`Object with key ${key} is garbage collected.`);

const obj = { name: 'My Object' };
const key = 'My Object Key';

registry.register(obj, key);

obj = null; // Make obj unreachable

// After a while, the callback is executed

FinalizationRegistry enables you to perform cleanup actions or other tasks when objects are no longer needed, contributing to more robust and well-behaved JavaScript applications.

  1. Error.cause()

Handling errors effectively is crucial in JavaScript, and tracing the source of an error can often be a challenging task. ECMAScript 2024 introduces Error.cause(), allowing you to chain errors together, providing a clear lineage for understanding the root cause of an issue.

Error.cause() illustration

Here's how to use it:

const originalError = new Error('Original error occurred');

try {
  // Simulate an error that wraps the original error
  throw new Error('Wrapped error', { cause: originalError });
} catch (error) {
  console.log(error.cause); // Output: Error: Original error occurred

Error.cause() helps developers pinpoint the root of an error more effectively, streamlining debugging and error resolution processes.

  1. Array.prototype.toSorted()

Sorting arrays is a fundamental operation in JavaScript, and while the sort() method is readily available, it modifies the original array in place. ECMAScript 2024 addresses this potential issue by introducing Array.prototype.toSorted(), which returns a new array sorted according to the provided comparison function.

Array.prototype.toSorted() illustration

Let's see an example:

const numbers = [5, 2, 9, 1, 7];

const sortedNumbers = numbers.toSorted((a, b) =&gt; a - b);
console.log(sortedNumbers); // Output: [1, 2, 5, 7, 9]
console.log(numbers); // Output: [5, 2, 9, 1, 7] (original array remains unchanged)

toSorted() promotes a more functional style, preserving the original array while creating a new sorted array. This can be beneficial in scenarios where you need to work with both the original and sorted versions of an array without modifying the original.

  1. Object.fromEntries()

Creating an object from a list of key-value pairs is a common task. ECMAScript 2024 provides a convenient and concise way to do this with Object.fromEntries(), the counterpart to Object.entries().

Object.fromEntries() illustration

Let's look at an example:

const entries = [['name', 'John Doe'], ['age', 30]];

const myObject = Object.fromEntries(entries);
console.log(myObject); // Output: Object { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }

Object.fromEntries() simplifies the process of constructing objects from key-value pairs, enhancing code readability and reducing the need for manual iteration.

  1. String.prototype.matchAll()

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching in JavaScript. ECMAScript 2024 introduces String.prototype.matchAll(), which provides an iterable object that yields all matches for a given regular expression within a string.

String.prototype.matchAll() illustration

Here's an example:

const text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox.';
const regex = /fox/g;

const matches = text.matchAll(regex);

for (const match of matches) {
  console.log(match); // Output: ['fox', index: 16, input: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox.', groups: undefined]
  console.log(match[0]); // Output: 'fox'

String.prototype.matchAll() enables more efficient and expressive pattern matching, allowing you to iterate through all matches within a string without the need for manual loops or repetitive calls to exec().

  1. Array.prototype.with()

ECMAScript 2024 introduces Array.prototype.with(), a method that allows you to call a function with each element of an array as an argument. It acts like map() but instead of returning a new array, it executes a function with each element as an argument. This makes it particularly useful for situations where you want to apply a function to each element of an array without the need to create a new array. Array.prototype.with() illustration

Consider the following example:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

numbers.with((number) =&gt; {
  console.log(`The current number is: ${number}`);

// Output:
// The current number is: 1
// The current number is: 2
// The current number is: 3
// The current number is: 4
// The current number is: 5

Array.prototype.with() offers a more concise way to iterate over array elements and execute a function on each one, simplifying common array processing tasks.


ECMAScript 2024 is a significant step forward for JavaScript, introducing a range of enhancements that empower developers to write cleaner, more performant, and more expressive code. From streamlining common tasks like array manipulation and object construction to addressing critical concerns like memory management and error handling, this edition brings valuable improvements to the JavaScript ecosystem.

As you explore these new features, remember to embrace their benefits and integrate them into your JavaScript development practices. By leveraging the power of ECMAScript 2024, you'll be well-equipped to build modern, efficient, and reliable JavaScript applications that meet the demands of today's digital landscape.

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