Create supabase database function

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

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Creating Supabase Database Functions

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Creating Supabase Database Functions


Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative that provides a powerful and flexible backend-as-a-service platform. One of its key features is the ability to create database functions. These functions allow you to execute custom code directly within your database, empowering you to perform complex operations and automate tasks without the need for external servers or complicated server-side logic.
Supabase Functions Banner
Database functions are invaluable for several reasons:
  • Data Validation: Implement custom validation logic to ensure data integrity and consistency.
  • Data Transformation: Process data before storing it or presenting it to users.
  • Automation: Automate tasks like sending emails, scheduling events, or triggering external services.
  • Security: Enforce access control and authorization for sensitive data.
  • Scalability: Leverage Supabase's serverless infrastructure for automatic scaling.

    Understanding Supabase Database Functions

    Supabase functions are written in JavaScript and execute within the PostgreSQL database engine. They are triggered by events like table changes (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) or HTTP requests. Each function is associated with a specific PostgreSQL schema and can access tables and data within that schema.

Core Components:

  • Function Definition: The code defining the function's logic.
  • Trigger: The event that initiates the function execution (e.g., table change, HTTP request).
  • Context: An object containing information about the function execution environment (e.g., event details, database connection).

Types of Supabase Functions:

  • SQL: Functions triggered by SQL events (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
  • HTTP: Functions exposed as HTTP endpoints, allowing external applications to interact with the database.
  • RPC: Remote procedure calls that allow you to execute custom code directly from your client applications.

    Creating a Supabase Database Function

    Let's create a simple function to demonstrate the process. We'll build a function to send an email notification when a new user is added to the database.

Step 1: Setting up your Project

  • If you haven't already, create a Supabase project at
  • Navigate to your project dashboard.
  • Open the "Functions" section.

Step 2: Defining the Function

  • Click on the "Create a Function" button.
  • Give your function a name (e.g., "send_new_user_email").
  • Choose the "SQL" trigger type.
  • Select the table where the trigger should be applied (e.g., "users").
  • Paste the following JavaScript code into the editor:
exports.handler = async (event, context) =&gt; {
  const { new: { email } } =;

  // Send the email notification (replace with your email service integration)
  // ... (Your email sending logic here)

  // Log success message
  console.log(`Email notification sent to ${email}`);


  • exports.handler: This line defines the main function that will be executed when the trigger occurs.
  • event: The event object contains information about the triggering event, including the new data (in the case of an INSERT).
  • Extracts the user's email address from the object.
  • console.log: Outputs a success message to the Supabase logs.

Step 3: Setting the Trigger

  • In the "Trigger" section, select the event that should trigger the function (e.g., "INSERT").
  • Specify the table and column(s) to monitor for changes (e.g., "users" and "email").

Step 4: Deploying the Function

  • Save your function.
  • Click on the "Deploy" button to deploy your changes.

Now, whenever a new user is added to the "users" table, your function will be triggered and send an email notification.

Advanced Techniques and Examples

### 1. Handling Data Transformations with SQL Functions

Supabase functions can leverage SQL commands to manipulate data before or after an event. This allows you to perform complex data transformations directly within the database.

Example: Uploading Images with Resize and Storage

exports.handler = async (event, context) =&gt; {
  const { new: { image_url } } =;

  // Resize the image using SQL
  const resizedUrl = await context.sql(
    `SELECT resize_image('${image_url}', 500, 500)`

  // Store the resized image in your storage service (replace with your logic)
  // ... (Your storage service integration here)

  // Update the table with the resized image URL
  await context.sql(
    `UPDATE users SET resized_image_url = '${resizedUrl}' WHERE id = ${}`

2. Accessing External APIs

Supabase functions can make HTTP requests to external APIs, enabling integration with external services. This allows you to fetch data, send notifications, or perform actions outside your database.

Example: Fetching Weather Data for Users

exports.handler = async (event, context) =&gt; {
  const { new: { zip_code } } =;

  // Fetch weather data from an API (replace with your actual API call)
  const weatherResponse = await fetch(
  const weatherData = await weatherResponse.json();

  // Store the weather data in the database
  await context.sql(
    `UPDATE users SET weather_data = '${JSON.stringify(weatherData)}' WHERE id = ${}`

3. Securing Functions with Auth

Supabase offers powerful authentication features. You can control access to functions based on user roles and permissions.

Example: Only Admins Can Update User Data

exports.handler = async (event, context) =&gt; {
  // Check if the user making the request is an admin
  if (!context.auth.user.role === 'admin') {
    throw new Error('Unauthorized');

  // Continue with updating user data (replace with your logic)
  // ... (Your user update logic here)

4. Leveraging Async/Await for Concurrency

Database functions can make use of async/await syntax to handle asynchronous operations, such as fetching data from external sources or performing long-running tasks. This enables more efficient and scalable functions.

Example: Sending Multiple Notifications with Concurrency

exports.handler = async (event, context) =&gt; {
  const { new: { recipients } } =;

  // Send notifications to multiple recipients concurrently
  await Promise.all( (recipient) =&gt; {
      // Send notification (replace with your logic)
      // ... (Your notification logic here)


Supabase database functions provide a powerful tool for extending your database capabilities and automating tasks. They offer a wide range of features, including triggers, data transformations, integration with external services, and security control. By leveraging these features, you can build robust and scalable backend applications that seamlessly integrate with your database.

Best Practices:

  • Keep Functions Small and Focused: Design functions to perform specific tasks. Avoid creating monolithic functions.
  • Use Error Handling: Implement appropriate error handling mechanisms to prevent unexpected behavior and provide debugging information.
  • Test Thoroughly: Test your functions with different inputs and scenarios to ensure they behave as expected.
  • Document Your Functions: Write clear documentation explaining the purpose, parameters, and potential side effects of each function.

By following these best practices and exploring the features of Supabase functions, you can unleash the full potential of your database and build dynamic and efficient backend applications.

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