Developing a Desktop MRZ Scanner for Passports, IDs, and Visas with Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK

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Developing a Desktop MRZ Scanner for Passports, IDs, and Visas with Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK

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Developing a Desktop MRZ Scanner for Passports, IDs, and Visas with Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK


Machine Readable Zones (MRZ) are standardized areas printed on passports, identity cards, and visas that contain key information about the document holder in a machine-readable format. The information in the MRZ is crucial for automated document verification and identity authentication. This article will guide you through developing a desktop MRZ scanner using the powerful Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK.

Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK is a comprehensive software development kit that provides robust and reliable document capture and image processing functionalities. Its MRZ recognition features make it ideal for building applications that require fast and accurate extraction of MRZ data.

Understanding MRZ

MRZ is a rectangular area typically located at the bottom of passports, IDs, and visas. It contains the following information, encoded in a specific format:

  • Document type (Passport, ID Card, Visa)
  • Country of issuance
  • Document number
  • Surname and given names
  • Date of birth (YYYYMMDD)
  • Sex (M or F)
  • Nationality
  • Date of expiry (YYYYMMDD)
  • Issuing authority
  • Optional fields (e.g., passport number)

The MRZ is encoded using OCR-A font, which is specifically designed for machine readability.

MRZ in a passport

Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK

Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK is a comprehensive solution for building efficient and accurate document capture and processing applications. Key features that make it suitable for MRZ scanning include:

  • Robust MRZ Recognition: The SDK provides highly accurate MRZ recognition algorithms capable of extracting data even from blurry, low-resolution, or poorly illuminated images.
  • Camera Integration: Support for various camera types, including webcams and document scanners, allowing seamless integration into your application.
  • Image Pre-processing: Tools for image enhancement, correction, and noise reduction to improve the accuracy of MRZ recognition.
  • Customizable Interface: Flexible API allowing you to control the capture process and customize user interfaces.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Supports various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, enabling wide-reaching application deployment.

Developing a Desktop MRZ Scanner

This section will guide you through developing a basic desktop MRZ scanner using the Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK. We'll use a simple example that demonstrates the key steps involved.

  1. Setting Up the Development Environment

Before you start, you'll need to download and install the Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK from the Dynamsoft website. The installation includes the necessary libraries, headers, and documentation.

  • Creating a Project

    Create a new C++ project in your preferred IDE (e.g., Visual Studio, Xcode).

  • Including the SDK Headers

    Add the necessary header files from the Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK to your project. The exact paths may vary depending on your project setup. Here's an example:

  • #include "DynamsoftCaptureVision.h"

    1. Initializing the SDK

    Start by initializing the Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK. This typically involves creating an instance of the SDK and configuring its settings:

    int main() {
        // Initialize the SDK
        DynamsoftCaptureVision *pCaptureVision = new DynamsoftCaptureVision();
        // Set license key
        // Set other configurations if needed
        // ...
        // ... (your MRZ scanning logic here)
        // Release the SDK instance
        delete pCaptureVision;
        return 0;

    1. Implementing MRZ Scanning Logic

    The core of your MRZ scanner will involve capturing images, locating the MRZ, extracting data, and verifying the extracted information.

    5.1 Capturing Images

    You can capture images from a webcam or a document scanner. The SDK provides methods for accessing and controlling camera devices. The following code snippet shows an example of capturing an image from a webcam:

    // Get the default camera
    int cameraIndex = 0;
    DynamsoftCaptureVisionCamera *camera = pCaptureVision-&gt;CreateCamera(cameraIndex);
    // Start camera preview
    // Capture an image
    DynamsoftCaptureVisionImage *image = camera-&gt;CaptureImage();
    // Stop camera preview
    // ... (use the captured image for MRZ recognition)
    // Release camera and image resources
    delete camera;
    delete image;

    5.2 MRZ Recognition

    The Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK offers a dedicated MRZ recognition function. You can provide the captured image to this function, and it will attempt to locate and recognize the MRZ data.

    // Perform MRZ recognition
    DynamsoftCaptureVisionMRZResult *mrzResult = 
    // Check for recognition success
    if (mrzResult-&gt;Successful) {
        // Extract MRZ data
        std::string documentType = mrzResult-&gt;DocumentType;
        std::string countryOfIssuance = mrzResult-&gt;CountryOfIssuance;
        // ... (access other MRZ fields)
        // Display extracted data
        std::cout &lt;&lt; "Document Type: " &lt;&lt; documentType &lt;&lt; std::endl;
        std::cout &lt;&lt; "Country of Issuance: " &lt;&lt; countryOfIssuance &lt;&lt; std::endl;
        // ...
    } else {
        // Handle recognition failure (e.g., display an error message)
    // Release MRZ result
    delete mrzResult;

    5.3 Verifying Extracted Data

    After extracting the MRZ data, you can perform verification checks. These could include:

    • Format Validation:
      Ensure that the extracted data conforms to the expected MRZ format.

    • Checksum Validation:
      Validate the checksums included in the MRZ to detect errors.

    • Database Lookup:
      Check if the extracted document number or other identifiers exist in a database or blacklist.

    1. Building and Running the Application

    Once you have implemented the code, build your project and run the application. You should be able to capture images and extract MRZ data.

    Example Application

    Here's a more complete example illustrating the basic concepts discussed above:

    #include "DynamsoftCaptureVision.h"
        int main() {
        // Initialize the SDK
        DynamsoftCaptureVision *pCaptureVision = new DynamsoftCaptureVision();
        // Get the default camera
        int cameraIndex = 0;
        DynamsoftCaptureVisionCamera *camera = pCaptureVision-&gt;CreateCamera(cameraIndex);
        // Start camera preview
        // Capture an image
        DynamsoftCaptureVisionImage *image = camera-&gt;CaptureImage();
        // Stop camera preview
        // Release camera
        delete camera;
        // Perform MRZ recognition
        DynamsoftCaptureVisionMRZResult *mrzResult =
        // Check for recognition success
        if (mrzResult-&gt;Successful) {
            // Extract and display MRZ data
            std::cout &lt;&lt; "Document Type: " &lt;&lt; mrzResult-&gt;DocumentType &lt;&lt; std::endl;
            std::cout &lt;&lt; "Country of Issuance: " &lt;&lt; mrzResult-&gt;CountryOfIssuance &lt;&lt; std::endl;
            std::cout &lt;&lt; "Document Number: " &lt;&lt; mrzResult-&gt;DocumentNumber &lt;&lt; std::endl;
            // ... (display other fields)
        } else {
            std::cout &lt;&lt; "MRZ recognition failed." &lt;&lt; std::endl;
        // Release MRZ result and image
        delete mrzResult;
        delete image;
        // Release the SDK instance
        delete pCaptureVision;
        return 0;
     This article provided a comprehensive guide to developing a desktop MRZ scanner using the Dynamsoft C++ Capture Vision SDK. By leveraging its robust MRZ recognition features, you can build applications that can accurately extract MRZ data from various documents, enabling automation of document verification, identity authentication, and other tasks.  Remember to consult the official Dynamsoft documentation for detailed information about the SDK's API and advanced functionalities.
     Best Practices
       Use High-Quality Images:
      For optimal recognition accuracy, use clear, well-lit images of the MRZ. Avoid capturing images with glare or shadows.
       Optimize Camera Settings:
      Adjust camera settings (e.g., resolution, exposure) for best results.
       Error Handling:
      Implement error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle scenarios where MRZ recognition fails or data is invalid.
       Security Considerations:
      Implement appropriate security measures to protect sensitive MRZ data during processing and storage.
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