Implement React v18 from Scratch Using WASM and Rust - [25] Suspense(2) - Data Fetching with use hook

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Implement React v18 from Scratch Using WASM and Rust - [25] Suspense (2) - Data Fetching with use Hook

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Implement React v18 from Scratch Using WASM and Rust - [25] Suspense (2) - Data Fetching with use Hook


In the previous part of this series, we explored the basic concepts of React Suspense and its role in handling asynchronous operations. In this installment, we delve deeper into utilizing Suspense with data fetching by introducing the


hook. This hook empowers us to fetch data from a server using Rust and WASM, providing a seamless and efficient way to manage data loading and display within our React components.

By combining the power of React Suspense with Rust's performance and WASM's interoperability, we achieve a robust and optimized approach to data fetching in our React applications. This strategy improves user experience by:

  • Streamlining data fetching and loading states:
    Suspense elegantly handles asynchronous operations, eliminating the need for boilerplate loading states and error handling logic.

  • Leveraging Rust's efficiency:
    Rust's speed and memory safety translate to faster data processing and improved application performance.

  • Enabling seamless integration with existing Rust codebases:
    WASM bridges the gap between Rust and JavaScript, allowing you to reuse existing Rust logic for data fetching.

Key Concepts

  1. React Suspense

React Suspense, introduced in React v18, is a powerful mechanism that enables components to gracefully handle asynchronous operations, such as data fetching. Suspense empowers us to create a more seamless user experience by eliminating the need for manual loading states and error handling, making our code cleaner and more maintainable.

  • Rust and WASM

    Rust is a powerful, memory-safe, and fast programming language that excels in performance-critical applications. WebAssembly (WASM) is a low-level bytecode format that runs in web browsers and provides a way to execute code written in languages like Rust on the web.

    Combining Rust and WASM allows us to bring the speed and efficiency of Rust to our React applications. This combination is particularly beneficial for data fetching and other computationally intensive tasks, as Rust can handle these operations with exceptional performance.

  • The



    The use hook, a feature of React Suspense, facilitates data fetching from server-side Rust functions compiled to WASM. It simplifies data fetching by providing a convenient and declarative way to retrieve data and seamlessly integrate it into our React components.

    Example: Fetching Data with Rust and WASM

    Let's walk through a practical example that demonstrates how to use the use hook for data fetching in React Suspense.

    We'll start with a simple Rust function that retrieves a list of users from a database.

    Rust Code ( src/ )

        use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
        pub fn get_users() -> JsValue {
            let users = vec![
                User { id: 1, name: "Alice".to_string() },
                User { id: 2, name: "Bob".to_string() },
                User { id: 3, name: "Charlie".to_string() },
        #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
        pub struct User {
            pub id: u32,
            pub name: String,

    This code defines a get_users function that returns a list of User structs. We use the wasm_bindgen crate to make this function accessible from JavaScript. The #[wasm_bindgen] attribute marks the function for WASM compilation.

    WASM Compilation

    We will use the wasm-pack tool to compile our Rust code to WASM. Execute the following commands from your project directory:

        wasm-pack build

    This command will generate a WASM file ( pkg/users_bg.wasm ) and a JavaScript wrapper file ( pkg/users.js ) in the pkg directory.

    React Code ( src/App.js )

        import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
        import './pkg/users'; // Import the generated JavaScript wrapper file
        import { use } from 'react-suspense';
        function App() {
            const users = use(() => window.users.get_users());
            return (


      { => (
    • {}
    • ))}


    export default App;

    In this React component, we import the users package from the generated JavaScript wrapper file. We then use the use hook to fetch the user data from the get_users function exported by the WASM module. The Suspense component ensures that the user list is only rendered after the data is fetched. The fallback component ("Loading...") displays while the data is being retrieved.

    The use hook handles the loading state and errors behind the scenes, making our code much more concise and focused on displaying the data.

    Important Considerations

    When working with React Suspense, Rust, and WASM, there are several considerations to keep in mind for optimal performance and a seamless user experience.

  • Loading States

    While Suspense handles the loading state automatically, it's still crucial to provide informative feedback to the user. Consider using appropriate loading indicators, animations, or messages to keep the user engaged and aware of the ongoing asynchronous operation. You can customize the fallback component within the Suspense component.

  • Error Handling

    In cases of errors during data fetching, you'll want to provide appropriate error handling. Suspense will throw an error if the fetch fails. You can wrap your component with a try ... catch block within the Suspense component to handle such errors.

  • Data Caching

    To improve performance, consider caching the fetched data on the client-side. This prevents unnecessary server requests and speeds up subsequent data retrieval. You can implement caching mechanisms using libraries like `react-query` or `swr`.


    Implementing React Suspense with Rust and WASM empowers us to build highly performant React applications with elegant data fetching capabilities. This approach eliminates boilerplate loading states, error handling, and manual data management, leading to cleaner, more maintainable code and a superior user experience.

    By leveraging the strengths of Rust for its speed and memory safety and WASM for its interoperability, we can seamlessly integrate Rust code into our React applications, unlocking new possibilities for performance optimization and data fetching efficiency.

    This article has only scratched the surface of what can be achieved with React Suspense, Rust, and WASM. Explore further to discover the full potential of this powerful combination and its impact on your React projects.

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