Micro Frontend Architecture for Developers

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

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Micro Frontend Architecture for Developers

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Micro Frontend Architecture for Developers

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the complexity of modern web applications has surged. Large, monolithic frontends often become difficult to maintain, scale, and develop rapidly. Enter the concept of Micro Frontend Architecture, a revolutionary approach to building web applications by breaking them down into smaller, independent, and self-contained units, each focusing on a specific feature or business domain. This modularity fosters agility, promotes code reusability, and empowers development teams to work independently, leading to faster iterations and a more efficient development workflow.

The Rise of Micro Frontend Architecture

The concept of Micro Frontend Architecture draws inspiration from the principles of microservices, a well-established architectural pattern in backend development. By applying similar principles to the frontend, teams can overcome the limitations of monolithic architectures and achieve greater flexibility and scalability. Here are some key factors driving the adoption of Micro Frontend Architecture:

  • Faster Development Cycles:
    Independent teams can work on different parts of the application simultaneously, accelerating the development process.

  • Improved Scalability:
    Micro frontends are easier to scale and maintain, as each unit can be deployed and updated independently.

  • Technological Diversity:
    Different teams can choose the best technologies and frameworks for their specific features, promoting innovation and experimentation.

  • Enhanced Reusability:
    Micro frontends can be easily reused across different applications, reducing development effort and promoting consistency.

  • Simplified Deployment:
    Each micro frontend can be deployed and updated independently, simplifying the deployment process and reducing downtime.

Key Concepts in Micro Frontend Architecture

Understanding the fundamental concepts of Micro Frontend Architecture is crucial for its successful implementation:

  1. Independent Deployments

Each micro frontend is a self-contained unit, meaning it can be deployed and updated independently from other units. This allows for faster iteration cycles and reduces the risk of impacting other parts of the application during updates.

Independent Deployments

  • Loose Coupling

    Micro frontends should have minimal dependencies on each other. This ensures that changes in one unit do not require modifications in other units. Communication between micro frontends should be facilitated through well-defined APIs or messaging systems.

    Loose Coupling

  • Shared Components

    While micro frontends should be independent, it's common to share components across multiple units. This promotes consistency and reduces code duplication. Libraries and frameworks for component management can help streamline this process.

    Shared Components

  • Routing

    A central routing mechanism is required to manage navigation across different micro frontends. This can be achieved using a dedicated routing service or by leveraging the capabilities of a framework like React Router.


  • Communication

    Micro frontends need to communicate with each other to share data and events. Common communication mechanisms include custom events, message brokers, or APIs. Choosing the right communication approach depends on the specific requirements of the application.


    Popular Micro Frontend Implementations

    Several popular implementations and frameworks have emerged to facilitate the development and deployment of micro frontends. Here's a look at some of the most widely adopted approaches:

  • Single-SPA

    Single-SPA is a JavaScript framework that allows you to compose multiple independent frontend applications into a single, unified user experience. It acts as a central hub, coordinating the lifecycle of different micro frontends and managing their routing and communication.


  • Bit

    Bit is a platform that enables you to build and share micro frontends as independent components. It provides tools for developing, testing, and publishing micro frontends, making it easier to reuse them across different applications.


  • Piframe

    Piframe is a micro frontend framework that simplifies the integration and communication between micro frontends. It uses a server-side component model to render and manage micro frontends, providing a centralized control point for the application.


  • Module Federation

    Module Federation, a feature introduced in Webpack 5, enables micro frontend applications to share code and dependencies dynamically. This allows micro frontends to access and reuse each other's code, promoting collaboration and reusability.

    Module Federation

    Building a Micro Frontend Application

    Let's explore a simple example of building a micro frontend application using Single-SPA and React. This tutorial will demonstrate the basic principles of Micro Frontend Architecture and provide a hands-on experience.

    Step 1: Setting up the Project

    We'll start by creating three separate projects: one for the root application and two for the micro frontends.

    • Root Application: This project will host the Single-SPA framework and manage the lifecycle of the micro frontends.
    • Micro Frontend 1 (Product): This micro frontend will display product information.
    • Micro Frontend 2 (Cart): This micro frontend will handle the shopping cart functionality.

    Step 2: Installing Dependencies

    Install the necessary dependencies for each project:

    • Root Application:
          npm install single-spa
    • Micro Frontend 1 (Product):
          npm install react react-dom react-router-dom
    • Micro Frontend 2 (Cart):
          npm install react react-dom react-router-dom

    Step 3: Defining Micro Frontend Entry Points

    Each micro frontend needs to define an entry point that will be loaded and registered by Single-SPA.

    • Micro Frontend 1 (Product): Create a file named src/product.js and add the following code:
          import React from 'react';
          import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
          import App from './App';
          const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
          export function bootstrap() {
            return Promise.resolve();
          export function mount(props) {
            return Promise.resolve();
          export function unmount(props) {
            return Promise.resolve();
    • Micro Frontend 2 (Cart): Create a file named src/cart.js and add the following code:
          import React from 'react';
          import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
          import App from './App';
          const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
          export function bootstrap() {
            return Promise.resolve();
          export function mount(props) {
            return Promise.resolve();
          export function unmount(props) {
            return Promise.resolve();

    Step 4: Registering Micro Frontends in the Root Application

    In the root application, register the micro frontends using the Single-SPA framework.

    import * as singleSpa from 'single-spa';
      () => System.import('./product/src/product.js'),
        path: '/product',
      () => System.import('./cart/src/cart.js'),
        path: '/cart',

    Step 5: Building and Serving the Application

    Build each project and serve the root application. The micro frontends will be dynamically loaded and rendered based on the configured routes.

    // Build the root application
    npm run build
    // Build Micro Frontend 1 (Product)
    npm run build
    // Build Micro Frontend 2 (Cart)
    npm run build
    // Serve the root application
    npm start

    Step 6: Running the Application

    Access the root application in your browser. The micro frontends will be dynamically loaded and rendered as you navigate between the defined routes.

    Best Practices for Micro Frontend Architecture

    Implementing a successful Micro Frontend Architecture requires following best practices to ensure scalability, maintainability, and a seamless user experience:

    • Clear Separation of Concerns: Each micro frontend should focus on a specific feature or business domain, avoiding overlapping responsibilities.
    • Well-Defined APIs: Establish clear communication channels between micro frontends using well-defined APIs or messaging systems.
    • Consistent UI/UX: Ensure a unified user experience across micro frontends by adhering to shared design guidelines and component libraries.
    • Robust Testing Strategies: Implement comprehensive testing for each micro frontend to ensure functionality and stability.
    • Centralized Monitoring and Logging: Establish centralized monitoring and logging mechanisms to gain insights into the performance and health of micro frontends.
    • Code Reusability: Encourage code sharing and reusability through shared component libraries and patterns.
    • Versioning and Release Management: Implement version control and release management strategies to ensure smooth updates and prevent conflicts.


    Micro Frontend Architecture presents a powerful approach to building modern, scalable, and maintainable web applications. By breaking down monolithic frontends into independent units, it fosters agility, promotes code reusability, and empowers development teams to work efficiently. While embracing Micro Frontend Architecture requires careful consideration and planning, it offers numerous benefits, including faster development cycles, improved scalability, and enhanced flexibility. By adhering to best practices and leveraging the right tools and frameworks, developers can unlock the full potential of this revolutionary architectural pattern.

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