refinedev - hasura (nested/multiple query_root)

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Refinedev: Enhancing Hasura with Nested and Multiple Query Roots


Hasura is a powerful open-source engine that simplifies data access by providing a GraphQL API on top of your existing databases. While Hasura excels at providing access to data, sometimes the need for complex data structures and multiple query entry points arises. This is where Refinedev comes in, offering a solution to extend Hasura's capabilities with nested and multiple query roots.

This article delves into the intricacies of leveraging Refinedev with Hasura to create richer and more flexible GraphQL APIs. We'll explore the fundamental concepts, examine practical implementations with step-by-step guides and code examples, and conclude with best practices for optimal usage.

The Need for Nested and Multiple Query Roots

Imagine a scenario where you need to retrieve data across different entities with intricate relationships. You might want to fetch a user's profile along with their recent posts, including their associated comments and likes. Traditional GraphQL queries with a single query root might become cumbersome and inefficient.

Challenges with a Single Query Root:

  • Complex Queries: Querying nested data can lead to deeply nested structures with multiple levels of fields, making queries hard to read and maintain.
  • Performance Issues: Fetching a large amount of data within a single query can impact performance, especially with deeply nested structures.
  • Data Redundancy: Repeatedly fetching the same data from different parts of the query can lead to redundancy, increasing network bandwidth consumption.

Benefits of Nested and Multiple Query Roots:

  • Modular and Reusable Queries: Breaking down complex queries into smaller, reusable components makes them more manageable and reusable.
  • Optimized Data Fetching: By fetching only the required data for each component, nested queries improve performance and reduce redundancy.
  • Improved Readability and Maintainability: Smaller, focused queries are easier to read, understand, and modify. ### Introducing Refinedev: An Extension for Hasura

Refinedev is an open-source library that extends Hasura's capabilities by enabling the creation of nested and multiple query roots within your GraphQL API. It allows you to define custom GraphQL resolvers that interact with your Hasura database, providing a flexible and powerful way to manage data access.

Implementing Refinedev with Hasura

Let's illustrate the process of implementing Refinedev with a practical example. Suppose we have a simple blog application with three entities: Users, Posts, and Comments. Each Post belongs to a User, and each Comment belongs to a Post.

1. Setting up the Project

  • Install Hasura CLI and initialize a new project:
npm install -g hasura-cli
hasura init
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  • Create a Hasura schema based on your database structure.

2. Install Refinedev

npm install refinedev
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3. Define Custom GraphQL Resolvers

We will define two custom resolvers:

1. UserResolver: This resolver will retrieve user details.

2. PostResolver: This resolver will retrieve posts with their comments.

Example Implementation:

const { createResolver } = require('refinedev');

// UserResolver
const UserResolver = createResolver({
  typeDefs: `
    type User {
      id: ID!
      name: String!
      posts: [Post!]
  resolvers: {
    User: {
      posts: async (parent, args, context) => {
        const posts = await context.hasura.query({
          query: `
            query GetPosts($userId: Int!) {
              posts(where: {author_id: {_eq: $userId}}) {
          variables: { userId: }

// PostResolver
const PostResolver = createResolver({
  typeDefs: `
    type Post {
      id: ID!
      title: String!
      content: String!
      author: User!
      comments: [Comment!]
  resolvers: {
    Post: {
      author: async (parent, args, context) => {
        const user = await context.hasura.query({
          query: `
            query GetUser($userId: Int!) {
              users(where: {id: {_eq: $userId}}) {
          variables: { userId: parent.author_id }
      comments: async (parent, args, context) => {
        const comments = await context.hasura.query({
          query: `
            query GetComments($postId: Int!) {
              comments(where: {post_id: {_eq: $postId}}) {
          variables: { postId: }
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4. Register Resolvers with Hasura

  • Use the Refinedev register function to add your custom resolvers to the Hasura GraphQL schema:
const { register } = require('refinedev');

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5. Utilize Nested Queries

Now you can define your GraphQL queries using nested structures:

query {
  user(id: 1) {
    posts {
      author {
      comments {
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This query fetches user details along with their posts, including the author (for each post) and comments associated with each post.

Best Practices for Refinedev with Hasura

  • Keep resolvers focused and reusable: Break down complex logic into smaller, reusable resolvers to enhance maintainability and readability.
  • Optimize query performance: Use appropriate arguments and filtering techniques to fetch only the necessary data for each resolver.
  • Avoid data redundancy: Ensure that data is only fetched once to prevent unnecessary network overhead.
  • Use proper caching strategies: Leverage Hasura's built-in caching mechanisms or implement custom caching logic to improve performance.
  • Follow GraphQL best practices: Adhere to GraphQL conventions and guidelines for a consistent and well-structured API. ### Conclusion

Refinedev empowers developers to extend Hasura's capabilities by introducing nested and multiple query roots. This allows for more complex and flexible data structures within GraphQL queries, leading to better performance, scalability, and maintainability. By following the best practices outlined in this article, developers can leverage the power of Refinedev to build sophisticated GraphQL APIs with ease.

Example Image:

[Insert an image depicting a graphical representation of the nested query structure described in the example. This could be a diagram with nested boxes representing users, posts, and comments.]

Further Resources:

  • Refinedev Documentation:
  • Hasura Documentation:
  • GraphQL Specification: This article has provided a comprehensive overview of Refinedev and its integration with Hasura. By understanding the concepts and best practices discussed, developers can build more efficient and scalable GraphQL APIs that meet their unique needs.
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