TestContainers for integration testing .Net applications

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TestContainers for Integration Testing .NET Applications

In the realm of software development, ensuring the seamless integration of various components is crucial for building robust and reliable applications. This is where integration testing comes into play, a vital stage that verifies the interplay of different modules or services. However, setting up and managing the necessary infrastructure for integration tests can be a complex and time-consuming endeavor, particularly when dealing with external dependencies such as databases, message queues, or other microservices. Enter TestContainers, a revolutionary library that simplifies and streamlines integration testing by providing a containerized environment for running your dependencies.

What are TestContainers?

TestContainers is an open-source library that enables developers to spin up and manage Docker containers for integration tests. It offers a convenient way to create and configure ephemeral environments for testing your .NET applications against real-world dependencies. These containers can represent databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB, message brokers like RabbitMQ or Kafka, or even other microservices. TestContainers orchestrates the lifecycle of these containers, ensuring they are started before your tests run and stopped after they are completed.

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Why Use TestContainers for Integration Testing?

Here's why TestContainers are a game-changer for integration testing in .NET:

  • Simplified Setup: TestContainers eliminates the need for manual setup and configuration of dependencies. You can easily create a container for your database or other services with a few lines of code, without worrying about installation or version conflicts.
  • Isolation and Reproducibility: Each test runs in its own isolated container environment, ensuring that tests do not interfere with each other or affect the production environment. This promotes test reproducibility, allowing you to run tests consistently across different machines or environments.
  • Real-World Testing: By using real-world dependencies running in containers, your tests become more realistic and reflect the actual behavior of your application in a production-like environment.
  • Reduced Costs and Effort: Eliminating the need for complex infrastructure setup and management significantly reduces development time, cost, and effort, allowing you to focus on writing valuable tests.
  • Easy Maintenance: TestContainers automatically manage the containers' lifecycles, reducing the burden of maintaining and updating them manually.

Getting Started with TestContainers for .NET

Let's dive into a practical example of using TestContainers to test a .NET application that interacts with a PostgreSQL database. We'll use the popular xUnit testing framework, but the principles apply to other frameworks like NUnit or MSTest.

1. Project Setup

First, you need to install the necessary packages in your .NET project. We will use the following packages:

  • TestContainers.PostgreSql: Provides specific functionalities for managing PostgreSQL containers.
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore: Facilitates database interactions in your application.
  • xUnit: The testing framework we'll use for our tests.

You can install these packages using the following command in your project's directory:

dotnet add package TestContainers.PostgreSql
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
dotnet add package xunit
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2. Defining the Test Fixture

In xUnit, a test fixture is a class that contains setup and teardown methods for your tests. Here, we will define a fixture that initializes the PostgreSQL container and sets up the database context:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using TestContainers.PostgreSql;

namespace MyApplication.IntegrationTests
    public class IntegrationTestFixture : IAsyncDisposable
        private readonly PostgreSqlContainer _container;
        public DbContextOptions
 DbContextOptions { get; private set; }

        public IntegrationTestFixture()
            _container = new PostgreSqlContainer()
            DbContextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder

        public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
            await _container.StopAsync();
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In this code:

  • We create a PostgreSqlContainer object and configure the database name, username, and password.
  • We call _container.Start() to start the PostgreSQL container before the tests run.
  • We create a DbContextOptions object using the connection string provided by the container.
  • The DisposeAsync() method ensures the container is stopped after the tests are finished.

  1. Writing Integration Tests

Now, let's write an integration test that uses the IntegrationTestFixture to interact with the PostgreSQL database:

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;

namespace MyApplication.IntegrationTests
    public class MyIntegrationTests : IClassFixture
        private readonly IntegrationTestFixture _fixture;

        public MyIntegrationTests(IntegrationTestFixture fixture)
            _fixture = fixture;

        public async Task TestDatabaseConnection()
            using var context = new MyDbContext(_fixture.DbContextOptions);
            // Perform database operations here
            // Example: Insert a new record
            var entity = new MyEntity { Name = "Test Entity" };
            await context.MyEntities.AddAsync(entity);
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            // Assert the result
            Assert.Equal(1, await context.MyEntities.CountAsync());
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In this test:

  • We inject the IntegrationTestFixture into the test class.
  • We create a MyDbContext instance using the DbContextOptions provided by the fixture.
  • We perform a database operation (inserting a new record in this example) and assert the result.

4. Running the Tests

To run your integration tests, you can use your preferred test runner (e.g., dotnet test). Make sure you have Docker installed and running on your machine. When you execute the tests, TestContainers will automatically start the PostgreSQL container, run your tests, and stop the container after completion.

Advanced TestContainer Features

TestContainers offers various advanced features to tailor your integration tests to your specific needs:

1. Custom Images

You can use custom Docker images for your dependencies if the provided images don't meet your requirements. You can specify the image name and tag in the container configuration.

var container = new DockerContainer("my-custom-image:latest");
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2. Environment Variables

You can set environment variables within the container to customize its configuration or provide additional parameters to your application.

var container = new PostgreSqlContainer()
    .WithEnv("POSTGRES_USER", "myuser")
    .WithEnv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "mypassword");
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3. Network Configuration

You can control the network configuration of the containers, allowing them to communicate with each other or with external services.

var container = new PostgreSqlContainer()
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4. Container Health Checks

TestContainers enables you to define health checks for your containers, ensuring they are in a healthy state before your tests start.

var container = new PostgreSqlContainer()
    .WithHealthCheck(new LivenessCheck("CMD", "pg_isready"));
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Best Practices for Using TestContainers

To maximize the benefits of TestContainers, consider these best practices:

  • Keep Tests Focused:

    Each test should focus on a single aspect of your application's integration with the dependency. This promotes clarity and maintainability.

  • Clean Up Resources:

    Ensure that you properly clean up resources after each test, such as deleting data from the database or stopping containers.

  • Use a Consistent Approach:

    Standardize how you configure and manage containers across your project to maintain consistency and ease of maintenance.

  • Optimize Container Size:

    Use minimal images to reduce the size of your containers and improve test execution speed.

  • Document Your Configuration:

    Clearly document your container configurations to ensure others can easily understand and maintain your tests.


TestContainers provides a powerful and convenient solution for simplifying and streamlining integration testing of .NET applications. By leveraging containerization, it eliminates the complexities of setting up and managing real-world dependencies, allowing you to focus on writing high-quality and realistic integration tests. From simplified setup and isolation to real-world testing and reduced costs, TestContainers empowers developers to create robust and reliable software. By adhering to best practices and leveraging its advanced features, you can fully harness the potential of TestContainers to elevate your integration testing strategy and build better .NET applications.

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