Build A Transcription App with Strapi, ChatGPT, & Whisper: Part 3

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

Build A Transcription App with Strapi, ChatGPT, & Whisper: Part 3 - Bringing It All Together


This article marks the culmination of our journey to build a transcription app using the power of Strapi, ChatGPT, and Whisper. In Part 1 and Part 2, we laid the groundwork, setting up a robust backend with Strapi and integrating Whisper for accurate speech-to-text conversion. Now, in Part 3, we'll bring everything together by incorporating ChatGPT for intelligent transcript analysis and enhancing the user experience.

The combination of these powerful tools empowers us to create a transcription app that goes beyond simple text conversion, offering valuable insights and features that elevate the user experience.

1. Integrating ChatGPT for Transcript Analysis

We'll use the OpenAI API to integrate ChatGPT into our app. This allows us to leverage the language model's capabilities for:

  • Summarizing transcripts: ChatGPT can generate concise summaries of lengthy audio files, providing users with a quick overview of the content.
  • Extracting key points: The language model can identify and highlight important points and talking points within the transcript.
  • Translating transcripts: ChatGPT can translate transcripts into different languages, making the content accessible to a wider audience.
  • Generating insights: The language model can analyze the transcript for sentiment, topics, and other insights that can help users understand the context and meaning of the audio.

2. Building the Frontend User Interface (UI)

For the frontend UI, we'll utilize a front-end framework like React or Vue.js. This will allow us to create a user-friendly interface with features like:

  • Audio uploading and playback: Users can easily upload audio files and listen to them during the transcription process.
  • Live transcription display: The transcribed text will be displayed in real-time as the audio is processed.
  • Transcript editing and formatting: Users can edit and format the transcribed text for readability and clarity.
  • ChatGPT-powered features: The UI will seamlessly integrate ChatGPT-powered features like summarization, key point extraction, translation, and insights generation.

3. Putting It All Together: Code Implementation

Let's delve into the code implementation of our transcription app:

3.1 Backend (Strapi):

//  controllers/transcription.js
import { parse } from 'json2csv';
import { createReadStream } from 'fs';
import { pipeline } from 'stream';
import whisper from 'whisper-node';

export const create = async (ctx) => {
  const { file } = ctx.request.files;
  const transcription = await whisper.transcribe(createReadStream(file.path));
  const { text } = transcription;

  const response = await strapi.entityService.create("api::transcription.transcription", {
    data: {
      audio: {
        data: {
          ref: "files",
      content: text,

  // ... (send response with transcription data)

// controllers/analysis.js
import axios from 'axios';

const openaiApiKey = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;

export const summarize = async (ctx) => {
  const { id } = ctx.params;
  const transcription = await strapi.entityService.findOne("api::transcription.transcription", id);
  const { content } = transcription;

  const response = await'', {
    model: 'text-davinci-003',
    prompt: `Summarize this transcript:\n\n${content}`,
    max_tokens: 100,
    temperature: 0.5,
  }, {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${openaiApiKey}`,

  const summary =[0].text;
  // ... (send response with summary)

// ... other controllers for key point extraction, translation, etc.
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3.2 Frontend (React):

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import AudioPlayer from 'react-audio-player';

const TranscriptionApp = () => {
  const [audioFile, setAudioFile] = useState(null);
  const [transcription, setTranscription] = useState(null);
  const [summary, setSummary] = useState(null);
  // ... (other state variables for key points, translation, etc.)

  const handleFileUpload = (event) => {

  const handleTranscription = async () => {
    // Send the audio file to Strapi for transcription
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('files', audioFile);
    const response = await'/api/transcription', formData);

  const handleSummary = async () => {
    // Call the Strapi endpoint for summarization
    const response = await axios.get(`/api/analysis/summarize/${}`);

  // ... (other functions for key point extraction, translation, etc.)

  return (
  Transcription App
 <input accept="audio/*" onchange="{handleFileUpload}" type="file"/>
 <button onclick="{handleTranscription}">
 {audioFile &amp;&amp;
 <audioplayer src="{URL.createObjectURL(audioFile)}">
      {transcription &amp;&amp;
      {summary &amp;&amp;
  Summary: {summary}
      {/* ... (display other ChatGPT-powered features) */}

export default TranscriptionApp;
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4. Enhancing the User Experience

To create a truly compelling user experience, consider these enhancements:

  • Progress indicators: Show progress bars for transcription and ChatGPT analysis to keep users informed.
  • Error handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle issues during transcription or API calls.
  • Customization options: Allow users to control aspects like the transcription language, summarization length, or the level of detail for insights.
  • Saving and sharing: Provide options for users to save and share their transcribed text and generated insights.
  • Integration with other tools: Explore integration with other tools like project management platforms or collaboration tools for seamless workflow.

5. Conclusion: Towards a Powerful Transcription App

By leveraging the power of Strapi, Whisper, and ChatGPT, we've built the foundation for a powerful and feature-rich transcription app. The app goes beyond simple text conversion, offering intelligent analysis, insights, and user-friendly features.

This article has shown you how to combine these technologies, guiding you through the implementation process. However, this is just the beginning. Explore further integrations with other APIs, implement more advanced features, and continuously refine your app to provide a seamless and valuable user experience.

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