Mastering Angular 18 State Management using NgRx

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 10 - - Dev Community

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Mastering Angular 18 State Management with NgRx

Mastering Angular 18 State Management with NgRx

As your Angular applications grow in complexity, managing the application state becomes a critical challenge. This is where NgRx comes in. NgRx is a powerful state management library built on top of ReactiveX (RxJS), specifically designed to provide a predictable and structured approach to managing the state of your Angular applications.

Why Choose NgRx?

NgRx offers several advantages over traditional state management methods:

  • Predictable State Changes:
    NgRx enforces immutability, ensuring that state changes are consistent and predictable. This makes it easier to debug and understand how the application state evolves.

  • Improved Testability:
    The declarative nature of NgRx allows for easy testing of state management logic and the application's behavior in various scenarios.

  • Scalability:
    NgRx provides a framework for organizing and managing the application state, making it easier to scale applications and handle complex data flows.

  • Performance Optimization:
    By using RxJS observables and operators, NgRx can optimize data flow and improve application performance.

  • Strong Community and Ecosystem:
    NgRx has a vibrant community and a robust ecosystem of tools and libraries, making it easier to find support and resources.

Understanding NgRx Fundamentals

  1. Core Concepts

NgRx utilizes three main concepts to manage application state:

a. Store:

The Store is the single source of truth for your application state. It holds all the data and allows components to access and modify it.

b. Actions:

Actions are plain JavaScript objects that describe an event that occurred in your application. They are dispatched to the Store to trigger state changes.

c. Reducers:

Reducers are pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. They are responsible for updating the application state in response to actions.

  • Data Flow:

    The NgRx data flow follows a unidirectional pattern:

    NgRx Data Flow

    1. Dispatching Actions: Components dispatch actions to the Store. 2. Reducer Transformation: Reducers receive the actions and update the state accordingly. 3. State Updates: The Store emits new state updates. 4. Component Observation: Components subscribe to the Store's state changes and update themselves.

    Building a Simple NgRx Application

    Let's create a basic Angular application that uses NgRx to manage the count of items in a shopping cart.

  • Setting up the Project

    First, we need to set up a new Angular project. Assuming you have the Angular CLI installed, you can use the following command:

  •   ng new ngrx-cart

    Navigate into the project directory:

      cd ngrx-cart

    1. Installing NgRx

    Install the necessary NgRx packages:

      npm install @ngrx/store @ngrx/store-devtools @ngrx/effects

    1. Creating the Store Module

    Create a new module named StoreModule in the src/app directory.

      // src/app/store/store.module.ts
      import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
      import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
      import { StoreModule as NgRxStoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { StoreDevtoolsModule } from '@ngrx/store-devtools';
      import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
        imports: [
          StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument({ maxAge: 25, logOnly: environment.production })
      export class StoreModule { }

    This module sets up the NgRx store and also includes the Store Devtools for debugging.

    1. Defining the Cart State

    Create an interface to define the structure of the cart state:

      // src/app/store/cart.state.ts
      export interface CartState {
        items: number;
      export const initialCartState: CartState = {
        items: 0

    1. Creating Actions

    Define actions to handle adding and removing items from the cart:

      // src/app/store/cart.actions.ts
      import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store';
      export const addItem = createAction(
        '[Cart] Add Item',
        props&lt;{ quantity: number }&gt;()
      export const removeItem = createAction(
        '[Cart] Remove Item',
        props&lt;{ quantity: number }&gt;()

    1. Creating the Reducer

    Create a reducer function to update the cart state based on actions:

      // src/app/store/cart.reducer.ts
      import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { addItem, removeItem } from './cart.actions';
      import { CartState, initialCartState } from './cart.state';
      export const cartReducer = createReducer(
        on(addItem, (state, action) =&gt; ({ ...state, items: state.items + action.quantity })),
        on(removeItem, (state, action) =&gt; ({ ...state, items: state.items - action.quantity }))

    1. Registering the Reducer in the Store Module

    Register the cart reducer in the StoreModule:

      // src/app/store/store.module.ts
      // ...
      import { cartReducer } from './cart.reducer';
        imports: [
          // ...
          NgRxStoreModule.forRoot({ cart: cartReducer }),
          // ...
      export class StoreModule { }

    1. Using NgRx in a Component

    Create a component named CartComponent that interacts with the NgRx store:

      // src/app/cart/cart.component.ts
      import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
      import { addItem, removeItem } from '../store/cart.actions';
      import { CartState } from '../store/cart.state';
        selector: 'app-cart',
        templateUrl: './cart.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./cart.component.css']
      export class CartComponent {
        cartItems$: Observable
        constructor(private store: Store
        ) {
          this.cartItems$ = =&gt; state.cart.items);
        addItem(quantity: number) {
{ quantity }));
        removeItem(quantity: number) {
{ quantity }));
        <!-- src/app/cart/cart.component.html -->
         Shopping Cart
         Items: {{ cartItems$ | async }}
        <button (click)="addItem(1)">
         Add Item
        <button (click)="removeItem(1)">
         Remove Item
         This component subscribes to the store's `cart` state and displays the number of items. It also dispatches actions to add or remove items from the cart.
         9. Running the Application
         Start the Angular application:
      ng serve
     You can now interact with the cart component in your browser and see the NgRx store in action. You can use the Store Devtools to inspect the state, actions, and reducers.
     Advanced NgRx Concepts
     1. Effects
     NgRx Effects are used to handle side effects triggered by actions. Side effects can include API calls, routing, or interacting with external systems.
     To use Effects, create a service that extends the `EffectsModule` and defines methods annotated with the `@Effect` decorator. These methods are responsible for handling specific actions and performing the side effect.
     Let's say we want to fetch data from a server when an `AddItem` action is dispatched:

    // src/app/store/cart.effects.ts
    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { Actions, createEffect, ofType } from '@ngrx/effects';
    import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
    import { addItem } from './cart.actions';
    import { CartService } from '../services/cart.service';

    export class CartEffects {
    constructor(private actions$: Actions, private cartService: CartService) { }

    addItem$ = createEffect(() =&gt; this.actions$.pipe(
      switchMap(action =&gt; this.cartService.addItem(action.quantity)),
      map(items =&gt; addItem({ quantity: items }))


         In this example, the `addItem$` effect subscribes to the `addItem` action. When the action is dispatched, it calls the `addItem` method of the `CartService` (which would handle the API call). Finally, it dispatches a new `addItem` action with the updated quantity.
         2. Selectors
         NgRx Selectors are pure functions that select a specific portion of the state. They make it easier to access and transform state data within components.
         For example, we can create a selector to retrieve the total number of items in the cart:
      // src/app/store/cart.selectors.ts
      import { createSelector } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { CartState } from './cart.state';
      export const selectCartItems = (state: CartState) =&gt; state.items;
      export const selectCartTotal = createSelector(
        (items) =&gt; items
     The `selectCartItems` selector retrieves the `items` property from the `cart` state. The `selectCartTotal` selector uses the `createSelector` function to create a derived selector that calculates the total number of items based on the `selectCartItems` selector.
     3. Entity State Management
     NgRx Entity is a powerful extension that simplifies the management of collections of data entities. It provides tools for efficiently handling common CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) and provides built-in features for pagination, sorting, and filtering.
     To use NgRx Entity, you first need to install the package:

    npm install @ngrx/entity

         Then, you can use the `createEntityAdapter` function to create an entity adapter for your data.
      // src/app/store/cart.reducer.ts
      import { createEntityAdapter, EntityAdapter, EntityState } from '@ngrx/entity';
      import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { addItem, removeItem } from './cart.actions';
      import { CartItem } from '../models/cart-item';
      // Create an entity adapter for CartItem entities
      export const cartAdapter: EntityAdapter
         = createEntityAdapter
      // Define the CartState interface
      export interface CartState extends EntityState
        totalItems: number;
      // Create an initial cart state
      export const initialCartState: CartState = cartAdapter.getInitialState({
        totalItems: 0
      // Define the cart reducer
      export const cartReducer = createReducer(
        on(addItem, (state, action) =&gt; cartAdapter.addOne(action.item, state)),
        on(removeItem, (state, action) =&gt; cartAdapter.removeOne(action.itemId, state))
        In this example, we use the `cartAdapter` to add or remove individual `CartItem` entities from the state. NgRx Entity handles the underlying implementation of storing and retrieving entities, making your code more concise and efficient.
        Best Practices for NgRx Development
          Follow the Unidirectional Data Flow:
         Dispatch actions, update state in reducers, and access state from components.
           Keep Reducers Pure:
          Reducers should always return a new state object without modifying the original state.
            Use Selectors for State Access:
           Selectors provide a way to extract specific parts of the state and improve code readability.
             Implement Effects for Side Effects:
            Use Effects to handle side effects triggered by actions, such as API calls.
              Leverage NgRx Entity for Entity Management:
             NgRx Entity provides a robust framework for efficiently managing collections of data entities.
               Use the Store Devtools for Debugging:
              The Store Devtools allow you to inspect the state, actions, and reducers to understand the data flow and debug issues.
                Test Your NgRx Logic:
               Write unit tests to verify the behavior of your reducers, effects, and selectors.
        NgRx is a powerful and versatile state management library that can help you build complex and scalable Angular applications. By following the principles of unidirectional data flow, immutability, and pure functions, you can ensure that your application state is predictable, testable, and easy to maintain. By using NgRx Effects, Selectors, and NgRx Entity, you can further optimize your state management logic and enhance the overall performance and maintainability of your Angular application.
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