Sync music between your PC and mobile using Rsync

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Sync Music Between Your PC and Mobile Using Rsync

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Sync Music Between Your PC and Mobile Using Rsync


In today's digital age, our music libraries are scattered across multiple devices - our PCs, smartphones, tablets, and even cloud services. Keeping these libraries synchronized across all our devices can be a tedious and error-prone process. Manual copying and pasting, while simple, can lead to inconsistencies and missing files. This is where Rsync comes in.

Rsync is a powerful and versatile command-line utility that allows you to efficiently synchronize files between different devices, including your PC and mobile phone. It works by transferring only the changes made to files, making it much faster and more efficient than traditional file copying methods. This article will guide you through setting up and using Rsync for syncing your music library between your PC and mobile phone.

Setting Up Rsync

Before you can use Rsync, you need to install it on both your PC and mobile device. Here's how to install Rsync on different operating systems:

Installing Rsync on Windows

  1. Download the latest version of Rsync for Windows from the official website:
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Once installed, open a command prompt window and type rsync --version to verify that Rsync is installed correctly.

    Installing Rsync on macOS

    Rsync is pre-installed on macOS. You can check the version by opening a terminal and running the command rsync --version .

    Installing Rsync on Linux

    Rsync is available in most Linux distributions' package managers. To install it, open a terminal and run the following command for your specific distribution:

    # Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install rsync


sudo yum install rsync

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S rsync

Installing Rsync on Android

You can install Rsync on Android using a terminal emulator app like Termux. Follow these steps:

  1. Install Termux from the Play Store.
  2. Open Termux and run the command pkg install rsync .

    Installing Rsync on iOS

    Unfortunately, there's no native way to install Rsync on iOS devices. However, you can use a third-party file manager app like iSH, which provides a Linux environment, and then install Rsync using the instructions for Linux above.

    Setting Up a Shared Directory

    To sync your music library between your PC and mobile phone, you'll need a shared directory that both devices can access. Here are some ways to create a shared directory:

    Using a Cloud Storage Service

    Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive are convenient for sharing files between devices. You can create a dedicated folder for your music library in your cloud storage account and then access it from both your PC and mobile phone. The advantage of using cloud storage is that it allows you to access your music from anywhere, and your files are always backed up. However, this method might be slower than using a local network if you have a limited internet connection.

    Google Drive Icon

    Using a Network File System (NFS)

    If both your PC and mobile phone are on the same local network, you can use a Network File System (NFS) to create a shared directory. NFS allows your mobile phone to access files directly from your PC's hard drive. This method provides the fastest performance but requires more technical setup. You can find tutorials online for setting up NFS on your operating system.

    NFS Icon

    Using a Secure Shell (SSH)

    SSH provides a secure way to transfer files between your PC and mobile phone. You can set up an SSH server on your PC and access it from your mobile phone using an SSH client app like Termius. This method requires some technical knowledge, but it's a secure and versatile solution.

    SSH Icon

    Syncing Music Using Rsync

    Once you have a shared directory set up, you can use Rsync to sync your music library between your PC and mobile phone. Here's how to do it:

  3. Identify the Source and Destination Directories

    You need to specify the source directory (where your music files are located on your PC) and the destination directory (where you want to sync your music files on your mobile device). For example, if your music library is stored in the "Music" directory on your PC and you want to sync it to the "Music" directory on your mobile phone, the source directory would be "/home/user/Music" and the destination directory would be "/storage/emulated/0/Music".

  4. Run the Rsync Command

    The basic syntax of the Rsync command is as follows:

    rsync [OPTIONS] source_directory destination_directory

    Here are some common options you can use with the Rsync command:

    • -a : This option recursively copies all files and directories, including permissions and timestamps.
    • -v : This option enables verbose mode, which displays detailed information about the files being transferred.
    • -z : This option enables compression, which can speed up transfers, especially for large files.
    • --delete : This option deletes files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory.
    • --exclude="pattern" : This option excludes files or directories that match the specified pattern from being transferred.

    Here's an example of an Rsync command to sync your music library from your PC to your mobile phone, assuming your music library is in the "/home/user/Music" directory on your PC and "/storage/emulated/0/Music" on your mobile phone:

    rsync -avz --delete /home/user/Music/ user@mobile_phone_ip:/storage/emulated/0/Music

    Replace "user" with your username on your mobile phone, and "mobile_phone_ip" with the IP address of your mobile phone. If you're using SSH to access the destination directory, you'll need to specify the username and IP address of the SSH server.

  5. Automate the Sync Process

    You can automate the music sync process by creating a script or using a task scheduler. This allows you to sync your music library regularly without having to manually run the Rsync command. Here's how to create a simple Bash script for syncing your music library:


Source directory on your PC


Destination directory on your mobile phone


Rsync command with options

rsync -avz --delete "$SOURCE" "$DESTINATION"

Print a success message

echo "Music library synced successfully!"

Save this script as "" and make it executable by running the command

chmod +x

. You can then run the script by typing


in a terminal window. To schedule the script to run at regular intervals, you can use a task scheduler like cron on Linux or Task Scheduler on Windows.

Best Practices for Syncing Music

Here are some best practices to follow when using Rsync for syncing your music library:

  • Choose a reliable shared directory:

    Make sure the shared directory you choose is reliable and accessible from both your PC and mobile phone. Cloud storage services are generally a good option.

  • Back up your music library:

    Before syncing your music library, it's a good idea to back it up to a separate location, such as an external hard drive or another cloud storage service. This will protect your music from accidental data loss.

  • Use compression:

    Enable compression when using Rsync to speed up the transfer process, especially for large music files.

  • Test the sync process:

    Before relying on Rsync to sync your entire music library, test it on a small subset of your files to make sure it's working correctly.

  • Monitor the sync process:

    Keep an eye on the Rsync output to monitor the progress of the sync process and identify any errors.


Rsync is a powerful tool that can help you easily and efficiently sync your music library between your PC and mobile phone. By setting up a shared directory and using Rsync with the appropriate options, you can keep your music library synchronized across all your devices, ensuring you always have your favorite tunes at your fingertips.

Remember to choose a reliable shared directory, back up your music library, and test the sync process before relying on Rsync for your entire music library. By following these best practices, you can enjoy the convenience of having your music library synced seamlessly between your PC and mobile phone.

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