Streamline your WordPress development with Bedrock 💥

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

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Streamline Your WordPress Development with Bedrock 💥

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Streamline Your WordPress Development with Bedrock 💥

Building and maintaining WordPress websites can be a complex endeavor, especially for larger projects or when working with a team. The traditional WordPress development process often involves setting up themes and plugins manually, managing dependencies, and handling configuration files. This can lead to inconsistencies, errors, and a lack of efficiency.

Enter Bedrock, a powerful and popular WordPress development framework that aims to simplify and streamline the development process. It provides a robust and well-structured foundation, allowing you to focus on creating exceptional user experiences while handling the technical aspects seamlessly.

What is Bedrock?

Bedrock is an open-source WordPress development framework designed to enhance the WordPress development experience. It follows the principles of best practices, promoting clean code, maintainability, and scalability. At its core, Bedrock utilizes a few key components:

  • Composer:
    A dependency manager for PHP, used to install and manage project dependencies.

  • WordPress Core:
    The core files of WordPress are managed and updated separately, ensuring a consistent and version-controlled environment.

  • Theme and Plugin Structure:
    Enforces a well-defined structure for themes and plugins, promoting modularity and reusability.

  • Configuration Files:
    Uses configuration files (e.g., wp-config.php, config.php) for managing environment-specific settings and database connections.

  • Task Runner (Grunt/Gulp):
    Automates development tasks like code minification, image optimization, and browser synchronization.

Bedrock logo

Benefits of Using Bedrock

Adopting Bedrock offers numerous advantages that can significantly improve your WordPress development workflow and the overall quality of your projects:

  • Improved Code Organization and Maintainability:
    By enforcing a consistent directory structure and using Composer for dependency management, Bedrock promotes cleaner code, making it easier to navigate, update, and debug.

  • Enhanced Security:
    Bedrock incorporates security best practices, including managing file permissions and isolating core WordPress files, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities.

  • Faster Development Cycle:
    Streamlined development tasks, automated processes, and a structured environment lead to a more efficient development workflow, allowing you to deliver projects faster.

  • Seamless Collaboration:
    Bedrock fosters seamless collaboration among developers by providing a consistent environment and facilitating easier code sharing and integration.

  • Simplified Deployment:
    Bedrock makes deployment simpler by providing a consistent deployment process across environments (development, staging, production), reducing the risk of errors.

  • Enhanced Scalability:
    Bedrock's architecture is designed to scale effectively, making it suitable for large-scale projects with complex requirements.

Getting Started with Bedrock

Setting up Bedrock is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install Composer

Composer is the foundation of Bedrock. Make sure you have Composer installed on your system. Follow the instructions on the Composer website to install it:

  • Create a New Project

    Use Composer to create a new Bedrock project. Open your terminal and navigate to the desired directory. Then, run the following command:

    composer create-project roots/bedrock my-project

    Replace my-project with your desired project name. This command will download the Bedrock framework and create a project directory.

  • Configure Your Environment

    Bedrock uses environment-specific configuration files. In the web/app/config directory, you'll find the following files:

    • config.php : This file contains global settings for all environments.
    • local.php : This file is used for local development settings.
    • production.php : This file is used for production environment settings.

    Modify these files to adjust database credentials, site URL, and other relevant settings for your specific environments.

  • Install WordPress Core

    Bedrock utilizes a separate directory for WordPress Core. You can install it using Composer:

    composer require wordpress/wordpress-core --prefer-dist

    This command will download and install the latest version of WordPress Core into the web/app/wp-content/core directory.

  • Set Up Your Theme

    Bedrock recommends a specific directory structure for themes. Create your theme directory inside web/app/themes . Inside your theme directory, create the necessary files ( style.css , functions.php , template files) for your theme.

    You can find a sample theme structure in the Bedrock documentation:

  • Start Developing

    With your Bedrock project set up, you can start building your WordPress website. You can use any development tools and techniques you prefer. Bedrock provides a solid foundation that allows you to focus on building features and functionalities.

    Best Practices for Bedrock Development

    To maximize the benefits of Bedrock and streamline your development workflow, consider following these best practices:

    • Use Composer for Dependency Management: Install and manage all project dependencies using Composer to ensure consistency and prevent conflicts.
    • Follow the Recommended Directory Structure: Adhere to the recommended directory structure for themes and plugins to maintain a clean and organized project.
    • Utilize Environment-Specific Configuration: Use different configuration files for different environments to manage settings like database credentials and site URLs effectively.
    • Implement a Task Runner (Grunt/Gulp): Automate repetitive development tasks such as code minification, image optimization, and browser synchronization using a task runner.
    • Use Version Control (Git): Integrate version control to track changes, manage code branches, and collaborate effectively with other developers.
    • Test Thoroughly: Run thorough tests (unit tests, integration tests) to ensure the stability and functionality of your project.
    • Keep Your Project Updated: Regularly update Bedrock, WordPress Core, and dependencies to receive security patches and new features.

    Examples and Tutorials

    Here are some resources that provide examples and tutorials on using Bedrock:


    Bedrock is a valuable tool for WordPress developers who want to enhance their workflow, improve code quality, and build more robust and scalable websites. By leveraging its features, you can streamline your development process, improve collaboration, and create exceptional WordPress experiences. Adopting Bedrock and incorporating best practices can significantly contribute to the success of your WordPress projects.

    Remember to explore the resources mentioned above and continue learning about Bedrock's capabilities. As you gain experience, you'll discover the true potential of this powerful WordPress development framework.

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