Laravel Lumen - Storage folder not accessible on Plesk

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

Laravel Lumen: Storage Folder Not Accessible on Plesk

This article delves into the common issue of accessing the storage folder in a Laravel Lumen application deployed on Plesk, providing solutions and best practices for resolving this challenge.


Laravel Lumen, a lightweight framework based on Laravel, is often favored for building fast and efficient RESTful APIs. When deploying Lumen applications on a Plesk server, one may encounter difficulties accessing the storage folder, which is crucial for managing uploaded files, session data, and other application-specific files.

Understanding the reasons behind this inaccessibility and implementing the right configuration changes is essential for smooth deployment and proper application functionality.

Why Storage Folder Access is Critical

The storage folder within a Laravel Lumen application serves multiple essential purposes:

  • File Storage: Storing uploaded files like images, documents, and other media.
  • Session Data: Storing user session data, including login information and preferences.
  • Caches and Logs: Storing application caches and logs for performance optimization and debugging.
  • Configuration Files: Storing application-specific configuration files, such as database credentials.

Without proper access to the storage folder, these functionalities are compromised, leading to various issues in your application's behavior and performance.

Understanding the Problem

The inability to access the storage folder on a Plesk server usually stems from a combination of factors, including:

  1. File Permissions: Incorrect file permissions for the storage folder and its subdirectories. The web server (usually Apache or Nginx) needs read/write access to the storage folder.
  2. Storage Configuration: Misconfigured storage paths in the Lumen application's configuration file ( bootstrap/app.php ).
  3. Plesk Environment Variables: Plesk may override or interfere with environment variables crucial for storage configuration.
  4. File System Ownership: The storage folder might be owned by a different user than the web server, preventing access.

Solutions and Workarounds

Here's a comprehensive guide to resolving the storage folder access problem on Plesk:

1. Setting Correct File Permissions

This is the most common fix. Ensure the web server has the necessary permissions to access the storage folder.

  1. Locate the Storage Folder: The storage folder is typically located in the root directory of your Lumen application ( /public/storage ).
  2. Change Permissions: Use the chmod command to change the permissions of the storage folder and its subdirectories:
  3. sudo chmod -R 755 storage

    This command sets the permissions to read, write, and execute (7) for the owner (user), read and execute (5) for the group, and read and execute (5) for others. You may need to adjust these permissions based on your specific needs.

2. Configuring Storage Paths in bootstrap/app.php

Ensure the storage paths in your Lumen application's configuration file are correctly set:

  1. Open the Configuration File: Open the bootstrap/app.php file in your Lumen project.
  2. Modify Storage Path: Locate the 'disk' => 'local' section and modify the 'path' value to point to your storage folder, typically /public/storage :
  3.   'disks' => [
      'local' => [
      'driver' => 'local',
      'root' => storage_path('app'), // Change this path as needed

3. Managing Environment Variables in Plesk

Plesk often overrides environment variables that affect storage configuration. Follow these steps to manage environment variables correctly:

  1. Access Plesk Panel: Log in to your Plesk control panel.
  2. Navigate to Environment Variables: Go to the "Websites & Domains" section for your website and find the "Environment Variables" option.
  3. Add/Modify Variables: Add or modify the following environment variables:
  4.     APP_ENV=production

    Replace the placeholders with your actual values.

4. Fixing File System Ownership

If the storage folder is owned by a different user than the web server, access will be denied. Follow these steps to fix the ownership:

  1. Identify Ownership: Use the ls -l command to check the owner and group of the storage folder.
  2. Change Ownership: Use the chown command to change the ownership to the web server user (usually www-data or nginx):
  3. sudo chown -R www-data:www-data storage

Best Practices for Storage Management in Lumen

To avoid storage-related issues in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Use Environment Variables: Store sensitive information like database credentials and API keys in environment variables, not directly in the code. This enhances security and facilitates easier deployment.
  2. Employ Cloud Storage: Consider using cloud storage services like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage for efficient file storage and handling large files. Lumen provides built-in support for these services.
  3. Regularly Review Permissions: Periodically check file permissions for the storage folder and its contents to ensure they remain consistent with your security requirements.
  4. Implement Proper Logging: Configure detailed logging in your application to capture storage-related errors and debug any access issues promptly.


The inaccessibility of the storage folder in a Laravel Lumen application deployed on Plesk is a common challenge. By understanding the underlying causes and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure proper storage functionality, enabling your Lumen application to operate smoothly on your Plesk server. Remember to adopt best practices for storage management to prevent future issues and maintain a secure and performant application.

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