725. Split Linked List in Parts

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 8 - - Dev Community

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Splitting a Linked List into Parts: A Comprehensive Guide

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Splitting a Linked List into Parts: A Comprehensive Guide


Linked lists, a fundamental data structure in computer science, allow us to store and access data in a sequential manner. While their simplicity is often appealing, scenarios arise where we need to divide a linked list into multiple smaller lists. This splitting operation can be crucial for various reasons, including:

  • Parallel Processing:
    Splitting a linked list allows for parallel processing, where different parts of the list can be processed simultaneously, improving efficiency.

  • Data Distribution:
    When dealing with large datasets, splitting a linked list can help distribute data across multiple servers or processes for better load balancing.

  • Modular Programming:
    Dividing a linked list into parts can enable modular programming, allowing for smaller, more manageable components that are easier to understand and maintain.

This article will delve into the process of splitting a linked list into parts. We'll explore various techniques and provide step-by-step examples to illustrate the concepts.

Understanding Linked Lists

Before we dive into splitting linked lists, let's briefly review the structure of a linked list.

Singly Linked List

A linked list consists of nodes, where each node contains two key components: data and a pointer (or reference) to the next node in the sequence. The first node is known as the head, and the last node's pointer points to null (indicating the end of the list).

Splitting Techniques

There are several techniques for splitting a linked list into parts. Here are some popular approaches:

  1. Splitting into Equal Parts

This method aims to divide the linked list into equal-sized sub-lists. It involves:

  1. Calculate the number of parts: Determine how many parts you want to split the linked list into (let's call this 'n').
  2. Calculate the size of each part: Divide the total number of nodes in the linked list by 'n' to get the approximate size of each part. If the size is not an integer, round it up or down based on your requirements.
  3. Iterate and split: Iterate through the linked list, creating new sub-lists and adjusting pointers as you traverse the original list. For each part, you would traverse a specified number of nodes and connect the last node of each part to the head of the next part.

Example: Split a linked list into two equal parts. Splitting into Two Equal Parts

Code Example (Python):

class Node:
  def __init__(self, data):
    self.data = data
    self.next = None

def split_linked_list_into_equal_parts(head, parts):
  if not head or parts &lt;= 1:
    return [head]

  # Calculate the size of each part
  size = len(linked_list) // parts

  # Initialize the heads of the sub-lists
  sub_lists = [None] * parts

  # Iterate and split the list
  current = head
  for i in range(parts):
    sub_lists[i] = current
    for j in range(size - 1):
      current = current.next

    # Connect the last node of the current part to the head of the next part
    if i &lt; parts - 1:
      next_head = current.next
      current.next = None
      current = next_head

  return sub_lists

  1. Splitting into Parts Based on Value

This method splits the linked list into parts based on a specific value or condition. It involves:

  1. Specify the splitting condition: Define the value or condition that will be used to split the linked list.
  2. Iterate and split: Traverse the linked list, creating new sub-lists whenever the splitting condition is met. For each new sub-list, you would start at the node after the condition is met.

Example: Split a linked list into parts based on the value '5'. Splitting Based on Value

Code Example (Python):

class Node:
  def __init__(self, data):
    self.data = data
    self.next = None

def split_linked_list_by_value(head, value):
  if not head:
    return [head]

  sub_lists = []
  current = head
  temp = None
  while current:
    # If the current node's data matches the value, create a new sub-list
    if current.data == value:
      temp = current.next
      # If the previous node is None, set the head of the current sub-list to the current node
      if temp is None:
        temp = current
      # Connect the previous node to the current node
        temp.next = current
        temp = current

    current = current.next

  # Add the last sub-list

  return sub_lists

  1. Splitting at Specific Indices

This technique splits the linked list at predetermined indices. It involves:

  1. Specify the indices: Define the indices where you want to split the linked list.
  2. Iterate and split: Traverse the linked list and create new sub-lists at the specified indices. You would adjust the pointers of the nodes to create the split points.

Example: Split a linked list at indices 2 and 5. Splitting at Indices

Code Example (Python):

class Node:
  def __init__(self, data):
    self.data = data
    self.next = None

def split_linked_list_at_indices(head, indices):
  if not head or not indices:
    return [head]

  sub_lists = []
  current = head
  prev = None
  index = 0

  # Iterate through the list and split at the specified indices
  while current:
    if index in indices:
      if prev:
        prev.next = None
      prev = current
      prev = current

    current = current.next
    index += 1

  # Add the last sub-list

  return sub_lists


Splitting a linked list into parts is a fundamental operation with various applications. We explored three common techniques for splitting linked lists: splitting into equal parts, splitting based on value, and splitting at specific indices. Each approach provides flexibility and enables you to adapt the splitting process to your specific needs.

Understanding these techniques and their implementations empowers you to efficiently manage and manipulate linked lists, enhancing the performance and modularity of your data structures and algorithms.

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