ACID Transactions

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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ACID Transactions: Ensuring Data Integrity

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ACID Transactions: Ensuring Data Integrity

In the world of databases, data integrity is paramount. Imagine a scenario where your bank account is debited but the corresponding credit to the recipient's account doesn't happen. This would be a nightmare scenario, leading to financial chaos. This is where ACID transactions come into play. They are the foundation of reliable database operations, guaranteeing that data remains consistent and accurate even amidst multiple simultaneous transactions.

What are ACID Transactions?

ACID is an acronym representing four key properties of database transactions:

Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability

. Each property plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and integrity of data.

ACID Properties

  1. Atomicity

Think of an atom – the smallest unit of an element. In the context of databases, an atomic transaction ensures that a series of operations within a transaction are treated as a single, indivisible unit. If any part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, leaving the database in its original state.

For instance, consider a transfer of funds from one bank account to another. This involves two operations: debiting the source account and crediting the destination account. If the debit operation succeeds but the credit operation fails due to a system error, the transaction should be rolled back, ensuring neither account is in an inconsistent state.

  • Consistency

    Consistency ensures that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another valid state. In other words, the database adheres to defined rules and constraints before and after a transaction. These rules could include data type validation, referential integrity, or business-specific logic.

    Imagine a database table storing customer data with a constraint that the "age" field must be greater than or equal to 18. A transaction updating a customer's age to 15 would violate this constraint and be deemed inconsistent. Consistency ensures this violation doesn't happen, preserving data validity.

  • Isolation

    Isolation guarantees that multiple concurrent transactions happen independently of each other. A transaction shouldn't be affected by other transactions in progress, ensuring data consistency and preventing conflicts. This is achieved through mechanisms like locking, where transactions acquire locks on data resources, preventing other transactions from modifying the same data until the lock is released.

    Consider two users trying to purchase the same item in an online store. Without isolation, one user might see the item available, but before completing the purchase, the other user could buy it first. This leads to inconsistent results. Isolation prevents this by ensuring each user's transaction is isolated, ensuring each user either gets the item or sees it as unavailable.

  • Durability

    Durability ensures that once a transaction is successfully completed, the changes are permanently stored in the database. Even if the system crashes or encounters errors, the changes are not lost. This is achieved through mechanisms like logging, where the transaction's changes are written to a persistent log file before being applied to the database. If a failure occurs, the changes can be replayed from the log file, ensuring durability.

    Techniques and Tools for ACID Transactions

    Various techniques and tools are employed to ensure ACID properties in databases. Some of the most common include:

  • Locking

    Locking is a widely used technique to achieve isolation. There are two main types of locks:

    • Shared locks: Allow multiple transactions to read the same data simultaneously.
    • Exclusive locks: Only allow one transaction to access data for writing, preventing concurrent modifications.

    Locking mechanisms help prevent data inconsistency by ensuring that transactions operating on the same data don't interfere with each other.

  • Logging

    Logging is crucial for achieving durability. When a transaction begins, its changes are written to a log file, called a transaction log. If a transaction commits successfully, the changes are applied to the database and marked as durable in the log. If a crash occurs, the log file can be used to replay uncommitted changes, ensuring the database reflects the committed transactions.

  • Two-Phase Commit (2PC)

    2PC is a protocol used for coordinating transactions across multiple databases or systems. It ensures that all participating systems agree to commit or rollback a transaction, ensuring atomicity across distributed environments.

    2PC involves two phases:

    • Prepare phase: Each participating system prepares for the transaction by writing changes to its own log but doesn't commit them yet. This ensures all systems are ready to commit together.
    • Commit phase: If all systems successfully reach the prepare phase, they commit their changes. If any system fails during the prepare phase, all systems roll back their changes.

  • Concurrency Control

    Concurrency control techniques manage access to data by multiple concurrent transactions, preventing conflicts and ensuring data consistency. Common concurrency control techniques include:

    • Optimistic locking: Assumes conflicts are rare and only checks for conflicts when a transaction commits. If conflicts arise, the transaction is rolled back.
    • Pessimistic locking: Assumes conflicts are frequent and acquires locks on data before accessing it, preventing other transactions from interfering.
    • Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC): Provides different versions of data for different transactions, allowing multiple transactions to access and modify data concurrently without interfering with each other.

    Example: Implementing ACID Transactions in SQL

    Let's illustrate the ACID properties using a simple SQL example. Consider a database table named "accounts" with fields "account_id", "balance", and "customer_id".

    CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    balance DECIMAL(10,2),
    customer_id INT

    Now, let's simulate a bank transfer transaction using SQL's transaction control statements:

  • -- Debit source account
    UPDATE accounts
    SET balance = balance - 100
    WHERE account_id = 1;

    -- Credit destination account
    UPDATE accounts
    SET balance = balance + 100
    WHERE account_id = 2;


    This SQL code snippet demonstrates the ACID properties in action:

    • Atomicity:

      If any of the UPDATE statements fail, the entire transaction will be rolled back, leaving the database in its original state.

    • Consistency:

      The transaction maintains the database consistency by ensuring the total balance remains unchanged after the transfer.

    • Isolation:

      If other transactions are running concurrently, they won't interfere with this transfer, thanks to locking mechanisms used by the database engine.

    • Durability:

      Once the COMMIT TRANSACTION statement is executed, the changes are permanently stored, even in the event of a system failure.


    ACID transactions are the cornerstone of data integrity and reliability in databases. They ensure that data remains consistent and accurate even when multiple transactions occur concurrently. Understanding and applying ACID principles is crucial for building robust and reliable database applications. By implementing techniques like locking, logging, and concurrency control, developers can ensure that their data is protected from inconsistencies and data loss, fostering trust and stability in database systems.

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